Can there be epistemic justice without a common place? (Towards a reconceptualizacion of the public space and social relations)




public space, epistemic injustice, consensus, exclusion, oppression


In this manuscript, I claim that the search for justice implies a complete reconfiguration of public space and a (radical) transformation of our social relations. I will argue through a negative path, i.e. starting from the comprehension of the experience of injustice. I will focus on the case of epistemic injustice since it illustrates how the unjustified harm it produces is originated in the structure of social relations. To reach my goal, I will attempt to bring into dialogue two different philosophical debates —that which deals with the notion of the public space and that which discusses epistemic injustice—. This will help me show that epistemology has a fundamental and profound political dimension which needs to be addressed to find better avenues to search for and reach (epistemic and otherwise) justice. My main contention is that the possibility of constructing a functional public space depends on recognizing the confrontational character of politics and on not trying to erase the differences that make up society, nor trying to undo them under the idea of a (rational) consensus.

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Author Biography

Ángeles Eraña, Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas, UNAM

es doctora en Filosofía por la UNAM e investigadora de tiempo completo del Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas. Sus áreas de interés y trabajo son la epistemología y la metafísica social, aunque también ha trabajado temas de filosofía de la mente y ciencias cognitivas, además de temas vinculados con la filosofía de las ciencias sociales. Ha publicado diversos artículos en revistas especializadas de filosofía y el libro De un mundo que hila personas (o de la falsedad de la paradoja individuo/sociedad) publicado en 2021.



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How to Cite

Eraña, Ángeles. (2022). Can there be epistemic justice without a common place? (Towards a reconceptualizacion of the public space and social relations). Estudios De Filosofía, (66), 9–31.