URL DOI: http://doi.org/10.17533/udea.efyd.v35n2a01
Éder Peña Quimbaya1
1Doctor en Ciencias de la Motricidad Humana por la Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación (Chile).
Profesor Universidad de Caldas, Grupo de investigación Promoción de la Salud y Prevención de la Enfermedad (Manizales - Colombia).
Peña, Éder (2016). Editorial. Pensar las actividades física en la naturaleza. Educación Física y Deporte, 35 (2), 289-293, Jul.-Dic. http://doi.org/10.17533/udea.efyd.v35n2a01 |
When deciding to promote a dossier on "Physical Activities carried out in nature", university professors from Latin America and Spain were invited to write about a trend that in Colombia is proposed from the academic sectors of tourism or sports. The orography allows different corporal expressions that link leisure, tourism, adventure, physical activity or sport, performed individually, in groups or by sports and recreational associations.
KEYWORDS: Physical activity, nature, leisure, orography.
Al decidir impulsar un dossier sobre “Actividades Físicas realizadas en la naturaleza”, se convocó a docentes universitarios de América Latina y de España a escribir sobre una tendencia que en Colombia se propone desde los sectores académicos del turismo o el deporte. La orografía permite realizar diferentes manifestaciones corporales que vinculan el ocio, el turismo, la aventura, la actividad física o el deporte, realizadas de forma individual, en grupos o por asociaciones deportivas y recreativas.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Actividad física, Naturaleza, Ocio.
Ao decidir impulsionar um dossier sobre "Atividades Físicas realizadas na natureza", convocou-se a docentes universitários de América Latina e de Espanha a escrever sobre uma tendência que em Colômbia se propõe desde os setores acadêmicos do turismo ou o desporto. A orografia permite realizar diferentes manifestações corporais que vinculam o lazer, o turismo, a aventura, a atividade física ou o desporto, realizadas de forma individual, em grupos ou por associações esportivas e recreativas.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Atividade física, Natureza, Lazer.
It is striking that in Colombia few university institutions, with programs in physical education, recreation, sports and related areas, integrate into their curricula an academic subject that reflects on the concept of physical activities carried out in nature and, at the same time, executes the procedures for their practices.
At present, the people who inhabit the global city, meaning, who are located on a major scale alpha or adequacy on a basic scale (according to the index of global cities by Globalization and World Cities Research Network, GaWC, 2010), interact with factors such as sedentary lifestyle and industrialized life, the city is a place of production of externalities and transfers of value with monetary compensation (Giraldo, F., & Viviescas, F., 1996) depending on the subjective concept of city. Limited time and scarce scenarios for recreation and contact with nature, affect people (tourists or athletes) and their desire for weekends or holidays, to perform activities that bring the oikos closer as that lost home of Being /Nature.
The physical activities that a tourist or athlete performs can be in constant interaction with the different environmental systems that they inhabit or can transit, whether to offer a use in daily or work life, for leisure and free time; they have a chance to be educated and can be implemented through sports.
Physical activities in nature have increased in practice (Gómez, 1992), due to factors such as: new ways of spending holidays, the search for new sensations and emotions, the reactivation of some disadvantaged areas, a trend within physical activities, new lifestyles; which makes them a phenomenon that spreads quickly and according to the environmental context demand large investments, technical endowments and risk control, among others.
Considering all these aspects, it is necessary to comprehend that physical activities into the nature can be analyzed from two concepts. First as a social practice (meeting or event) in which are identified the connection established between the practicing and the nature. Into this relationship the main aspect is the usage and the function (leisure, free time, recreational, sport or physical sport) Second the educative focus in which the la interaction with the nature is related to the learning process.
Therefore, it is necessary to understand that physical activities in nature can be seen from two approaches: the first one as a social practice (encounter or event), in which the relations that the practitioner establishes with nature are identified, and usefulness and function (leisure, free time, recreation, sport or physical effort) prevail; and the second approach, the educational one in which the interaction is learning with/in nature.
This dossier gathers five articles that make it possible to identify the concepts and uses of physical activities in a natural environment. One of the discussions addressed in this special issue is the question of adventure sports and whether they can be considered or not an ecological practice, this problem is exposed in two experiences, one in Brazil and another in Spain. Another approach presented in the dossier analyzes the recommendations of public health institutions, the relationship between leisure, and the environment as a fundamental condition for living different activities, in this case in the state park of Utinga in Brazil. The recognition of risks, whether technical, physical, environmental and psychological are necessary to think before acting in the environment. In this sense, the practices to guide in extreme conditions of cold and altitude, allow to analyze the characteristics of physical activity in guides of a natural national park in Colombia.
This dossier is proposed as a provocation to reflect on the importance of thinking about physical activities in nature, from the theoretical understanding of the concept and practical procedures so that activities are safe, well-being and, in addition, responsible with the natural environment that is visited in each practice, be it a natural national park, an interaction on a beach or in the mountains.
1. Globalization and World Cities Study Group and Network (GaWC) (2010). The World According to GaWC 2008. Loughborough University, Consultado el 23 de abril de 2018.
2. Giraldo, F. y viviescas, F. (compiladores) (1996). Pensar la ciudad. Bogotá: Tercer Mundo Editores, Cenac y Fedevivienda.
3. Gómez, A. (2005). Actas del Congreso Mundial de Medio Ambiente. Barcelona.. En: Carrasco D. Actividades en el medio natural. Barcelona: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
Recibido: 2016-04-28
Aprobado: 2016-09-30