Palabras clave:
Ciencias sociales, Survey, Análisis cuantitativo, Estudios de Opinión, Encuestas sociales, Sondeos electorales, Polls, Diagnósticos Socioeconómicos, Calidad de VidaResumen
Resumen. Esta autobiografía es un bosquejo del ensayo "El desarrollo del subdesarrollo: notas en honor de André Gunder Frank, editado por Sing Chew and Robert Denemark, publicado por [Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications 1996, 427 pp. ISBN 0-8039-7261-X [paperback].
Abstract. This autobio/bibliographical essay is a draft of chapter 2 of the 18 chapter festschrift THE UNDERDEVELOPMENT OF DEVELOPMENT: ESSAYS IN HONOUR OF ANDRE GUNDER FRANK. The edited published version also has an additional introductory paragraph outlining the 'history' of this essay, which was first writen in 1990 and published in 1991, but revised in two ways for the 1996 book: The original was shortened by about one half by the editors, but it was also brought up to date [1995] by the author.