La validez de las encuestas electorales
Palabras clave:
Ciencias sociales, Survey, Análisis cuantitativo, Estudios de Opinión, Encuestas sociales, Sondeos electorales, Diagnósticos Socioeconómicos, Polls, Calidad de VidaResumen
En pocos países del mundo se ha trabajado un verdadero marketing: político; se ha visto mayor acción acerca del electoral, por razones que podríamos considerar entendibles hasta mágicas, pero que no justifican la casi que inexistencia de actividades de 'un mercadeo que-desarrolle -y mantenga viva la "llama" que debe sostener el servicio público.
The political marketing has not worked in Colombia except in the elections. Have been many discussions about the application of the marketing in the political activities. Many a favor, but not few contradictors. Nevertheless, it is necessary to affirm that everything depends on the optics with which it is watched. If the fundamentals approaches are considered, it could say that do not accept you practice them of marketing applied to the political problems are right. But, if it analyzes the founding of the marketing, as it must be, is understood with clarity the effectiveness than one becomes, like in all the fields.