L’imaginaire and the Sartrean discovery





image, metaphysics, Sartre, negativity, dualism


From the first books published by Jean-Paul Sartre, it is possible to observe the criticism that the French author makes to the Western metaphysical tradition, directed specifically at philosophers of modernity. For example, L'imagination and L'Imaginaire are two texts dedicated to questioning “the great metaphysical systems”. Furthermore, in these early investigations, Sartre discovers a principle that would allow him to elabo- rate his work Being and nothingness. What is this principle? The main objective of this essay is to determine this principle and its importance in the elaboration of Being and nothingness. In order to achieve this purpose, I will analyze Sartre's criticism of modern philosophers (Descartes and Hume) and his proposal to overcome what Sartre himself calls: the “naive metaphysics of the image” (1978, p. 9), which is nothing more than the fact of reifying the image.

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Author Biography

Arturo Alberto Cardozo Beltran, Universidad del Atlantico

es Magíster en filosofía (2018) por la Universidad del Norte. Actualmente adelanta estudios doctorales en la Universidad de Antioquia, con una investigación titulada “Del Dasein a la conciencia: un salto de la analítica existencial heideggeriana al existencialismo sartreano”. Profesor de la Universidad del Atlántico (Barranquilla-Colombia), miembro del grupo de investigación Cronotopías (Universidad del Atlántico)


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How to Cite

Cardozo Beltran, A. A. (2022). L’imaginaire and the Sartrean discovery. Estudios De Filosofía, (67), 149–165. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.ef.349802