Expomotricidad https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad <p>&nbsp;</p> <ul> <li class="show"><strong>ISSN electrónico:</strong> 2463-1957</li> <li class="show"><strong>Periodicidad:</strong> Bianual</li> <li class="show"><strong>Creative Commons:</strong> <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/co/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">by-nc-sa</a></li> </ul> Universidad de Antioquia es-ES Expomotricidad 2463-1957 Effect of isometric resistance training at different intensities on blood pressure: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/359414 <p>There are currently 1.28 billion adults with hypertension worldwide, the majority (two-thirds) living in low- and middle-income countries (World Health Organization, 2021). Isometric resistance training (IRT) generates antihypertensive benefits in this population (Baffour-Awuah, Pearson, Dieberg, &amp; Smart, 2023; Baffour-Awuah, Pearson, Dieberg, Wiles et al., 2023; Hansford et al., 2021; Loaiza-Betancur et al., 2020; Loaiza-Betancur &amp; Chulvi-Medrano, 2020). No systematic review has compared the effectiveness and safety of different intensities of IRT in adults. Therefore, we aimed to identify, evaluate, and synthesize the benefits and harms of IRT at different intensities on blood pressure in normal, prehypertensive, and hypertensive adults.</p> <p>This systematic review followed the recommendations of the PRISMA statement (Page et al., 2021) and has been registered in PROSPERO (CRD42019132393). We searched MEDLINE, Embase, CENTRAL, CINHAL, clinical trial registries, and gray literature repositories from their inception to September 3, 2023. We included randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in normal, normal to high blood pressure, and high blood pressure adults comparing different intensities of IRT on blood pressure and adverse events. Two reviewers independently performed title, abstract, and full-text screening, data extraction, assessment of the risk of bias, and the certainty of the evidence.</p> <p>This systematic review included 12 RCTs (n = 467) (Baross et al., 2012; Carlson, 2017; Carlson et al., 2016; Decaux et al., 2022; Gill et al., 2015; Gregory, n.d.; Hess et al., 2016; Javidi et al., 2022; Kharva &amp; Thakar, 2023; Pagonas et al., 2017; Seidel et al., 2021; Wiles et al., 2010). The RCTs had a high risk of selection and attrition bias. Three intensities of IST (very low intensity, low intensity, and high intensity) were compared. Very low certainty of evidence showed that compared with high intensity, IRT at low intensity significantly but not clinically important may reduce SBP (MD -6.82 mm Hg, 95% CI -10.96 to -2.69, I<sup>2</sup> = 32% (Javidi et al., 2022; Kharva &amp; Thakar, 2023) and MAP (MD -4.3 mm Hg, 95% CI -7.11 to -1.49, I<sup>2</sup>= NA (Javidi et al., 2022). No significant differences were found in any other comparisons and subgroup analyses. No adverse events were reported by the studies.</p> <p>Very low-quality evidence reports no differences between IRT intensities on reductions in blood pressure in normal, normal to high blood pressure, and high blood pressure adults. Our confidence in this body of evidence was limited due to small studies with methodological problems. Finally, the true effect is likely substantially different from those found in this research.</p> Andrés Felipe Loaiza-Betancur Lisette Ethel Iglesias-González Víctor Díaz-López Copyright (c) 2024 Andrés Felipe Loaiza-Betancur, Lisette Ethel Iglesias González, Víctor Díaz-López https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 2024 Effects of strength training on quality of life and perceived well-being in older people: a mixed study https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/359280 <p>Regular physical activity is essential for healthy aging because it helps prevent chronic disease and improves physical and mental well-being. Several studies have shown that exercise programs for older adults improve functional fitness, gait, and muscle strength. They also lower body mass index and reduce the incidence of mental health conditions such as depression and dementia, contributing to improved quality of life and overall well-being. This study evaluated the effect of strength training on the quality of life and perception of well-being of older people living in a district in Bogotá. A mixed sequential explanatory design study was conducted with 30 women between the ages of 60 and 80. Participants completed an eight-week resistance training program with three weekly sessions of one hour each. The SF-36 health questionnaire was used to assess quality of life, and the focus group technique was used to assess perceptions of well-being. The results showed increased scores in all eight dimensions of quality of life: physical function, physical role, physical pain, general health, vitality, social function, emotional role, and mental health. Regarding perceived well-being, two theoretical categories were identified: emotional well-being and functional status related to quality of life. Participants reported improvements in autonomy, self-perception, motivation, spirituality, emotionality, and psychosocial learning. They also perceived improvements in their health and interactions with peers and family, and felt more included in their daily activities. In conclusion, strength training improves health-related quality of life and overall well-being in older adults. An outstanding result of this research was the implementation of a permanent physical activity program in the community, led by interns from the Bachelor of Physical Education program at the Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios. This program not only strengthens the social projection of the university, but also contributes to the human development of the surrounding communities</p> Ingrid Julieth Sánchez Roa Javier Leonardo Reina Monroy Copyright (c) 2024 Ingrid Julieth Sánchez Roa, Javier Leonardo Reina Monroy https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 2024 Barriers to physical activity among older adults in "Centros Día" in a Colombian City https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358668 <p>There is increasing interest in studying and intervening in different aspects of ageing to maintain and improve people's functioning. As people age, their relationship with the environment can be affected for various reasons, such as physical deterioration, lack of physical activity, difficulties in moving due to the characteristics of the environment (home, neighborhood, or city) and loss of social relationships. The aim of this work is to identify the barriers of the neighborhood environment that hinder physical activity among older adults in "Centros Día" in a municipality of Colombia. For this purpose, a quantitative, observational, prospective, cross-sectional, and descriptive study was designed with the participation of older adults between 60 and 89 years of age, residents of an urban area. A total of 132 older adult users of the municipal "Centros Día" participated, considering the characteristics of the neighborhood. Data were collected through a structured interview, the IMIAS questionnaire and the Leganés cognitive test. The results show that the highest percentage (52.3%) is in the age group of 66-79 years. The majority are women, married and widowed, with primary education and an income of the legal minimum wage. The value of the chi-square statistic is 323.868 and the significance is 0.000 for obstacles to walking on uneven sidewalks and in safe and easily accessible parks. Public transportation does not meet the needs of the elderly. Public transportation is not adapted to the needs of the elderly. Littering and drinking on the street and in public places is a serious problem. The results of local and international studies confirmed that low educational level is a long-term risk and dependency factor, and that low economic income makes it difficult to move around different spaces, limits access to public transportation and reduces the frequency with which one can go shopping or engage in other leisure activities. The lack of parking and public transportation for people with disabilities affects their mobility in daily life. Public transportation does not meet the quality and safety standards of the facilities, and neighborhood problems affect social gatherings of family, friends, and formal organizations.</p> Eder Peña Quimbaya Brandon Morales Osorio Copyright (c) 2024 Eder Peña Quimbaya, Brandon Morales Osorio https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 2024 Effects of two strength training periodization models on gait kinematic variables in the elderly https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358612 <p>The relationship between strength training and gait quality in older adults has been well documented in the literature. This study compares the effects of two strength training periodization models on gait kinematic variables in older adults. Thirty-six older adults (age 68.9 ± 5.8 years, mass 71.7 ± 7.51 kg, height 155.2 ± 4.7 cm), randomized into a reverse wave periodization group (GPIO n=20) and a linear periodization group (GPL; n=16), participated in a 20-week training program with a training frequency of three days (two for muscular training and the third for locomotor training), with the training load being the same for both groups. Reverse periodization began with high intensity and low volume loads and, as training progressed, decreased intensity and increased volume. The second periodization was progressive training. Two pretest and posttest evaluations were performed. To assess the spatiotemporal variables of gait, participants walked a distance of 7 m. Five attempts were made at the preferred speed and another five at maximum speed, with the central stride being analyzed. To acquire the spatiotemporal gait variables, a GAITRite ® electronic carpet was used, and step length (SL) and stride length (STL), step and stride time, percentage of simple and double support, step speed and stride were analyzed. A MANOVA was performed as statistical analysis. For preferred speed, a main effect of the group is indicated for sl p=0.05, stl p=0.04, sv p=0.05 and for stv p=0.03. For maximum speed, the result indicates significant interactions for the speed variables cp (p=0.02) and vp (p=0.01). The results indicate a positive effect of strength training on gait in physically healthy elderly, as has been demonstrated in other studies. They also highlight the importance of combining strength training with locomotion training, indicating that transfer of training could increase the utilization of neuromuscular gains in the control of motor tasks, such as gait. In conclusion, reverse periodization appears to be more effective in maintaining gait parameters in physically active older people.</p> Diego Alejandro Rojas Jaimes Adriana Marcela Fernández Herrera Heiler Stiben Giraldo Carrillo Copyright (c) 2024 Diego Alejandro Rojas Jaimes, Adriana Marcela Fernandez Herrera, Heiler Stiben Giraldo Carrillo https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 2024 Professors' beliefs in the formation of Physical Education students https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/359922 <p>This project is associated with a concern of the curriculum committee of the University Institute of Physical Education and Sports (IUEFD) of the Universidad de Antioquia, which seeks to provide research support to the curriculum through the macroproject “A participatory curriculum with social, historical and cultural relevance for the training of professionals in the field at the IUEFD”. The objective was to understand the beliefs that support the discourses and practices of the faculty that train future physical education and sport professionals at this university institution. For this purpose, a qualitative study with a historical-hermeneutic approach was designed. The results of this work should allow understanding and interpreting the discourses and hegemonic beliefs of the university teachers of the institution, in terms of social, historical, cultural, institutional, pedagogical, disciplinary and professional aspects.</p> José Albeiro Echeverri Ramos Copyright (c) 2024 José Albeiro Echeverri Ramos https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 2024 Center for Olympic Studies: A meaningful experience in university sports education https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/359182 <p>The Center for Olympic Studies of the Institución Universitaria ‘Escuela Nacional del Deporte’ (Colombia) has established itself as a benchmark in university education, especially in the field of sports. This article analyzes a significant experience in which the Center played a crucial role in integrating Olympic and sporting values into the institution's curriculum, thus responding to the need to train qualified professionals committed to the Olympic spirit and promoting sport as an educational and personal development tool. The initiative was designed according to the guidelines of the International Olympic Committee and the Spanish ‘Academia Olímpica’, taking into account elements related to teaching, research and social projection of the institution, so that a work plan was configured in several phases. The overall experience was positive. Students demonstrated a greater knowledge and appreciation of Olympic values, in addition to improving their practical and theoretical skills related to sport and physical education. Among its advantages are the strengthening of teamwork, professional ethics and social commitment. However, some limitations have been identified, such as the need for more material resources and the difficulty of maintaining the attention of all students. Expanding collaboration with sports institutions and incorporating innovative educational technologies are suggested as possible solutions. In conclusion, the integration of the Center into university education has proven to be a very enriching experience with great impact in the fields of sport and education. Expanding the program to other universities and creating international collaborative networks are future lines of development. The transferability of this experience is high so that other educational institutions can replicate and adapt this successful model to promote holistic education through sport and Olympic values.</p> Ricardo Rengifo Cruz Diego Fernando Orejuela Aristizábal Libardo Córdoba Rentería Sandra Parra Rodrigo Bravo Carlos Quiroz Mora Julián Acosta Santibañez Copyright (c) 2024 Ricardo Rengifo Cruz, Diego Fernando Orejuela Aristizábal, Libardo Córdoba Rentería, Sandra Parra, Rodrigo Bravo, Carlos Quiroz Mora, Julián Acosta Santibáñez https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 2024 Interculturenatural self-determined education: socio-political power for the native peoples in Cauca, Colombia https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/359188 <p>Self-determined education is part of the native peoples of Cauca, Colombia, as it implies a socio-political commitment to recover their languages and cultures, to promote the recognition and appreciation of cultural and linguistic diversity, and to position their existence rooted in Mother Earth. Self-determined <em>Jxikaisawe´sx Fizewa</em> (interculturenatural) education is strengthened through the Intercultural Bilingual Education Program (PEBI), in which the ten peoples that currently make up the Regional Indigenous Council of Cauca (CRIC) participate. From there, multiple processes of resistance articulated around political principles such as unity, territory, culture and autonomy are intertwined in their platform of social struggle for lands and communities constituted as intercultural and decolonial entanglements to free themselves from the evangelizing, racist and civilizing education that sustains modernity/coloniality. Self-determined education begins in the womb of the maternal lagoon and spirals throughout life until it reaches another space. Therefore, there is no line that divides education by stages, but it extends to university education at the Universidad Autónoma Indígena Intercultural, where the culture's own themes are professionalized and life projects are strengthened, in which multiple harmonious practices are interwoven, inspired by spirituality and Mother Earth in every space and time. This work is the result of the analysis of these educational, political and social frameworks. Methodologically, it was based on <em>Úus kipx tandxi'na</em> (spiral research), which is the way of thinking about life of the Nasa people, who understand time as a spiral linked to different dimensions of existence. We walked and talked around the <em>tulpa</em> (bonfire) and other community spaces with elders, educational facilitators, and the community of the Council's ten villages, harmonizing the word with our own <em>yú beka</em> (distilled sugarcane liquor) to bring out the wisdom of the ancestors. Finally, the program continues and strengthens its own education as a project of political and social resistance that restores ancestral knowledge and intertwines the education of the Council's native peoples.</p> Arnulfo Hurtado Cerón Copyright (c) 2024 Arnulfo Hurtado Cerón https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 2024 Impact of the internships in the introductory level of the Bachelor's Degree in Physical Education in a Colombian University https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/359193 <p>Pedagogical internships at the undergraduate level of teacher education are fundamental to having a broad vision of the implications of one's professional practice. Several authors affirm that pedagogical internships are a process of self-reflection that leads to didactic conceptualization, research and experimentation, and constitute a learning scenario that allows the future educator to develop pedagogical, didactic and disciplinary competencies. The objective of this work was to analyze the impact of the internships in the introductory level of the Bachelor's degree in Physical Education at the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional in Colombia, identifying the main scenarios and epistemological and disciplinary realities of physical education as a fact and social practice. A structured interview with the coordinators of the introductory semesters between 2016 and 2023 was used as an instrument. A critical analysis of the discourse and a documentary review of the issues of the journal <em>Mundo Corporal</em>, produced in this stage of the career, were carried out. Pedagogical internship with a social sense in physical education addresses other aspects of students' lives besides school, such as personal history, family, neighborhood, park, market, tourist and interesting places, and the rural environment.</p> Diego Fernando Villamizar Gómez Lina Rocío Egea Borda Copyright (c) 2024 Diego Fernando Villamizar Gómez, Lina Rocío Egea Borda https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 2024 Influence of neoliberalism on physical education teachers training in Colombia 1990-2000 https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/359254 <p>In Colombia during the last decade of the twentieth century, educational policymakers introduced neoliberal discourses that had a significant impact on curriculum design, pedagogical practices, and dominant university discourses. This led to a reorientation of physical education towards a more individualistic and utilitarian approach, breaking with previous conceptions that prioritized integral education and changing the educational context. The aim of this article was to analyze the influence of neoliberalism on the discursive and pedagogical practices of Colombian physical education teachers trained between 1990 and 2000. To analyze the discourses, we used: (1) Foucauldian archaeology to determine the rules of formation of these discourses, and (2) Foucauldian genealogy to analyze the ways in which the relations of forces are configured, as well as the strategies of power present in the bodily and discursive practices of the subjects. To collect the information, interviews were conducted and the speeches of the institutional documents of the time were analyzed. Discursive practices are the ways people use language in different social contexts and situations to construct meanings, relationships, and power. These practices include the use of words and phrases, gestures, silences, tone of voice, and other nonverbal elements that are part of discourse. Discursive practices are influenced by cultural, historical, political, and economic factors and can vary according to the social position and power of the speakers. Moreover, discursive practices are not only a matter of communication between individuals, but are also related to the construction of collective identities and the formation of broader discourses in society.</p> Pedro Nel Urrea Roa Copyright (c) 2024 Pedro Nel Urrea Roa https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 2024 Bodies on the edge: Queer pedagogy as an emerging pedagogy in the field of physical education from a playful point of view https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/359399 <p>The purpose of this article is to reflect on physical education from the point of view of queer pedagogy based on playfulness. The paradigm is hermeneutic and the method is content analysis. The queer is that which does not fit into our traditional categorical matrices and ends up being located in marginal places. The queer questions the modern discourse of childhood. Categories such as normalization parameterize childhood through exclusionary social policies, the pathologization of certain ways of being a boy or a girl, the conception of theories of child development, pedagogical practices of a disciplinary and vigilant nature, and processes of subjectivation that are oriented towards the heterosexual and reproductive. In education, there are gender structures that can be challenged by exploring the possibilities of the body, although Physical Education teachers do not usually do this, nor do they encourage their students to do so. What is playful about experiencing the body as something unfinished, beyond biological principles, as something to which meaning can be constructed? Perhaps what is abnormal is not a homosexual or transvestite body, but a body that dares to design itself? For Duvignaud (1997), for example, sensuality between lovers, the play of bodies without reproductive purpose, is related to the ludic. Play is an act of substitution. Thinking about the game from a queer perspective brings us closer to the figure of the spoiler, someone who distances himself from the typical game and proposes another game with different rules. Huizinga (2007) had already described the killjoy, or game spoiler, as something different from the cheater, even worse: he breaks the rules. The killjoy is also associated with the heretic, the member of a secret society, the revolutionary or the outlaw, and all share a high degree of playfulness. In the search for backgrounds or experiences, we find that there are currently queer video games. These games give you the opportunity to lose yourself in new experiences and narratives that go beyond our everyday lives, beyond our assigned selves.</p> Andrés Felipe Correa Castaño Nora Elena López López Copyright (c) 2024 Andrés Felipe Correa Castaño, Nora Elena López López https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 2024 Educational Geopolitics: the concept of power in university sports education https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/359180 <p>Geopolitics, defined as the study of power relations and the influence of geographic factors on world politics, has gained critical importance in the field of education in the 21st century. Thus, global interconnectedness and geopolitical changes have a significant impact on education policies and the way education is delivered in different parts of the world. Therefore, starting from the concept of power and how it is intertwined with various social institutions and discursive practices to regulate and control the bodies and minds of individuals, the aim of this paper was to analyze the dominant and emerging practices and relations that influence the configuration of education in sport, as well as the implications of these influences in terms of access, quality and relevance of education. This scholarly review takes a critical approach based on the ‘genealogy of power’, which allows us to recognize power relations in contemporary society and to question the ways in which they are exercised and maintained through subtle and normalizing mechanisms. As a result, we expect to promote critical reflection at the university level on the intersection of geopolitics, power, sport and education, and to identify challenges and opportunities for more equitable and sustainable development in this area.</p> Ricardo Rengifo Cruz Copyright (c) 2024 Ricardo Rengifo Cruz https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 2024 A comprehensive pedagogical approach to communities of practice for the education of health and physical education professionals https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/359185 <p>Communities of Practice (CoP) are groups of people who share a genuine interest in solving practical problems and who come together to learn, share knowledge, and improve their practices. The goal of this work was to support the relevance of communities of practice in the education of health and physical education professionals. To this end, a desk review of communities of practice, their implementation, and their benefits in the education of health and physical education professionals was conducted. The results show at least four positive aspects of CoPs: (1) development of professional technical, clinical and pedagogical competencies through interaction and exchange of experiences; (2) collaborative learning where members can share knowledge, solve problems and generate new ideas; (3) theoretical-practical integration to solve problems in real contexts for which there is not always enough theory; and (4) emotional and professional support for members who can share challenges and receive constructive feedback, contributing to resilience and professional well-being. A constructivist pedagogical perspective emphasizes the importance of learning through social interaction and the active construction of knowledge. Thus, CoPs would make learning more effective if it took place in real, practical contexts. Participation in a CoP allows professionals to acquire new knowledge, reflect critically, analyze their practice, discuss mistakes and successes, and develop a deeper understanding of their own competencies and areas for improvement in order to adapt to the changing demands of the professional environment. In conclusion, by combining theory and practice, CoPs create a situated learning environment that can significantly contribute to the development of more qualified professionals prepared to meet the specific challenges of health and physical education.</p> Teresita Alzate-Yepes Copyright (c) 2024 Teresita Alzate-Yepes https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 2024 Autobiography and bodily practices in teacher training to a culture of peace https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/359191 <p>A research group of the Instituto Universitario de Educación Física y Deporte (Institute of Physical Education and Sports) of the Universidad de Antioquia focused its pedagogical practice on understanding the historical roots of the armed conflict in Colombia and its impact on local communities in order to contribute to the reconstruction of the social fabric through historical knowledge, reflection and critical analysis of being, knowledge, power and teaching. In this sense, the orientation of the programs gives the Institute's interns the opportunity to face educational challenges in contexts of social vulnerability in the Santo Domingo neighborhood of Medellín, to promote a culture of peace and social transformation through physical and aesthetic practices and innovative methodologies. This article describes an experience with three goals: (1) to train interns, teachers, and directors ethically, critically, and politically, emphasizing their role as state officials for peace building in a marginalized community; (2) to strengthen the role of the university in training professionals for areas that are victims of conflict; and (3) to critically analyze the role of interns in the academic-community environment. To this end, an interdisciplinary study was designed that integrated knowledge dialog, pedagogical ethnography, research-action-reflection circles, and the use of art as a training tool. The research was based on the autobiographical account of the student to analyze the main experiences and relationships that underlie the realization of their pedagogical internship of interest, so that narrative inquiry is both method and object of study. The results showed a significant impact on the training of new teachers, focusing on the social, historical and political relevance of educational practices in post-conflict contexts. In addition, social inclusion and community cohesion have been promoted through pedagogical strategies adapted to social needs and a sensitive territorial understanding.</p> Juan Pablo González Cano Copyright (c) 2024 Juan Pablo González Cano https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 2024 Analyzing criteria for training sport and recreation professionals in the Colombian Caribbean https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/359252 <p>Some authors argue that sports professions are experiencing a proliferation of practices and discourses that end up exhausting their identity, definition, specificity or limits in a wide range of interpretations. For this reason, it is important for the Universidad de Córdoba to identify the objectives and criteria for the training of professionals in these fields in the Colombian Caribbean. The objective of this article was to analyze the problem of the great diversity of degrees related to sport, recreation, physical activity and physical education, as well as the lack of regulation of the derived professions and the lack of recognition in the labor market. For this purpose, a qualitative study based on grounded theory was designed. To collect the information, the program educational projects of nine higher education institutions were analyzed and the people who designed them were interviewed. The results show that the objectives and criteria of the programs can be grouped into three categories: (1) pedagogical training, (2) social training, and (3) disciplinary training. The pedagogical training is axiological and contextual, and from it derives a tendency towards the articulation between teaching and research in order to produce knowledge. Social training is oriented towards social transformation from the fields of sport, recreation, physical activity and physical education, without neglecting specific training in each of these disciplines. Finally, disciplinary training focuses on three areas: disciplinary fundamentals, health promotion, and human motor skills training.</p> José Daniel Callejas Díaz Jesús María Pinillos García Carlos Andrés Parra Plaza Copyright (c) 2024 José Daniel Callejas Díaz, Jesús María Pinillos García, Carlos Andrés Parra Plaza https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 2024 Teaching training in platform capitalism and government by algorithm: between task-delegated subjection and resistance https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/360039 <p>We live in an era marked by the overwhelming presence of new communication technologies in almost all areas of social life. The digital revolution, and its intensification during and after the pandemic, has changed some features of our behavior to such an extent that being "online" is practically synonymous with being alive, and digital platforms have become a new social institution that determines new modes of "agency of subjectivity". We should point out that this process is part of a new moment of neoliberal capitalism, known as platform capitalism or surveillance capitalism. The constant urge to stay connected has led to a process of brain function delegation unprecedented in human history. The key point of this process is the "cerebralization" of the subject and its consequent "decorporealization". The liberating promises of generative AI for education are directly related to the mathematization and algorithmic colonization of thought and life. The implications of this process in the field of human training, and especially, though not exclusively, in the training of physical education teachers, are already underway, and we need to think critically in order to identify other possible uses of these technologies that are not guided by "algorithmic governmentality" but by the "inventiveness" and wandering of bodily subjects in relation and in situation.</p> Santiago Pich Copyright (c) 2024 Santiago Pich https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 2024 The body, the care and the educational territory: reflections and experiences of teachers https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/359183 <p>Caring involves a plurality of social factors, unites self-awareness and self-transformation, and achieves self-management for integration into the world. In education, caring must make the person aware of human frailty and lead him or her to freedom. Caring is an ethical and aesthetic concern for one's own life and the lives of others. In the case of teachers, caring arises from their personal and emotional willingness to become more involved with students who need support beyond the academic. Man, on the other hand, as a political animal, creates scenarios for action and expression. In this sense, territory is less extensive than intense: it is a physical and symbolic space, dynamic and relational, where historical-social relations are built through a creative process of desires and affections. A community view of caring raises the question: Are teachers' caring actions connected to each other and to others, or are they isolated and dependent on individual initiative? Therefore, the objective of this study was to understand the conceptions of body care derived from the COVID-19 pandemic among teachers from three Colombian faculties of education through the narratives that shaped their educational territories. Ontological-political hermeneutics was used as a method of analysis and the narrative interview as a data collection tool. In conclusion, according to several authors, the denial of the experience of care, in which people can share a bodily experience, leads to the repression of one's own feelings in extreme situations, makes invisible the decision to set personal limits, and shows how the body itself wants to come into contact with another, becoming a passive recipient of their pain, emotions and hopes.</p> Juan Álvaro Montoya Gutiérrez José Federico Agudelo Torres Catalina María Sepúlveda Zapata Andrés Felipe Correa Castaño Sebastián Restrepo Moncada Copyright (c) 2024 Juan Álvaro Montoya Gutiérrez, José Federico Agudelo Torres, Catalina María Sepúlveda Zapata, Andrés Felipe Correa Castaño, Sebastián Restrepo Moncada https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 2024 "Hiperion": a transmedia experience for educational appropriation in a Colombian University https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/359189 <p>The activities of the Instituto de Educación Física y Deporte (Institute of Physical Education and Sports) of the Universidad de Antioquia on the appropriation of ICT, didactic strategies, pedagogical and technological mediation have led to the transmedia experience "Hiperion", a project financed by the university itself. This work was aimed at implementing an awareness-raising strategy using transmedia narratives to promote the adoption of the Institute's combined educational modalities. The exploratory qualitative study consisted of five phases: desk review, narrative strategy design, application, analysis, and final report. Based on the imaginary universe of "Hiperion", a being from another world, a central story was constructed in which the characters represented teachers and students in different roles: a teacher in a traditional role, a teacher exploring ICT, and a teacher enthusiastic about the use of technology in the teaching-learning process, accompanied by three students. Nine workshops were conducted in different courses of the Bachelor of Physical Education and Sport Training. The participants were divided into heterogeneous groups and randomly received three cards with the characterization of a teacher, a student and an educational modality. Using the cards, each group had to create a story and content (meme, comic, audio, illustration, etc.) that reflected their understanding of pedagogical modalities based on their own experience of integrating ICT in educational processes. It was found that transmedia narratives allow the subjects to identify with the stories, which promotes the linking of their own experiences and strengthens their digital skills for creating content in different formats (visual, audio, text and audiovisual), while developing soft skills such as critical thinking, creativity and teamwork.</p> Maribel Salazar Estrada Josué Álvarez Hernández Mauricio Sepúlveda Arango Copyright (c) 2024 Maribel Salazar Estrada, Josué Álvarez Hernández, Mauricio Sepúlveda Arango https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 2024 Volleyball books: training and social projection tool https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/359217 <p>Writing books as a teaching practice is a powerful tool for personal formation, greatly rewarded by its social projection. The academic writing of books is the result of my career in the world of volleyball in various roles as a player, coach and teacher. However, there are few books about volleyball in the world, written many years ago by mostly European authors. At best, libraries contain outdated rules and little information on the history and technique of sport. Therefore, in the 11 books I have written, I have tried to study, to know, to understand and, above all, to update volleyball, created in 1895, in order to put it at the service of physical education, teacher training and sports performance. As a teacher, I am writing inspired by my interest in university teacher training in physical education, sport and sport science in our Latin American context, and the desire to share my passion for the study of this discipline.</p> Luis Guillermo García García Copyright (c) 2024 Luis Guillermo García García https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 2024 The epistemic spiral in bodily pedagogical practices: the resignification of university training in physical education https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/359256 <p>To write this paper, I'm reflecting on my experience as a physical education teacher at the Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios (Colombia), where I carried out a systematization of the experiences of bodily pedagogical practices that relate the students' bodies to their learning process. This systematization of bodily experience addresses two learning scenarios: pedagogy of the body and pedagogy of movement, whose conceptual axis is corporeality. Both scenarios are available as options for all majors at the university. We all know that our body empowers us, ages, gets sick, changes, and is also exposed to a mechanistic world that considers it a simple machine. From here, my intention was to explore with the students their experiences, feelings, and knowledge of the various practices related to the body through the concepts of corporeality and embodiment, both intrinsic and extrinsic, to understand what it means to learn with and from the body. In this context, complexity emerges as one of the key aspects of the spiral concept, which articulates biopedagogy, ethics, and the aesthetics of knowledge. The spiral concept transforms the classical notion of physical exercise and gives it a character of experimentation, exploration, research and play, linking knowledge and permeating our actions, feelings and learning. This experience arises from the need to understand how we function as structures in order to recognize that there are different ways of understanding reality.</p> Pedro Nel Urrea Roa Copyright (c) 2024 Pedro Nel Urrea Roa https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 2024 Narrative of the learning outcomes in the Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education in a Colombian University https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/359181 <p>Assessing learning in schools has traditionally been a tool used by many institutions to comply with government regulations on the quality of academic programs. More recent trends, however, understand assessment as a tool of teacher action that becomes a semiotic artifact for adjusting and feeding back its relationship to learning. In this sense, it is important that the Bachelor's degree in Physical Education at the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional be in line with the government's guidelines on expected learning and social commitment to the training of graduates, in order to make the curriculum an artifact that accompanies, supports and even stimulates learning. In addition, implementation of the ‘Learning Outcomes Assessment’ process allows for ongoing review of student learning and adjustment of the goals set by the instructor. Therefore, the objective of this work was to determine a model for guiding learning outcomes for physical education programs from the narratives of university undergraduate teachers during the year 2022. A qualitative approach study was designed with an interpretive perspective. Two procedures were used: (1) online article search and (2) article search in the Redalyc and SciELO databases. The study was developed in three phases: (1) data collection, (2) contrast and classification, and (3) hermeneutic analysis and discussion. The information was compiled in documentary record tables, semi-structured interviews were conducted with focus groups of teachers, and a comparison matrix was developed. With the introduction of the concept of 'Learning Outcomes Assessment', the Colombian Office of Education indicates procedures, monitoring, coordination and adjustments to the teaching-learning processes, so that the student and the teacher participate in the process of learning assessment and in the identification of the necessary didactic and methodological adjustments. It also implies a social responsibility in terms of what is taught and what is expected to be learned in an increasingly fast-paced and demanding world.</p> Guiomar Alarcón Castro Sonia López Domínguez Martha Arenas Molina Copyright (c) 2024 Guiomar Alarcón Castro, Sonia López Domínguez, Martha Arenas Molina https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 2024 Pre-Service teachers for elementary, middle and high school emancipation in Colombia https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/359187 <p>The aim of this work was to demonstrate the emancipatory impact of the pre-service teachers in elementary, middle and high school of the students of the Bachelor’s degree program in Physical Education, Recreation and Sport at the Universidad de Caldas, Colombia. The framework of the study was a hermeneutic paradigm with a qualitative approach. Descriptive methods were used with eight students of the program (four men and four women) who were doing their internship. In order to collect the information, in-depth interviews were carried out with the interns of the public educational institutions in the department of Caldas. It was found that internships significantly promote the professional development of student teachers, as they allow them to acquire knowledge through experience in educational contexts. In conclusion, pre-Service teachers are fundamental to the emancipatory training of students because they help them acquire the knowledge necessary to build their teaching identity.</p> Cristian Camilo Orozco Sánchez Carlos Federico Ayala Zuluaga Copyright (c) 2024 Cristian Camilo Orozco Sánchez, Carlos Federico Ayala Zuluaga https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 2024 Co-assessing physical education in schools: state of the art https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/359192 <p>Worldwide research on the issues, situations, conditions, and processes that affect co-assessment in schools is scarce and has not been thoroughly explored or documented. Although there is some research on school evaluation and more participatory forms of it, such as self-assessment and co-assessment, more research is needed. The purpose of this paper was to analyze the state of the art of co-assessment in school physical education. To this end, a qualitative research with a descriptive and interpretative approach on co-assessment or peer assessment was designed. Nineteen documents published between 2005 and 2024 were found. The objectives, theoretical frameworks, methodologies, results and teaching experiences were identified. Spain was the country with the most productions on this topic. In most of the documents analyzed, the terms "co-assessment" and "peer assessment" are used, sometimes as synonyms. In addition, the importance of promoting their use, their purposes, techniques and tools are discussed, as well as some of the experiences developed. In Colombia, the assessment of physical education students has multiple interpretations and is carried out in different ways, but it tends to privilege physical condition and performance. This trend could limit and overshadow a formative vision of assessment as a systematic process of learning, improving and deepening knowledge, and learning from mistakes. Therefore, there is an urgent need to include the theme of participation and co-assessment in the initial and in-service training of teachers in the field, at all levels and educational modalities, in order to build and develop more comprehensive, contextualized, feedback and adaptive assessment practices.</p> Ana María Zuluaga Capera Luz Stella García-Carrillo Copyright (c) 2024 Ana María Zuluaga Capera, Luz Stella García-Carrillo https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 2024 Pedagogical models for the training of professionals in sport, recreation, physical activity and physical education in the Colombian Caribbean https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/359253 <p>Educational programs plans for sport and recreation professionals are challenged by the fact that both teachers and students have low reading levels, writing deficiencies, conceptual confusion about pedagogical knowledge, discourse, and practice, and inadequate research training that limits theoretical and technical production in their field. The objective of this article was to analyze the concept of pedagogy in the pedagogical models of sport, recreation, physical activity and physical education programs of nine higher education institutions in the Colombian Caribbean region. For this purpose, a qualitative study based on grounded theory was designed. To collect the information, the program educational projects of nine higher education institutions were analyzed and the people who designed them were interviewed. Results show the predominance of two constructivist pedagogical models: (1) one oriented towards personal, professional and scientific training with the support of physical activity pedagogy or physical education theory, and (2) a contextual, intercultural and interdisciplinary model that combines physical education, recreation and sport. It was also found that members of these higher education institutions use pedagogical models that integrate critical, cognitive, and systemic theories. In conclusion, it is important to invite institutions that offer sport, recreation, physical activity, and physical education programs to share their conceptions of pedagogical knowledge and its relationship to disciplinary knowledge.</p> Carlos Andrés Parra Plaza José Daniel Callejas Díaz Jesús María Pinillos García Copyright (c) 2024 Carlos Andrés Parra Plaza, José Daniel Callejas Díaz, Jesús María Pinillos García https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 2024 Keys to transforming the role of evaluation in educational processes https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/359184 <p>An exercise of theoretical review and educational experimentation was carried out in the Physical Education Program of the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (Colombia) to promote evaluation strategies that, from a metacognitive point of view, would contribute to the strengthening of educational processes and question the traditional ways of evaluating them. This effort stemmed from the realization that evaluation is one of the most questioned aspects of teaching –because of its accidental link to grading, the arbitrariness and ambiguity of the criteria, the rigidity or flexibility in the face of differentiated processes, among others–, and that students often have to figure out how to get an average score that will allow them to pass, which minimizes the role of evaluation in educational processes. Three actions were taken in the exercise: (1) agreement between students and teacher from the first class on the number of gradable activities and which of them would be gradable; (2) presentation of the grading rubrics in advance to promote better understanding of the criteria and to make adjustments before using them; and (3) grading of some non-gradable activities with songs, picture names, movie clips, and popular sayings. The main results include the promotion of reflection exercises on four aspects: (1) personal learning, (2) the way of approaching the different educational resources, (3) the strategies of synthesis and organization of the topics addressed, and (4) the need to design alternative forms of evaluation. This initiative shifted evaluation from being a mere ranking exercise based on a certain level of rigor and clarity of results to being seen as an opportunity to share perspectives and deepen learning. Meta-evaluation of proposed interventions needs to be developed to further promote meaningful, participatory and transgressive evaluations.</p> Wilson Riaño Casallas Copyright (c) 2024 Wilson Riaño Casallas https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 2024 Configuration and change in the identity and imaginaries of physical education students https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/359190 <p>Teacher training requires a review of the subjective processes of the students, since training does not consist of a simple transfer of information, but depends on the connections, experiences and biographies that precede and accompany the passage through the institution. Therefore, it is necessary to describe the prevailing logics in the institutions that support the decisions of those who decide to enroll, to be able to observe the development of the subjectivity from which the students' ideas, imaginaries and values about the career and the profession are shaped, mainly during their school experience and in the context of sport internships. The purpose of this work was to distinguish the genetic processes of imaginaries about the career and profession of those who choose to enroll in physical education at the ‘Instituto Superior de Educación Física’ in La Pampa, Argentina. The study was a combination of quantitative and qualitative techniques, focusing on individuals, formative devices, and the production of data through the stories of first-year students. Surveys were analyzed and compared with individual interviews, focus groups, and texts written by students. The main dimensions of the research were reasons for career choice and expectations regarding education and career. In sports, students' imaginaries are defined as an important element in school, so educational institutions must take into account the subjectivity of the students they enroll in order to design devices that allow them to question their initial imaginaries.</p> Rodolfo Rozengardt Copyright (c) 2024 Rodolfo Rozengardt https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 2024 Impact and relevance of the graduate profile in a university sport program https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/359218 <p>The aim of this article was to analyze the impact of the graduate profile of the professional in Sports of the Institución Universitaria Escuela Nacional del Deporte in Cali, Colombia. A mixed approach was used to guide the research. The graduate profile was evaluated to establish an order based on the attributes necessary for its development. Each profile was scored on a scale of zero to ten according to the criteria of level of compliance. This was followed by a questionnaire with Likert-type responses and a survey of open-ended questions to determine their perceptions and ways of understanding the profile. After ranking, the results indicate that the majority of respondents meet the general attributes of the graduate profile to a high degree: alignment, feasibility, representativeness, and comprehensiveness. On the other hand, the form, sufficiency and relevance are acceptable, although there is room for improvement. In order to adequately satisfy these three indicators, it is necessary to evaluate each of them to verify that all of the attributes are present. It follows that the fulfillment of all the general attributes of the graduate profile must be evaluated periodically in order to verify its fulfillment and to be able to constantly improve it.</p> Diego Orejuela Aristizábal Ricardo Rengifo Cruz Natali Arenales Copyright (c) 2024 Diego Orejuela Aristizábal, Ricardo Rengifo Cruz, Natali Arenales https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 2024 Modified nursery rhymes, historical memory and peacebuilding https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358922 <p>“Acts of memory" in the construction of historical memory are at the service of present actions, since they make it possible to feel, to evoke, to imagine, to desire, or to feel compelled to act, whether here and now or in the more or less near future. Likewise, some critical positions, closely linked to popular education, consider that health should take into account social and biological indicators, and should be seen not only as the absence of disease, a concept that medicalization has used to obtain benefits, but also as the development of capabilities that can be achieved within the framework of a given social group. In this sense, a nursery rhyme could be considered an "act of memory," since the reworking of its text invites us to reflect on the present and the future. Therefore, the goal of the workshop was to modify the lyrics of nursery rhymes to promote peace based on elements related to motor skills, historical memory, and health education. The workshop was developed in four moments: (1) organization of groups according to the number of participants; (2) definition of the elements of the round (clapping game and transitions/formations); (3) modification of the rhyme according to specific criteria (typification of violence, description of scenes of violence, selection of characters, pacifying perspectives); and (4) reading of the ‘The Truth Commission report’. To ask about peace is also to ask about play. In a country marked by war, which is promoted and glorified by some sectors, it is worth thinking about other practices that go beyond the discourse of violence and approach aesthetic ways of understanding life. Not playing is one of the forms of violence suffered by children, especially when they are forced to participate in war. To stop playing or to be forced not to play is a great cultural, educational and social loss. We hope that these modified nursery rhymes, in their collective physical configuration, will serve to have a critical perspective on health education, contribute to the construction of peace, and help transform society from an educational and playful point of view.</p> Marco Fidel Gómez Londoño Copyright (c) 2024 Marco Fidel Gómez Londoño https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 2024 Puppet workshop for peace building in socio-educational contexts https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/359425 <p>Theater can be a pedagogical tool to stimulate processes of discourse and reflection that promote a culture of peace and help overcome the reductionism present in the socio-educational context. In particular, puppetry has communicative, socializing, and narrative qualities that allow the puppeteer to establish bonds of trust and security with the audience. By creating characters that externalize feelings, thoughts, and tastes, it becomes a bridge to foster a culture of peace. The aim of this work was to promote processes of building a culture of peace through the creation of puppets and the presentation of theatrical narratives. The workshop consisted of three moments: (1) opening with a 15-minute play; (2) hands-on training of participants in alternatives for making puppets; and (3) staging of the stories created by the participants, organized in small groups, based on a narrative research tool. The proposal implies that the participants learn to resolve conflicts peacefully through reflection prior to the creation of the narratives that will be used as a research technique, and through the physical and motor manifestations required for the theatrical presentation. It is also expected that the puppeteer will be empowered by overcoming fears and physically expressing his or her desires and thoughts. Finally, it is planned to use puppetry as a didactic tool in Physical Education classes to encourage creativity and physical expression.</p> Yuri Andrea Orjuela Ramírez Julián Eduardo Betancur Agudelo Copyright (c) 2024 Yuri Andrea Orjuela Ramírez, Julián Eduardo Betancur Agudelo https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 2024 Kin-Ball as an educational tool at school https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358920 <p>Kin-ball is an inclusive and cooperative sport in which all team members participate and which promotes cooperation, effective communication and collective decision making, as well as the development of social and motor skills. In addition, it can be played in a variety of contexts with different populations, regardless of their characteristics. To this end, a workshop has been designed to demonstrate the pedagogical potential of kin-ball to promote cooperative work in schools by developing social skills, promoting inclusion and improving group dynamics, and to provide strategies to be applied in different educational contexts. Official kin-ball balls, audiovisual material and worksheets will be used for this purpose. The workshop is based on Johnson and Johnson's (1999) theory of cooperative learning, which emphasizes positive interdependence and individual responsibility; Parlebas' (2001) concept of motor intelligence, which emphasizes the importance of decision making and adaptability in sports games; Ryan and Deci's self-determination theory, which emphasizes the importance of autonomy, competence, and relatedness in intrinsic motivation; and Hellison's (2011) perspective, which emphasizes the importance of activities in which all participants can actively participate. The workshop consists of three parts: (1) theoretical introduction: presentation, history, rules, Kin-ball equipment and its relation to the theoretical foundations of cooperative learning; (2) pre- and cooperative games, basic ball handling exercises and playing positions, and application of pedagogical strategies; and (3) reflection and discussion: elaboration of proposals for application in specific contexts and debate on the challenges and opportunities of their implementation. These competencies are expected to be transferable to other areas of students' academic and personal lives.</p> Ricardo León Diaz García Jeisson Ospina Casas Manuela García Botero Copyright (c) 2024 Ricardo León Diaz García, Jeisson Ospina Casas, Manuela García Botero https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 2024 Intercultural school: using leisure time for peace building https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/359454 <p>UCEVA (Unidad Central del Valle del Cauca) University created the Intercultural School, a space for discussion with different social leaders of the Department of Valle del Cauca, Colombia, on the projection and social responsibility of the institution with vulnerable communities in the region. For this reason, the institution ventured to redefine the school as a non-physical space of education for life and encounter with others, where the intercultural dimension promotes the appreciation of diversity and enables learning and the peaceful resolution of conflicts. In this way, the disciplinary content took a back seat while the institution connected members of these communities to educational processes that met their needs, based on leisure and recreation as a means of peace building and social inclusion. In this project, leisure and recreation were the central axis of intercultural training for social empowerment, which was carried out through games, physical education, puppet theater, foreign language classes, sports, agricultural entrepreneurship, and other educational alternatives. This research focused on complementarity as it integrated teaching, social projection, and research. To gather information, in-depth interviews were conducted with key community stakeholders. Based on this data, a curriculum was designed that was tailored to the interests of the community and had a differentiated approach. During the process, field diaries and pedagogical workshops were conducted to show the lessons learned from reflection and critical analysis of experiences. Over the past three years, the Intercultural School has offered more than 15 programs to nearly 550 users who have been able to strengthen their cultural identity, advance in social inclusion, and learn to resolve conflicts peacefully. However, some high-risk youth continue to be threatened by violence and drug micro-trafficking.</p> Julián Eduardo Betancur Agudelo Yuri Andrea Orjuela Ramírez Copyright (c) 2024 Julián Eduardo Betancur Agudelo, Yuri Andrea Orjuela Ramírez https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 2024 Middle school students beliefs about assessment in physical education https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358684 <p>Various works on evaluation in physical education in different contexts indicate that grading models continue to dominate teachers' evaluative actions, with little student participation. Although student participation in evaluation has received more attention internationally, with several studies in early childhood education, it is not as common in primary and secondary education. The purpose of this research was to identify the beliefs and perceptions of middle school students about the evaluation of the subject of Physical Education in a school in Medellín, Colombia. To this end, a single, holistic case study was designed with a descriptive and instrumental unit of analysis and a qualitative methodology. To gather information, questionnaires, focus groups, and semi-structured interviews were used to learn students' opinions about assessment processes and contexts in physical education. For the analysis, inductive categorical relationships were established between the collection, coding, analysis, and interpretation of information. ATLAS.ti and SPSS were used for data processing. Among the main findings, three main categories emerged: (1) evaluation is perceived as a verification of learning, which creates the "grade culture" or actions aimed at getting a "good grade"; (2) in evaluative actions, teachers emphasize attitudinal content as the main element for grading; and (3) students demand to be part of the evaluation process through formative evaluation.</p> Víctor Alexander Cuava Vásquez Copyright (c) 2024 Víctor Alexander Cuava Vásquez https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 2024 Influence of ICT on Physical Education Teachers in a Colombian City https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358921 <p>The impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) on education is undeniable. In general, education systems have to cope with the exponential growth of knowledge due to globalization and continuous technological and scientific advances. For Physical Education teachers in particular, the integration of these technologies into their pedagogical practice is a major challenge. In this context, the question arises: What is the role of education in the knowledge society? In order to answer this question, it is essential to take into account the person that the education system has to educate. ICT has changed the relationship between teacher, student and content, especially in Physical Education. Therefore, the aim of this study was to understand the role of ICT in the teaching practices of Physical Education teachers. A multiple case study research was designed with a historical-hermeneutic perspective and qualitative approach, which allows the researcher to interpret and understand, from an intersubjective point of view, how teachers incorporate ICT in their educational practices.</p> Edgar Alberto Talero Jaramillo Copyright (c) 2024 Édgar Alberto Talero Jaramillo https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 2024 How do physical education students perceive disability training? https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358683 <p>A key element of social inclusion manifests itself in the difficulty that physical education students have in explaining their training process in the field of disability. However, it is possible to overcome this obstacle and fill the conceptual gap through the theoretical work of describing, explaining, and understanding the circumstances of a given social context. The purpose of this paper is to describe the perceptions of physical education students at a university in Medellín regarding disability training. To this end, a mixed model combining quantitative and qualitative methods was designed. The information was collected using two tools: a questionnaire on academic and social profile and the Natural Semantic Networks technique, which allows the identification of key concepts related to disability education. The results show that disability training focuses primarily on limitation, inclusion, diversity, impairment, and ability. Disability education is often limited to the study of physical impairments, i.e., the absence of a body structure or function and its associated limitations. However, there are also elements that make it easier for physical educators to lead people with disabilities, as social, educational, or athletic inclusion, diversity, and ability are positive aspects to consider when leading this population.</p> Juan Paulo Marín Castaño Copyright (c) 2024 Juan Paulo Marín Castaño https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 2024 Yoga for Children: Mindfulness in Physical Education https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358751 <p>Yoga and mindfulness practices have been incorporated into educational settings because they appear to enhance self-awareness, strengthen the immune system, improve memory, manage emotions, increase physical and psychological well-being, tolerance for anger and frustration, and most importantly, body awareness in all dimensions of being. In general, these strategies allow for the management of everyday cognitive-emotional processes by helping to develop a better understanding of the mind and to respond more skillfully to stressful situations, which improves attention, helps to regain inner calm, and contributes to well-being and health. The purpose of this text is to explain how experiential yoga and mindfulness workshops work and how they can be implemented in the Physical Education classroom to promote conscious, humane, and creative motor skills. It is essential to learn to listen to our bodies to restore balance and harmony, and to create an inner experience of attention, understanding and body awareness through conscious breathing. In this way, the personal experience of physical education will allow us to gain a broader, more integral and holistic vision.</p> María Laura Peña-Medina Copyright (c) 2024 María Laura Peña-Medina https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 2024 “LEECTURA 10” Methodology: What is laterality for second graders? https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358659 <p>Álvaro Gómez Hurtado School is located in Bogotá, in a low socioeconomic area with a 24 % Venezuelan population and an average age of 7.7 years. The school is divided into three academic periods. The second grade, with 78 students, begins the school year in the afternoon on Campus B. The performance report for the first period of Spanish showed a failure rate of 45.5 % of the total number of second year students, divided into two classes: 201 with 29.5 % and 202 with 15.5 %. From these results, the methodological proposal "LEECTURA 10 for the leveling of students with reading delay" was born, which consists of 10 steps distributed in 4 phases: diagnosis, immersion, exposure and evidence. The diagnostic phase included a reading test and a laterality test. For the latter, the adapted version of the Harris Test of Lateral Dominance was used to assess laterality. The diagnostic results show that the 15 highest performing students out of 78 have crossed laterality. An interclass game plan (201 and 202) has been developed with activities related to laterality that are played every three weeks during recess: mini-<em>tejo</em>, mini bowling, ping-pong <em>piquis</em>, and mini basketball. Families are invited to encourage their children to practice at home. In the second period, the failure rate was 40.5 %. Classes 201 and 202 each had a failure rate of 20.2 %. The partial results for this last period show a failure rate of 36 %: Class 201 has 15.2 % and 202 has 20.8 %. Absenteeism has also decreased, the willingness to attend classes has increased, and coexistence has improved. At the end of the course there are 72 students. The results show an 8.9 % improvement in academic performance in Spanish.</p> Carin Alexa Prieto Cruz Copyright (c) 2024 Carin Alexa Prieto Cruz https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-11-23 2024-11-23 2024 Invention of sports games in a cooperative method and with self-constructed material https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358817 <p>The goal of this workshop is to experiment with the invention of games along with other pedagogical models such as cooperative learning, self-construction of materials, and comprehensive teaching of sports games (Méndez-Giménez, 2004; 2010). This hybridization is based on the structure of learning teams and rotating roles in which students interact and make decisions with their peers to create and design playable game activities. The connection with the integral model is aimed at developing knowledge about the nature of sports games and the transfer of common tactical principles between modalities of the same tactical category. The design framework is Almond's (1996) taxonomy of sports games, extended by Méndez-Giménez (2009). The self-construction of materials enriches the creative process, brings variability and novelty to this hybridization, and reinforces collaboration both in the construction of artifacts or tools and in the evaluation of these constructed resources. To do this, we will go through the first three phases of the sports game invention unit: (1) introduction, (2) game design, (3) testing your own and others' games, (4) refining the final game, (5) establishing the game, and (6) intraclass or interclass championship of the selected games. Small mixed groups are formed among the participants and roles are assigned. First, each group will construct the material that will be used in the game design (the Atomium). Next, the type of game each group will create will be determined. Participants will then work on designing a novel and inclusive game. Finally, created games will be shared between the teams in order to perfect each creation and to receive and give feedback. This hybridization can have a significant impact on the didactics of Physical Education and sport initiation by combining pedagogical models. Its applicability in the different levels of education, from primary to teacher training, is highlighted.</p> Antonio Méndez-Giménez Copyright (c) 2024 Antonio Méndez-Giménez https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 2024 Project-Based Learning: Experiencie with high school physical education students https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358660 <p>Physical education in Colombian schools follows national and local guidelines, as well as each institution's curriculum. The objective of this work is to develop motor, expressive body and axiological competencies in high school students of a Colombian educational institution through the Project Based Learning (PBL) methodology. To this end, students were asked to design a project on children's motor development to contribute to the well-being of their educational community. The students had two objectives: (1) to assess the basic movement patterns of preschool children in the same school through a neuromotor assessment test (EVANM), and (2) to stimulate the development of basic patterns that were at a lower level through play activities. The implementation of PBL enabled the high school students to achieve high and superior performance in the assessed competencies. This experience shows a learning situation that has a positive impact on academic results and could be applied by other teachers in other educational institutions in the country with high school students. The result of this experience invites the study of the impact of this methodology on other variables, such as psycho-social and psycho-emotional variables. In addition, its impact on other school levels and even on the development of subjects other than those addressed on this occasion remains to be studied.</p> Maribel Carmona Echavarria Copyright (c) 2024 Maribel Carmona Echavarria https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 2024 Hybridization of pedagogical models in games invention https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358818 <p>This paper brings together the theoretical framework and research related to game invention, the comprehensive model, cooperative learning, and self-construction of materials in the context of Physical Education. Game Invention is a pedagogical model that engages students in the process of creating and improving their own games through collaboration. To put it into practice, students must collaborate, dialogue, and make decisions together to design playable game activities. Our curriculum proposal is based on the cooperative structure of learning teams and the rotation of roles. The integral model provides knowledge about the nature of sports games and the transfer of common tactical principles between modalities of the same category. The design framework is informed by the taxonomy of sports games proposed by Almond (1996) and later extended by Méndez-Giménez (2009). The link with the self-constructed material is intuitive and allows students to participate in the elaboration of didactic materials for Physical Education (Méndez-Giménez, 2024b). Their involvement enriches the creative process, brings variability to this hybridization, and reinforces collaboration, both in the construction of artifacts and in the evaluation itself. There are six phases in the development of these didactic units (6-10 sessions): (1) introduction and creation of materials, (2) game design, (3) testing of one's own and others' games, (4) refining the final game, (5) establishing the game, and (6) intraclass or interclass championship of the selected games. The results of the study by Méndez-Giménez and Garví-Medrano (unpublished) showed significant effects over time (global cooperation and competence) and interactions between factor X and group (identified regulation, self-determination index, basic psychological needs, global cooperation and social responsibility) in favor of the experimental group. No gender differences were found. The results help to understand how this hybridization affects the motivational and social dimensions of adolescents.</p> Antonio Méndez-Giménez Copyright (c) 2024 Antonio Méndez-Giménez https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 2024 Contributions of physical education to active learning methodologies for integral development in early childhood education https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358606 <p>The active methodologies are an innovative alternative for the holistic development of children in a variety of contexts, and their social contributions are noteworthy in political, educational and cultural terms. In this sense, critical perspectives can contribute to the methodological advancement of research in Physical Education. For this reason, the objective of this research was to identify the active methodologies used by Early Childhood Education (from zero to four years old) teachers of the Recreation and Sport Program of the University of Antioquia. A qualitative-historical study based on archaeology was designed to analyze and systematize experiences in specific contexts. For this purpose, official documents such as methodological guidelines, planning documents, interdisciplinary constructions, communications and legal documents for early childhood care at national and international level were examined. It is concluded that teachers use active methodologies adapted to the context and population, such as problem-based learning (Escribano González &amp; Del Valle López, 2008; Villegas, 2022a), project-based learning (AulaPlaneta, 2015; Martínez Salcedo, 2022; Villegas, 2022b), collaborative work (Espejo and Sarmiento, 2017) and free exploration and play (Villamizar Cañas, 2021). It is also important to recognize the contributions of the methodologies to the development of the children of Medellín belonging to the program, as they represent common learning opportunities based on pedagogical reflection, implementation of didactics and curriculum development. In this sense, it is concluded that active methodologies in Physical Education is essential for the holistic development of children as it stimulates play, free exploration, problem solving, project-based learning and collaborative work based on the body, guiding activities and psychomotor skills.</p> Estefania Cañas Vallejo Copyright (c) 2024 Estefanía Cañas Vallejo https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 2024 Physical Education in the area of Languages: possibilities and limits of the cultural curriculum in the New High School https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358604 <p>In line with the movement to implement the National Common Curriculum Base (Ministério da Educação, 2018), the curriculum of the State of São Paulo for high school education, the so-called Paulista Curriculum (Governo do Estado de São Paulo, 2020), adopts the cultural perspective, which includes Physical Education in the area of Languages (Neira &amp; Nunes, 2022), although there is no research to support this proposal at this stage of basic education, especially in an integrated curriculum. To fill this <em>double gap</em>, both in scientific production and in pedagogical experimentation, and to verify the possibilities, limits and needs of adapting the cultural curriculum to the New High School, an action-research project (Franco, 2005) has been running since the beginning of 2022 in three schools on the outskirts of São Paulo, to support teachers in such implementation. The records of the meetings with the teachers and the transcripts of the classroom observations were subjected to a post-structuralist analysis (Cherryholmes, 1993) and confronted with the cultural curricular theory of Physical Education (Neira, 2019). The results show not only the soundness of the proposal in this field, but also the broadening of its epistemology and the diversification of its methodology, due to the pedagogical treatment of the social occurrence of bodily practices that make up or not the repertoire of school communities.</p> Marcos Garcia Neira Copyright (c) 2024 Marcos Garcia Neira https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 2024 Design and validation of a test battery on physical abilities at school https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358608 <p>In Physical Education, initiation and sports training, it is essential to deal with physical capacities (PC) or physical-motor abilities, which are involved in achieving motor skills and improving other human abilities (Castañer &amp; Camerino). Test batteries have been developed around the world to assess PC, including the Eurofit, ALPHA Fitness and Grami 2. In Colombia, there are several standardized physical fitness tests, but their use in schools is limited by the space required to conduct them. Therefore, it is necessary to develop and validate a battery of physical fitness tests for children between 8 and 12 years of age, adapted to the school context. For this purpose, a quantitative, nonexperimental and descriptive study was designed. For the validation of the battery, the logical validity procedures proposed by Safrit were taken into account: content validity (CVR), intra-rater reliability (T-RT) and inter-rater reliability. Finally, a PC battery was proposed that included the following tests: speed/agility (10 x 5 m test), lower body strength (long jump), upper body strength (2 k medicine ball throw), anaerobic endurance (600 m), and flexibility (sitting and reaching). The battery had a very high content validity (CVR=0.93) and the intra-subject (n=42) and inter-subject reliability values were very positive (CCI&gt;0.90). The scales proposed in the test, resulting from the analysis of more than one thousand children in the Aburra Valley, indicated that there are differences according to sex and age (p&lt;0.05), but not according to sports practice (p&gt;0.05). A didactic unit is proposed to address the PCs and an automated macro-unit to record and evaluate the information from the PCs.</p> Noelva Eliana Montoya Grisales Enoc Valentín González Palacio Yeison Andrés Cardona Copyright (c) 2024 Noelva Eliana Montoya Grisales, Enoc Valentín González Palacio, Yeison Andrés Cardona https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 2024 Neurocognitive stimulation in physical education with Tyro Motion and Fitlight https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358611 <p>In 1925, Maria Montessori designed teaching materials to stimulate cognition through sensorimotor development. Today, with the support of neuroscience research (Aguilera et al., 2023; Kaloka et al., 2024), more complex proposals are being made and new tools such as gamification are being integrated into the development of the neurocognitive component of Physical Education (De Sousa Mendes et al., 2022; León-Díaz et al., 2019). This workshop aims to provide teachers with tools to implement neurodidactic strategies using technological tools to stimulate neurocognition in Physical Education classes.</p> <p>An experiential workshop was developed in four phases: (1) Exploratory, to conceptually address the process of neurocognitive stimulation in the sensitive phases of human development, where the most relevant advances in neuroscience related to education and sport are presented; (2) Formation of work groups where participants will receive a hands-on demonstration of comprehensive neurocognitive stimulation exercises focused on executive function, attention, memory and information processing speed using the educational gamification strategy with the Tyro Motion and Fitlight programs; (3) Implementation, in which each group, based on the acquired knowledge, develops an exercise that integrates coordination and cognitive skills, which will be evaluated with Tyro Motion and Fitlight; and (4) Creative Feedback, which consists of a discussion table where the experiences, opinions and contributions of the workshop participants are collected. In short, the workshop sensitized the participants to the importance of psychomotor stimulation integrated with the neurocognitive component and its applicability in different stages of human development, in order to be able to transfer to the classroom discussions on the importance of its contribution to the integral formation of students and to promote a holistic approach in education.</p> Samuel José Hernández Almanza Leonardo Rodríguez Perdomo Copyright (c) 2024 Samuel José Hernández Almanza, Leonardo Rodríguez Perdomo https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 2024 Unnamed bodies: Trans identities in the field of motor expressions https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358605 <p>Encouraging reflection on the diversity of gender identities in the field of motor expression is an outstanding social debt. Recently, the urgency to address and discuss the gender perspective in universities and curricula has gained momentum due to social and cultural demands in the search for greater inclusion and respect for diversity. Insofar as the body is a register of the public, manifested in its aesthetics, mobility, agency, acceptance or rejection, particular difficulties have been identified for transgender bodies in terms of equal participation and access to opportunities. This research aims to recognize and make visible the unidentified bodies, the trans identities, in the field of motor expressions. A qualitative study has been designed within the framework of critical theory, and through a semi-structured interview I seek to recognize the voices of trans people in different sports expressions and other actors in the field, such as teachers, coaches and public administrators in Medellín. The findings show that pathologization and transmedicalization endanger the lives and mental health of trans people and continue to be used as a means of legitimizing trans identity in the field. Furthermore, given that transphobia manifests itself as active ignorance within the field, the lack of teacher training on gender issues and various racial biases make the participation of people with trans identities an axis of resistance and exclusion within sport. This research points to the need to reorient the curriculum to be inclusive, recognizing diversity and otherness as potentialities rather than barriers to access. It is also an invitation to transform practices and discourses, using a pedagogy that not only teaches movement, but also embraces the complexity of human sexuality as a golden thread woven into the tapestry of human flourishing.</p> Alejandra Mazo Correa Copyright (c) 2024 Alejandra Mazo Correa https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 2024 “Hay Festival” Mini-Volleyball U.T.P https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358610 <p>The Hay Festival Minivoleibol U.T.P. is a non-profit event organized by the Sports Science and Recreation Program of the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. The activity is designed for children between the ages of 8 and 12, and its objective is to promote, encourage and strengthen sport, instill habits of healthy competition, foster social values and contribute, overall, to the comprehensive training of children throughout the region. An additional objective is to reinforce the processes that promote the practice and massification of sport in educational institutions, neighborhoods, communes and districts, in accordance with the guidelines and priorities set out in the sporting practices policy. The fifth-semester Volleyball students are responsible for implementing the outreach program, which aims to provide training and education to children in school communities. They are also tasked with organizing the event, which takes place simultaneously on the 42 mini-volleyball courts on campus. The Hay Festival Mini-Volleyball U.T.P is distinctive in Latin America, as each semester it welcomes five hundred children under the guidance of our university students, who have dedicated months to meticulous planning, preparation, implementation, supervision, and assessment of the program. The culmination of this process is the grand finale, which features a day of recreational activities centered around the sport of mini-volleyball.</p> Luis Guillermo García García Copyright (c) 2024 Luis Guillermo García García https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 2024 Running: Overuse injuries https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358927 <p>Running injuries are multifactorial and result from a complex interaction between morphological and biomechanical risk factors, running and training characteristics, and health and lifestyle. For example, 85% of runners have a history of injury and almost half have suffered an injury in the last year. There is evidence that higher mileage is associated with a higher risk of injury. The anatomical areas most affected are the foot, ankle and knee. The purpose of this review is to identify risk factors that contribute to running-related injuries. The databases PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, SPORTDiscus, and PsychINFO were searched using MESH terms with a 5-year observation window. A 30.9% rate of foot and ankle injuries and a 22.2% rate of knee injuries have been reported. To avoid running injuries, it is important to gradually increase the volume and intensity of training, incorporate strength and flexibility exercises, wear proper footwear, and consult a medical professional if pain occurs. Understanding the mechanisms and factors that cause injuries, as well as the most relevant recommendations, will help prevent their recurrence over time, especially in recreational runners. To prevent injuries in runners, it is essential that they know their individual risk factors.</p> Aura Catalina Zea Robles Alvaro Camilo Barón Barón Henry Humberto León Ariza Luz Marina Umbarila Espinosa Copyright (c) 2024 Aura Catalina Zea Robles, Álvaro Camilo Barón Barón, Henry Humberto León Ariza, Luz Marina Umbarila Espinosa https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 2024 Assessment and prospective of a research incubator group in a Colombian University https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358930 <p>The “Semillero de Neurorrehabilitación e Inclusión Social” (Neurorehabilitation and Social Inclusion Research Incubator Group) of the Faculty of Health Sciences and the Physiotherapy Program of the Fundación Universitaria María Cano was created in 2020 with the aim of training in research on the movement of the human body, with special attention to neurorehabilitation and social inclusion. The research incubator group takes a critical perspective on the role of the physical therapist and his understanding of the health-disease-care process, and is oriented towards the development of course modalities, the management and participation in academic events, the promotion of project-based learning, academic mobility for the construction and social circulation of knowledge, with inter-institutional cooperation, and social outreach and projection as an important link between the university and society. Since its creation, the incubator group has had 25 research assistants who have graduated under the supervision of the group and 10 of whom have published the results of their research. Currently, twelve physiotherapy students who joined the group at the beginning of their studies are participating in its activities. The group is linked to national and international academic networks, has managed five academic events and has fifteen products: one patent, two dissemination articles, two scientific articles with research results, five book chapters with research results and five proceedings of academic events. The group is committed to interdisciplinarity in order to expand its scientific production and visibility in national and international scenarios, promote the development of project-based learning, increase student participation in activities, attract students and professors from other locations, and improve the management of academic spaces of interest.</p> Angie Estefanía Mesa Burbano Jhon Freddy Santos Gómez Leidy Yohana Apolinar Joven María Alejandra Fernández Polo Lina Giccela Suarez Muñoz Copyright (c) 2024 Angie Estefanía Mesa Burbano, Jhon Freddy Santos Gómez1 Leidy Yohana Apolinar Joven, María Alejandra Fernández Polo, Lina Giccela Suarez Muñoz https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 2024 Hernández-Corvo method for footprints classification using artificial intelligence https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358929 <p>The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in data analysis and image processing has gained recognition for its high validity and reliability. The Hernández-Corvo Index method is widely used in podiatric diagnostics and related fields to classify plantar footprints. Therefore, the objective of this study was to classify plantar footprints using the Hernández-Corvo method by applying convolutional neural networks (CNNs) as a measurement tool. An observational design with a descriptive cross-sectional approach was used. A total of 275 subjects without mobility problems participated in the study. Prior to recording the plantar footprint, participants rested for 15 minutes to minimize foot vascularization. Footprints were classified as normal, cavus, or planus, and photographs were taken to generate a dataset of 551 images for CNN training. Different convolutional architectures were modeled, and techniques such as data augmentation and regularization were applied. Feature extraction was performed using transfer learning with the pre-trained VGG16 network. Several CNN models were trained using different techniques. The basic architecture achieved a validation accuracy of 53%. Incorporating L2 regularization and dropout in the central layers improved model performance in terms of overfitting control while maintaining validation accuracy. By unfreezing the last two layers of the CNN and using the VGG16 model, a validation accuracy of 91% was achieved. However, significant errors were still observed the classification of cavus and normal foot types. The feasibility of training a pre-trained network with limited computational resources has been demonstrated. The use of the smaller VGG16 network facilitated training without starting from scratch, highlighting the effectiveness of transfer learning in improving object detection results. Due to computational limitations, VGG16 facilitated image processing for each foot type, requiring only training of the final model layer. The use of CNNs to classify plantar footprints based on the Hernández-Corvo method in apparently healthy individuals has shown high efficacy.</p> July Paola Moreno Alvarado Leonardo Rodríguez Perdomo Copyright (c) 2024 July Paola Moreno Alvarado, Leonardo Rodríguez Perdomo https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 2024 Effects of central stability training on physical performance in soccer players: systematic review with meta-analysis https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358926 <p>Maintaining optimal levels of physical performance requires soccer players to utilize a variety of training strategies, including external loads, plyometrics, and speed sessions. Despite the importance of these practices, previous studies on the effects of core stability training (CST) on the physical performance of soccer players have yielded conflicting results. The purpose of this work is to determine the effects of core stability training on the physical performance of soccer players. A systematic search of PubMed, Bireme, Scopus, and WOS up to November 2023 was conducted according to the guidelines of the Cochrane Handbook and PRISMA standards. Two reviewers independently selected the studies, and in case of disagreement, a third reviewer resolved the discrepancy. Risk of bias was assessed using the ROB2 scale, and publication bias was addressed using funnel plots and Egger regression. Quality was assessed using the SIGN and CONSORT checklists. Data were analyzed in RevMan-Web using fixed-effects meta-analysis, with heterogeneity assessed using I², chi², and Galbraith plots. Finally, certainty of evidence was assessed using the GRADE approach. From 2984 records, 37 studies with 1174 soccer players aged 9 to 30 years were selected. Core stability training improved vertical jump by 1.66 cm (95 % CI: 0.53, 2.79) and improved agility tests such as the T-drill (-0.71 s [95 % CI: -1.27, -0.14]) and the Illinois (-0.56 s [95 % CI: -1.05, -0.06]). No significant improvements were observed in the 30 (-0.04 s [95 % CI: -0.14, 0.06]) and 20-meter sprint times (-0.05 s [95 % CI: -0.11, 0.01]). This meta-analysis is a landmark analysis of the effects of core stability training in soccer players, and its findings are consistent with previous studies in healthy adults and other athletes. Although the clinical significance is modest, it is important to remember that in sports, even small differences can make a difference. Sports physical therapists and athletic trainers can use core stability training to improve soccer players' physical performance in terms of jumping and agility, but not running speed.</p> Sebastián Rodríguez-Jaime Edgar Debray Hernández-Álvarez Catalina León-Prieto Copyright (c) 2024 Sebastián Rodríguez-Jaime, Edgar Debray Hernández-Álvarez, Catalina León-Prieto https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 2024 Characterization of a professional youth soccer player's lower extremity motor component https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358928 <p>The performance of an elite athlete is influenced by several factors. Among them, the motor components have a significant impact on the complexity of motor coordination, mainly with regard to the organization and execution of movements and motor planning. The objective of this work is to characterize the motor component of the lower limbs of a Colombian professional youth soccer player. This is a descriptive case study with a quantitative approach. The motor component of the lower limb of a 20-year-old Colombian professional soccer player was analyzed. The variables of flexibility, explosive strength, muscular strength, baropodometry and stabiliometry were studied. Differences were observed in the right body segment, mainly in the trunk flexibility tests (back saber flexibility test, 90/90° test, and Thomas test), as well as in the stability and baropodometry tests. A greater load distribution was observed in the left foot (65%), which is slightly cavus, consistent with significant changes in the static body stability and body barycenter tests, demonstrating an alteration in the motor component. Flexibility and stabiliometry show a greater change, which increases the likelihood of sports injuries. Changes in the motor component are known to reduce the likelihood of injury in football soccer players.</p> Mateo Gómez Ramírez Luisa Fernanda Yepes Cifuentes Yadira Ángeles de la Cruz Lina María Montealegre Mesa Carlos Alberto Castillo Daza Copyright (c) 2024 Mateo Gómez Ramírez, Luisa Fernanda Yepes Cifuentes, Yadira Ángeles de la Cruz, Lina María Montealegre Mesa, Carlos Alberto Castillo Daza https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 2024 Sociodemographic influences on motor development in 3-month-old preterm infants in a Colombian hospital https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358925 <p>Preterm birth is the leading cause of neonatal mortality in children under five. Approximately one million babies die each year from complications of preterm birth, which is a public health problem because of its impact on the child, the family, and the health care system. However, studies to date have not considered the relationship between sociodemographic and neurological risk, which may be a determinant variable. The objective of this article is to determine the association between sociodemographic data and neurological risk in premature infants of 3 months adjusted age attending the "Kangaroo" program of a hospital institution in Medellín, Colombia. This is a descriptive, analytical, and correlational study of sociodemographic data and neurological risk in motor development in 3-month-old preterm infants of adjusted age. Sociodemographic factors were found to be associated with increased neurological risk in the population, but this association was not statistically significant. This finding was related to the fact that previous studies generally addressed socio-demographic data in the context of poverty, whereas in this case it was evaluated in a relatively optimal sector and with factors inherent to the selection of the sample obtained, which was low and did not allow establishing direct relationships between the two variables studied. It was also observed that the people most at risk were the most vulnerable in economic terms. It is important to ensure that future studies seek to understand the different mechanisms involved in motor development as an important step in the comprehensive evaluation and follow-up of preterm infants to identify risk factors and complications, taking into account the population to which the results of the study itself refer, which determined a possible neurological risk. In addition, prevention, supports, and interventions should be created to improve long-term disability and have a positive impact on the community. The focus should be on modifiable risk factors that enable health care providers and parents to improve developmental and functional outcomes.</p> Luisa Fernanda Yepes Cifuentes Leidy Yohana Apolinar Joven Angie Estefanía Mesa Burbano Copyright (c) 2024 Luisa Fernanda Yepes Cifuentes, Leidy Yohana Apolinar Joven, Angie Estefanía Mesa Burbano https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 2024 Therapeutic exercise for pain relief of ligamentous hyperlaxity in pregnant women: literature review https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358924 <p>Although pain caused by ligamentous hyperlaxity associated with the influence of relaxin and other hormones affects the quality of life of many women during pregnancy –a period of significant physiological, morphological, and hormonal changes– information is insufficient to address it. This study examines the effectiveness of therapeutic exercise in reducing low back and pelvic pain and related complications in pregnant women. For this purpose, bibliographic searches were performed in databases such as PubMed, Scopus, ScienceDirect and Scielo, with publications between 2018 and 2023. The search equation was: Joint instability AND pregnancy AND pelvic girdle pain AND exercise. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, a total of 456 articles were identified, of which 8 were included in the review. The desk review highlights that postpartum lumbopelvic pain is common, is associated with weakness of certain muscles, and can affect the mother's quality of life, baby rearing, and family finances. The close relationship between this pain and weakness of the hip extensors, pelvic floor muscles, and transversus abdominis muscles is emphasized. Stabilization exercises and Pilates are recommended to improve postpartum pain and quality of life. This pain is the main focus of treatment, and therapeutic exercise helps to reduce it. The most important are lumbar stabilization and pelvic floor strengthening exercises, which have been shown to significantly reduce pain in pregnant women.</p> Teresa Mercedes Chaverra Mena Silvia Patricia Betancur Bedoya Angie Estefanía Mesa Burbano Copyright (c) 2024 Teresa Mercedes Chaverra Mena, Silvia Patricia Betancur Bedoya, Angie Estefanía Mesa Burbano https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 2024 Leisure among young university students at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/359258 <p>Leisure is a cultural dimension of playful experiences with the potential to create a state of "flow" in which the individual surrenders completely to the activity. Leisure is also essential for socialization and the creation of a healthy academic community, as it can help to experience values and promote citizenship through cultural participation. In this spirit, studies of young university students address the diversity of youth groups and how they are affected by social, political, economic, and cultural issues. In Brazil, young people between the ages of 15 and 29 undergo important transitions, especially in higher education. An example of this educational environment is the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), with more than 30,000 students. The aim of the research was to identify students' leisure practices at university and to understand their relationship with leisure, which is essential for balancing academic challenges. The methodology included a 14-question survey completed by 216 students of different genders, races, and social classes. The most common leisure activities were paid university parties (42.5%), university sports (43%), free parties (34.1%) and using the university sports center (41.1%). Dance classes, theater and other sports are also popular, with 29.9% of students mentioning them. In addition, 9.7% of students do not participate in any leisure activities. The results demonstrate the link between leisure time and mental health, suggesting that participation in recreational activities is crucial for students' emotional and psychological balance, reducing academic stress and promoting a healthier environment. In conclusion, the value placed on leisure by university students and the variety of activities practiced suggest that the institution should support and expand leisure opportunities, recognizing their essential role in promoting students' mental health and well-being.</p> Namuetcha Silva Ricardo Ana Claudia Porfirio Couto Anna Luiza Souza Diniz Copyright (c) 2024 Namuetcha Silva Ricardo, Ana Claudia Porfirio Couto, Anna Luiza Souza Diniz https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 2024 Gamified community processes. A strategy for promoting healthy lifestyles https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/359423 <p>Since 2019, the Universidad Santo Tomás has been developing projects in two marginalized areas of Bogotá, with the aim of creating an installed capacity to respond to the training needs of community actors and guarantee the rights to recreation and health. Among the pedagogical actions implemented by the university, gamification has become a fundamental strategy to promote recreation and healthy lifestyles among the more than 400 children, adolescents, community mothers and caregivers of the institution's Social Projection Centers affected by the projects. This was made possible in part by the participatory action research approach, which takes into account the interests and needs of these populations. One of the results is the creation of a toolbox on physical culture, sport and recreation, which, with a practical language aimed at the community, facilitates the approach to the territories and breaks the communication barrier. Formative processes such as these are a space where students from the university's faculties of sport and recreation carry out their academic internships, while at the same time guaranteeing innovation and the promotion of healthy living through recreation.</p> Viviana Sierra Delgadillo Leidy Viviana Acosta Fajardo Lady Johanna Ruiz González Cindy Joulieth Castro Ramírez Juan Pablo Romero Correa Copyright (c) 2024 Viviana Sierra Delgadillo, Leidy Viviana Acosta Fajardo, Lady Johanna Ruiz González, Cindy Joulieth Castro Ramírez, Juan Pablo Romero Correa https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 2024 Leisure and tourism: Life enhancement https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358923 <p>Tourism has the most to gain from a sustainable and lasting peace. Government initiatives in this area will lead to improvements for Colombian society as a whole and the preservation of social, cultural and natural assets. This paper aims to analyze the approaches to leisure and recreation in the narrative of the current Colombian government (2022-2026). To this end, a desk review was conducted using content analysis and systematic document review. The corpus is composed of sectoral public policy documents, such as the <em>Colombian Constitution</em> of 1991, the current <em>Government Program</em>, the <em>National Development Plan 2022-2026</em>, the <em>National Tourism Strategy 2022-2026</em>, and the State Peace Policy. The analysis highlights the importance of leisure and tourism for local economies, community development, and thus individual and collective empowerment. These are alternatives to the dominant economic model of extractivism, plunder and concentration of the benefits of these activities, in a country that is trying to overcome the inequality, exclusion and violence that have marked its history. The study thus showed that leisure and tourism are opportunities for communities to improve their living conditions within a framework of respect for their socio-cultural and environmental diversity.</p> Lida Marcela Osorio Linares Víctor Alonso Molina Bedoya Copyright (c) 2024 Lida Marcela Osorio Linares, Víctor Alonso Molina Bedoya https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 2024 The Blossom Model: A leisure-based proposal for environmental sustainability https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/359424 <p>The Blossom Model is an interdisciplinary, integral and systemic proposal of the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional for environmental education, inspired by the concept of the five skins of the painter Friedensreich Hundertwasser and developed by the ‘Environment and Curriculum’ group of the University. The model consists of six skins or levels, ten dimensions or petals, the spiral, and the actors. The skins represent the spiral interaction of the environment (the body, the home, the university, the city, the region, and the planet) with the cosmovision of indigenous communities as an alternative to hegemonic environmental models. The petals represent the dimensions of environmental education (epistemological, ontological, cultural, aesthetic, playful, creative, economic, political, ethical and leisure) and address, among others, knowledge, emotions, culture and aesthetics. Finally, the model includes relationships with the educational context based on a circular interaction between the personal and the collective, mediated by educational processes and social actors. The objective of this work was to analyze the playful dimension of this model to address environmental issues from an interdisciplinary perspective, with special emphasis on physical education. This analysis highlights the role of leisure in creating deep environmental awareness and promoting sustainable practices inside and outside the university.</p> Katheryne Aldana Villalobos Copyright (c) 2024 Katheryne Aldana Villalobos https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 2024 “Playa Fitness”: A proposal for therapeutic tourism https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358931 <p>The Universidad Surcolombiana (Surcolombiana University) and the Colombian Ministry of Sports signed an agreement to promote recreation, school and community sports and physical activity in several municipalities in the departments of Caquetá, Putumayo, Tolima and Huila through recreational, cultural, artistic, tourism and health workshops for children, adolescents, adults and seniors. For both institutions, which had a good team of leisure, recreation and physical activity leaders, this tourism and integration program is important because it strengthens the bonds of friendship, family unity and community work. The program concluded in the department of Huila with the "Playa Fitness" therapeutic tourism event, a motivational activity for more than 700 people from the affected departments, held in a water amusement park where physical activity, recreation and tourism were programmed. It is important to recognize the efforts of the instructors and monitors who led the groups in the various communities, and their work with the mayors' offices and transportation companies to raise funds and provide the activities and services enjoyed by the participants.</p> Ángel Miller Roa Cruz Pablo Emilio Bahamón Cerquera Licinjaguer Chacón Gómez Copyright (c) 2024 Ángel Miller Roa Cruz, Pablo Emilio Bahamón Cerquera, Licinjaguer Chacón Gómez https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 2024 From violent protest to university: impact of entering a sports degree course https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358617 <p>As part of its educational strategy, the Mayor´s Office of Santiago de Cali, Colombia, through the Secretary of Education and with the support of the “Escuela Nacional del Deporte (END)” created the “Todas y Todos a Estudiar” program to provide access to university education for young people from the city’s most disadvantaged communities. In this context, several studies recognize the formative contribution of sport and its impact on the comprehensive training of children and youth, as well as the importance of corporate social responsibility in this sector. Likewise, Paulo Freire recognize the transformative power of education and its ability to promote more hopeful scenarios for the future. This study analyzes the impact that entering university life has had on a group of young people who directly participated in the social outbreak that took place in Cali in 2021. A mixed descriptive and phenomenological study was designed. The non-probability convenience sample consisted of 61 young people who were enrolled in a university education program with a sports orientation. The instruments used were a structured survey and a semi-structured interview. The information was analyzed using SPSS and ATLAS.ti research programs. The results show that the transition to university life has allowed young people to reconfigure their life project, to identify difficulties and challenges in the face of their new responsibilities, and to set themselves new challenges in terms of reading and writing habits, study techniques and time organization in order to respond to the new dynamics of university life. In conclusion, the program offers opportunities for social transformation through education and has a positive impact of young people in the city’s most vulnerable communities.</p> Germán Darío Isaza Gómez Felipe Gértrudix Barrio María del Carmen Gálvez de la Cuesta Copyright (c) 2024 Germán Darío Isaza Gómez, Felipe Gértrudix Barrio, María del Carmen Gálvez de la Cuesta https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-11-23 2024-11-23 2024 Sports and recreation. Betting on peace in the squatter settlement Granizal municipality Bello, Antioquia https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358618 <p>The long-term armed conflict in Colombia is one of the most prominent social problems in the country’s history, affecting the most vulnerable populations and causing displacement to urban peripheries. One example is the rural settlement of Granizal, in Bello (Antioquia), where people fleeing the suffering caused by the conflict in search of better living conditions have settled since the 1980s. Today, nearly 30,000 people live there, facing serious social problems such as lack of health care, education, drug addiction, domestic violence, poor public services, inadequate housing, and territorial control by illegal armed groups. However, several non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and educational institutions have been working for years to mitigate these problems through strategies such as sports and recreation for peace. This research identifies how sport and recreation contribute to peacebuilding in the community. The methodology used was based on Galeano's (2004) qualitative social research strategy, which interprets human actions and expressions in language systems. To this end, interviews were conducted with sports leaders, youth participants in the program, project coordinators, and community members, and a desk review was conducted. In addition, a recreational program for older adults in the area was promoted. Thirteen NGOs were identified, such as foundations, corporations, and religious and social community organizations; five higher education institutions and two government departments were identified that develop programs and projects focused on community social sports, recreation, physical activity for health, and traditional games. These initiatives have contributed to the creation of life projects, drug prevention, the reduction of child recruitment, the creation of spaces for leisure, the empowerment of communities, the strengthening of leadership, the generation of installed capacities, and the promotion of a culture of community peace and social cohesion. In conclusion, sport and recreation are strategies that contribute significantly to social transformation and peace building in the region.</p> Arnulfo Hurtado Cerón Marisofía Pinilla Barco Walter Ethiel Valoyes Álvarez Jaime Adrián Montoya Palma Copyright (c) 2024 Arnulfo Hurtado Cerón, Marisofía Pinilla Barco, Walter Ethiel Valoyes Álvarez, Jaime Adrián Montoya Palma https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 2024 Personal gains from academic outings mediated by leisure and adventure tourism https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358724 <p>The academic outings of the Sports and Recreation Science program at the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira have become educational practices that promote diverse learning outcomes among students. One of these outings takes place during the sixth semester of the program and its goal is to promote the development of skills and competencies in recreation, experiential education and tourism, as well as to consolidate the soft skills of the profession. The experience unfolds in four moments: (1) planning of actions, distribution of tasks and acquisition of resources; (2) definition of educational, recreational and tourist intentions mediated through active learning; (3) experiencing and leaving the comfort zone to enter the real learning zone; and (4) sharing of learning and transfer of experiences and their educational and personal meanings. Despite the obstacles of cost, fear, uncertainty, and lack of support, the novelty, the openness to feeling and thinking, the ease of giving meaning and educational intentionality to activities, culture, and history can be seen as gains from the experience. Recreation, tourism and education are combined experiences that enhance learning and develop interpersonal skills.</p> Norman Jairo Pachón Villamil Cristian Fernando Ramos Ríos Copyright (c) 2024 Norman Jairo Pachón Villamil, Cristian Fernando Ramos Ríos https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 2024 Proposed post-graduate training in leisure and tourism https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358750 <p>The purpose of this paper is to disseminate the proposal for postgraduate training in leisure and tourism, led by a research group from the Instituto de Educación Física y Deporte (Institute of Physical Education and Sports) of the University of Antioquia. To this end, aspects related to the social needs to be addressed, the state of the art in the training of tourism professionals in Colombia, the theoretical, disciplinary, and pedagogical bases and the curricula will be presented. This educational proposal is in line with the "Tourism Public Policy 2022-2026", which considers this sector and this field of knowledge as a right and an opportunity for the development of human capacities and new forms of production oriented towards economic transition and the protection of nature and a sustainable economy as a contribution to peace through the creation of social and environmental justice. The following questions were considered: How has the training of tourism professionals evolved? What are the consequences of the managerial orientation on technical and higher education in tourism? What are the implications of the consolidation of tourism as a scientific discipline in its own right? What are the implications of the consolidation of tourism as a scientific discipline in its own right? From the answers to these questions, critical leisure emerges as a perspective in which tourism is seen as a privileged opportunity to live meaningful experiences that contribute to the improvement of human relationships, with oneself, with others and with the world, from an ethical-political option of respect for forms of life and local development located in territories. Thus, the aim is to educate in, from and for leisure, with the intention of establishing a dialogue with the theories of tourism, life regeneration, administration, and research. The objective is to have the ability to design, implement and evaluate plans, programs and projects from the reading of the context of the territories, interacting as a team with other professionals and the community in general, to generate tourism products and services.</p> Jesús María Pinillos García Copyright (c) 2024 Jesús María Pinillos García https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 2024 Leisure, recreation and games. Research and educational experiences in a Colombian University https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358651 <p>University Physical Education programs are leading the construction of a discourse on leisure and the use of free time as a field of knowledge in Colombia. In this sense, the Distance Education Program of the Bachelor's Degree in Physical Education, Recreation and Sports at the UNIMINUTO University of Bogotá has promoted significant research and training experiences, contributing to the understanding and consolidation of leisure, recreation and play in the academic and social spheres. The objective of this work is to stimulate reflection on leisure and recreation from an epistemic perspective, based on the experiences acquired during the career. To this end, an experience has been designed in several phases: (1) structuring, for the design of research lines of social and educational importance; (2) implementation, to propose research projects in leisure, recreation and games taking into account methodological plurality and the creation of research groups; (3) dissemination of products and inter-institutional articulation; and (4) projection of the results of research and work and consolidation of the knowledge generated as input for projects, contributions to the community and support for quality accreditation. The result of this experience is the production of books and articles in indexed journals, as well as the development of invention patents. These products are derived from the research work and contribute to the renewal of the high-quality registration and accreditation of the University.</p> Leonardo Andrés Aguirre-Cardona Copyright (c) 2024 Leonardo Andrés Aguirre-Cardona https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 2024 Validation of experiential education program for stress resilience in prehospital care https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358614 <p>Given the high prevalence of occupational burnout syndrome due to excessive stress in this population and the scarcity of similar experimental research, an experiential educational program was designed with the aim of enhancing stress resistance in prehospital care students. This program was based on a comprehensive literature review on the characteristics that make experiential education programs effective in achieving cognitive, emotional, and behavioral changes in participants. Two main approaches were identified: features aimed at transforming temporary experiences into lasting ones and active learning methods embedded in the stages of the well-known Kolb cycle. The study was conducted as a sequential mixed methods design: first, a quasi-experimental design including experimental (n=20) and control groups (n=36) with pre- and post-intervention evaluations, followed by a qualitative case study. Measures included the Resilience Personality Scale and the Stress Coping Styles and Strategies Scale, both validated instruments. The program began with training and awareness sessions, followed by four sessions of experiential education designed according to the identified effective traits. Post-test results showed significant differences between groups in resilient personality (p&lt;0.0009 using Mann-Whitney, with a very large effect size of 0.83 according to Cohen's d) and in coping strategies (p&lt;0.000001 and 1.28), confirming the effectiveness of the program. The qualitative evaluation highlighted the importance of the implemented features for the success of the experiential education program. This study is relevant for its contribution to identifying and validating essential elements for the development of truly effective experiential education programs.</p> Jhon Jairo Trejos-Parra Sandra Milena Bedoya-Gaviria Claudia Patricia Cardona-Triana Copyright (c) 2024 Jhon Jairo Trejos-Parra, Sandra Milena Bedoya-Gaviria, Claudia Patricia Cardona-Triana https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 2024 Education for well-being: leisure as a paradigm for transforming schooling https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358615 <p>Leisure, free time and the well-being are social facts that influence other phenomena, such as education, and to understand them from the perspective of social agents it is necessary to draw from experiences. This study analyzes school leisure as a social representation of the students of the Juan Bautista Migani educational institution in Florencia, Caquetá, to transform education for well-being from this perspective, with the contribution of educational subjectivities necessary to construct and consolidate the paradigm of leisure in school, whose development is still in its infancy. This study is based on the interpretive paradigm, supported in symbolic interactionism and with a qualitative approach. The selection and participation was intentional and focused on high school students, teachers, principals, and parents, through instruments that favor social and dialogical interaction. The first stage consists of a desk analysis that demonstrates a welfareist approach to welfare and the absence of leisure as a potential of well-being factor in schools, in accordance with regulations. An incipient and purely operational treatment is also recognized among the research intentions. In the second part, the differences between the educational actors are developed according to the subjectivities that revolve around leisure and it is affirmed that it is a concept that is diluted in practice and that it has been excluded from school management, in which families do not participate. Well-being is an issue that is much more distributed across generational boundaries and the management of the community life of the school. From this new perspective, leisure and well-being are conceived as an intra-, inter- and multi-population paradigm within the experience of perceived well-being.</p> Gustavo Adolfo Cardona Ortiz Copyright (c) 2024 Gustavo Adolfo Cardona Ortiz https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 2024 Effects of recreation for territorial education: training promoters and managers in the Colombian Pacific https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358613 <p>Recreation, as a fundamental field in the integral development of the individual, is a very powerful catalyst in the construction of educational processes in diverse contexts. This paper analyzes the impact of recreation for education in the Colombian Pacific, through the training of promoters and managers, to identify effective strategies that promote community development and social inclusion. The research addresses the need to understand and enhance the role of recreation in the education of communities in the Colombian Pacific region, facing challenges such as lack of resources, inequity in access to educational opportunities and the marginalization of certain ethnic and cultural groups. This mixed study included semi-structured interviews with 33 promoters and managers of recreation and education in the Colombian Pacific region. These interviews allowed to deepen in the participants’ perceptions, experiences and practices on the impact of recreation in education and to identify barriers and facilitators for its effective implementation. The results show a significant impact of recreation in education in territories of the Colombian Pacific, evidencing an increase in community participation, the strengthening of social skills and the promotion of values such as cooperation and respect. In addition, an improvement in the quality of life of local inhabitants is observed, with a decrease in violence and an increased in the sense of belonging. These findings highlight the importance of investing in recreation training programs to promote integral development in marginalized communities.</p> Fabian Marín Ricardo Rengifo Cruz Diego Orejuela Aristizábal Natali Arenales Copyright (c) 2024 Fabian Marín, Ricardo Rengifo Cruz, Diego Orejuela Aristizábal, Natali Arenales https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 2024 Effects of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) on muscle power and sports performance in paracyclists https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/359400 <p>The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) on muscular strength and athletic performance in T1 and T2 male para-cyclists over a 4-week period. An uncontrolled quasi-experimental research was designed with a non-probabilistic sample of four male participants (23.25 ± 7.27 years; 175.25 ± 3.35 cm; 62.10 ± 1.84 kg) with cerebral palsy, members of the Departmental Paracycling Commission of Cauca, Colombia. The four athletes performed cycloergometer HIIT for four weeks, with two sessions per week. Training was based on the intensity in watts (W) of peak power measured in a stress test for the long HIIT and in the Wingate anaerobic test for the short HIIT performed prior to training. Exercise load and its physiological response were monitored by heart rate (HR) and the Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) scale at the end of exercise. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 24.0 software. Descriptive statistics and Shapiro-Wilk, Student's t-test for paired samples, and Wilcoxon test for non-parametric data were used. Three athletes completed the study. Positive numerical changes occurred in the increase of the Wingate anaerobic test (342.76 ± 113.32 W vs. 399.73 ± 104.92 W), VO<sub>2</sub>max (2358.88 ± 345.68 ml-kg<sup>-1</sup> min<sup>-1</sup> vs. 2497 ± 63. 21 ml-kg<sup>-1</sup> min<sup>-1</sup>) and in the reduction of the times for the 14 km individual time trial (2489 ± 4.24 s vs. 2338.25 ± 18.73 s) and the 20 km time trial (2775 s vs. 2674 s) for training classes T1 and T2, respectively. Therefore, four weeks of HIIT training had a positive effect on VO<sub>2</sub>max, muscular power output, and athletic performance in T1 and T2 para-cycling athletes.</p> Cristian Alexis Lasso Quilindo Luz Marina Chalapud Narváez Copyright (c) 2024 Cristian Alexis Lasso Quilindo, Luz Marina Chalapud Narváez https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 2024 Effects of two types of strength training on body composition, neuromuscular activation, and kinetic and kinematic variables https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358667 <p>Advances in our knowledge of the mechanical, physiological, biochemical and neuromuscular aspects underlying the different stimuli of strength training have transformed our understanding of this paradigm in recent decades. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of two types of resistance training (RT). One is based on velocity-based training (VBT) and the other is based on percentage-based training (PBT) performed at 70-80% of 1RM (1 repetition maximum). Muscle mass (MM), bone mineral density (BMD), bone mineral component (BMC), surface electromyograms (EMG), maximum front squat strength (FSQ), vertical jump (VJ), paddling power (PP), and running speed over 30 m (RV30) are included. Thirty-one women were randomized to VBT (n=16) or PBT (n=15). The groups exercised three times per week for 12 weeks. FSQ, VJ, PP, RV30, BMD, BMC, MM, and EMG were measured before and after exercise. The VBT group trained at a mean propulsive velocity (MPV) of 0.68 ±0.08 m s - 1 and the PBT group trained at 70-80% 1RM. RT resulted in significant increases (p&lt;0.05) in both groups for FSQ (VBT 33.79%, PBT 27.94%), VJ (VBT 19.11%, PBT 8.77%), RV30 (VBT 6. 27%, PBT 1. 66%), PP (VBT 32.2%, PBT 16.11%), fat-free MM (VBT 3.7%, PBT 2.64%), BMC (VBT 0.39%, PBT 0.25%), and BMD (VBT 0.76%, PBT 0.80%). No significant changes in EMG activity were observed in either group. Significant differences between the two exercise groups were observed in BMD, PP, BMC, and RV30. In conclusion, VBT training may provide a superior stimulus to induce neuromuscular adaptations that produce greater improvements in vertical jump, running velocity over 30 m, paddling force, bone mineral density, and similar or even greater increases in maximal squat strength, muscle mass, and bone mineral component than percentage-based training. In addition, velocity-based training showed small increases in surface electromyogram activity.</p> Jairo Alejandro Fernández Ortega Luz Amelia Hoyos Cuartas Darío Mendoza Ramírez Copyright (c) 2024 Jairo Alejandro Fernández Ortega, Luz Amelia Hoyos Cuartas, Darío Mendoza Ramírez https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 2024 Effects of fatigue on performance and technical-tactical decision-making in soccer https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358726 <p>Short-term high intensity-efforts in sports such as soccer or basketball could fatigue the central nervous system (CNS). To demonstrate this, Flicker Fusion Thresholds (UFF), a method used to measure CNS fatigue and cognitive function, were used after a Running Repeat Ability (RSA) test, and CNS fatigue was observed due to decreased UFF. Therefore, fatigue is not only due to muscular factors, but also to factors affecting the CNS. Several studies have demonstrated the effects of fatigue induced by combined cognitive and motor tasks (Repeated Interval Loughborough Soccer Passing Test, 90-minute training matches) and by isolated cognitive (Color Stroop task) or motor tasks (high-intensity physical load) on the technical-tactical performance of soccer players. The aim of this research is to study the effect of RAST-induced fatigue on performance in execution time (ET) and decision-making ability (DMA) in technical-tactical actions in soccer in laboratory situation. A quasi-experimental, longitudinal, pretest-posttest comparative study was designed. Two groups of soccer players (n=34), divided into a control group (n=18) and an experimental group (n=16), were evaluated twice at two different times. Taking into account the p-value, effect size and statistical power, there are differences before and after RAST in the variables total index (TI) and execution time (ET), but not in decision making (DMA). On the other hand, the control group remained stable at both time points. In conclusion, delaying the TD, even if the call is correct, is not sufficient in this sport under any circumstances or conditions.</p> Guillermo Andrés Calle Jaramillo Copyright (c) 2024 Guillermo Andrés Calle Jaramillo https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 2024 Body composition and physical performance parameters in U-20 soccer players https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358749 <p>In modern soccer, high-intensity physical demands such as sprinting, jumping and finishing are essential for optimal performance. The successful resolution of tactical situations also depends on various attributes, including optimal physical condition. Similarly, the importance of body composition and its relationship to general and specific physical characteristics for improved athletic performance in various disciplines has been established. This study analyzed the relationship between body composition and physical performance parameters in U-20 soccer players. Twenty randomly selected athletes belonging to the Junior de Barranquilla F.C. team participated in the data collection. Anthropometric measurements were taken using the ISAK method to determine the percentage of fat, muscle mass, and bone mass. In terms of physical performance, explosive strength was measured using the squat jump (SJ) and the countermovement jump (CMJ). The Wheler Jump photoelectric sensor was used, and the 30-meter dash was also measured to determine acceleration. Agility was measured using the T-test and the Illinois test with and without a ball. The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to test the normality of the data, and Pearson's coefficient was used to test the correlations, with a significance level of p &gt; 0.05. The results show that higher fat content increases run times, i.e., the higher the fat content, the longer the run time. The opposite is true for the relationships between explosive strength and the Illinois test without a ball, i.e., a more explosive player is also more agile, indicating the importance of explosive strength in this type of sport, as well as the need to maintain low fat levels while practicing it.</p> Luisa Fernanda Corredor Serrano Diego Camilo García Chaves Copyright (c) 2024 Luisa Fernanda Corredor Serrano, Diego Camilo García Chaves https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-11-22 2024-11-22 2024 Acute effect of post-activation potentiation on sprint and vertical jump at low and high loads https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358819 <p>A search of PubMed, Scopus, ScienceDirect, Dialnet, SpringerLink and Google Scholar yields studies demonstrating acute positive effects of post-activation potentiation on variables such as countermovement jumping (CMJ) and sprinting. Some studies examine the effect of accommodative resistance on post-activation potentiation in rugby players, while others examine post-activation potentiation with a half squat at maximal speed on sprint and change of direction performance in 12 basketball players. The aim of this study is to compare the acute effects of a post-activation potentiation (PAP) protocol based on low and high load squats on linear sprint and countermovement jump performance. A quantitative and experimental study was designed. It was conducted at the Universidad Nacional, Medellín, and had a longitudinal design with two randomly assigned groups (experimental and control). Each group had seven players. Subjects performed dynamic activation followed by CMJ pretests (3 CMJ) and a 20m sprint. Group A performed squats at 40% of their 1RM (one repetition maximum) at 1.28 m/s until they lost 15% of that velocity. Group B used 80% of their 1RM at 0.68 m/s until they lost 30% of that velocity, using the effort index of Rodríguez-Rosell et al. (2020) CMJ post-tests and 20 m sprints were then performed. After the intervention, none of the groups showed significant differences in sprinting; however, group B showed significant differences in CMJ, but these differences were negative, as CMJ performance decreased significantly in this group. These findings are not consistent with other studies. The post-activation potentiation protocol showed no significant differences between high and low loads. It failed in favor of the null hypothesis in the between-subjects comparisons in the post-test. In the case of the high load group, the intervention showed statistically significant negative values in the CMJ.</p> Diego Alejandro Blandón Escobar Hermin Alexander Palacios Bedoya Enoc Valentín González Palacio Andrés Rojas Jaramillo Copyright (c) 2024 Diego Alejandro Blandón Escobar, Hermin Alexander Palacio Bedoya, Enoc Valentín González Palacio, Andrés Rojas Jaramillo https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 2024 Comparable effects of heart rate upon adaptation to internal and external loads in fourth class cadets https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358665 <p>The purpose of this research work is to compare the behavior of physiological variables, such as heart rate, to an internal load using interval and continuous variable training methods associated with aerobic resistance. A comparative, longitudinal, and quantitative quasi-experimental study was designed and carried out during six weeks of the school year 2024-1, with a frequency of three sessions per week, for a total of 18 sessions. The study was conducted with fourth class cadets from a military physical education faculty in Colombia. The cadets participated voluntarily and signed an informed consent form that addressed international, national, and local ethical implications. Group 1 (G1=13 men ± 20.34 years old and 3 women ± 19.69 years old) used a volume-orientated interval working method with an intensity of 60% of maximum capacity. Group 2 (G2=14 men ± 20.19 years old and 4 women ± 20.11 years old) used a continuous variable method with a maximum intensity orientation of 80%. The study was confirmed by the adaptation of the training load in conditions of volume by intensity according to heart rate. Once the results are obtained, a parameterization was made considering a normal distribution using the Shapiro-Wilk test from the arithmetic mean. The variables resting heart rate (HRRt) before the session, maximum (HRMax) and minimum (HRMin) heart rate during the session were analyzed using Student’s t-test for independent samples, to analyze one-way variance (one-way ANOVA). The level of reliability was (p&lt;0,005). It was observed that G1 showed statistically significant changes in HRp (p&lt;0,001) and a progressive decrease in HRMin (p&lt;0,001) without statistical changes. G2 showed statistically significant changes in HRMax (p&lt;0,001) and maintained the mean value of HRMin without statistical changes. These results provide valuable information on internal and external load adaptation as a function of heart rate in fourth class cadets. In conclusion, G1 presents an adaptation to the external training load that shows a greater effectiveness and efficiency in work activities by decreasing the values of HRMin. However, G2 shows variations in HRMax due to the variability of the method and the maintenance of the HRMin.</p> Catalina Gutiérrez Gómez Aura Catalina Zea Robles Luz Marina Umbarila Espinosa Copyright (c) 2024 Catalina Gutiérrez Gómez, Aura Catalina Zea Robles, Luz Marina Umbarila Espinosa https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 2024 Changes in cardiorespiratory and muscular endurance to prepare for the Guinness record sprint triathlon in extreme altitude and cold https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358725 <p>A 41-year-old Colombian amateur athlete has set a Guinness World Record for a sprint triathlon in extreme altitude and cold conditions in Los Nevados National Park in the Andean region of Colombia. This research aims to determine the effectiveness of strength training through three cycles: muscular development, intramuscular coordination and specific resistance strength, in addition to cardiorespiratory endurance, emphasizing long duration work in zone 2, and provide nutritional recommendations based on an anthropometric evaluation, following the ISAK protocols. A 41-year-old Colombian amateur athlete, with a late start in the sport (30 years old), received a 15-month preparation focused on cardiorespiratory endurance, aimed at maintaining the aerobic endurance achieved during the first nine months and developing adaptations for each modality, according to the partial duration per sport and the total duration of the triathlon, with workouts performed at altitudes between 1600 and 4800 m. a. s. l. Subsequently, muscular endurance was worked on and the somatotype was adapted, taking into account energy requirements and protection against cold, in particular swimming without a neoprene at 5°C. The body mass index ranged from 23.6 to 24.1 kg/m<sup>2</sup>, with a fat percentage between 10.5 and 13.5%, maintaining an adequate reserve for thermal insulation and buoyancy, and a muscle mass between 39.6 and 41.2%, with a final somatotype of 3.3-5.4-2.2. Muscular endurance increased from 19 to 50 repetitions at 45 kg in the high pulley, from 30 to 50 repetitions at 68.8 kg in the Smith squat, and from 19 to 25 repetitions at 45 kg in the bench press. Two simulations were performed, one at the Negra Lake (3600 m. a. s. l.) and the other at the challenge site (3950 to 5950 m. a. s. l.), between the Otún Lake and the snow-capped mountain of Santa Isabel. There was no direct precedent for such a challenge, which was completed without incident between the athlete and a support team of nearly 50 people, including security, logistics, communications and sports preparation teams. The achievement and recognition of the Guinness Record is a demonstration of the effectiveness of the process used, which focused on muscular endurance and required significant collaboration on the part of the athlete and his team.</p> Santiago Ramos Bermúdez Angélica María García García Copyright (c) 2024 Santiago Ramos Bermúdez, Angélica María García García https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 2024 Acute effects of strength training with velocity loss in young adults https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358666 <p>The relationship between the exertion index and the fatigue index appears to be critical to the effects and subsequent adaptations of strength training in young adults. Velocity-based training methodology allows for immediate adjustment of these parameters, making the dose-response relationship more efficient with each training session. The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of mean propulsive velocity (MPV) based strength training with different percentages of execution velocity loss (VL 10 % and VL 40 %), on the fatigue index and exertion index in a group of untrained young adults. Ten young adults participated in a deep squat training session at 10 % VL and 78 hours later at 40 % VL. The MPV, number of sets and repetitions were recorded to estimate exertion and fatigue indices. Descriptive analysis (mean and standard deviation) and paired sample t-test for difference of means were performed. The best mean MPV of the 10 % VL training was 0.73 (± 0.098); the fatigue index was 5.75 (± 4.42); and the exertion index was 4.50 (± 4.01). The best mean MPV of the 40 % training was 0.72 (± 0.107); the fatigue index was 20.4 (± 5.25); and the exertion index was 15.05 (± 5.28). Statistically significant differences were found in mean MPV (mean 0.11 ± 0.47 p=0.000), mean power (mean 30.63 ± 30.74 p≤0.012), fatigue index (mean -14.11 ± 5.13 p=0.000), and exertion index (mean -10.54 ± 4.40 p=0.000). Adjusting training load and volume based on fatigue and exertion indices could maximize muscle adaptations and minimize the risk of injury during exercise, thus ensuring the long-term sustainability of training programs and strength assessment methods.</p> Álvaro Camilo Barón Barón Laura Elizabeth Castro Jiménez Juan Pablo Reyes Copyright (c) 2024 Álvaro Camilo Barón Barón, Laura Elizabeth Castro Jiménez, Juan Pablo Reyes https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 2024 Designing a sport, recreation and physical activity information system https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/359257 <p>The Instituto de Deportes y Recreación (INDER) the municipality of Bello, Antioquia, provides sports, recreation and physical activity programs and services in the neighborhoods and districts of the municipality. In January 2024, the new management, which will be in place until 2027, decided to carry out a diagnosis to identify the Institute's strengths and weaknesses. One of the weaknesses was that the Institute, like other sports organizations, did not have a structured information system (other than Google Drive) to provide data for decision making and planning. To address this need, management decided to create a virtual assistant to handle the registration and enrollment process for programs and services, as well as act as a payment gateway. The virtual assistant, called Tulio, is a technological tool that will make it possible to modernize processes and procedures, obtain real data on the number of people enrolled in each discipline and the number of service users by neighborhood and district, among other aspects. It also allows for more structured planning based on the data collected, identifying preferences by district and demographic, tracking in real time, analyzing attrition, and sharing information in real time as needed. The downside is that some users may be unfamiliar with new technologies and may have difficulty registering and paying. A tutorial has been created to address this issue. Currently in its first phase of development, the virtual assistant is expected to enable the Institute to generate technological developments, innovate processes, collect data and information for administrative decision-making. In the future, the program is expected to manage the reservation of sports venues, the categorization of clubs, and the organization of sports events, among other functions.</p> Duvan Javier Muñoz Giraldo Copyright (c) 2024 Duván Javier Muñoz Giraldo https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 2024 Sport for peace, State and society: Colombian and Mexican soccer fans https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358735 <p>In Mexico, some corporate sectors have co-opted soccer fans through cronyism, although they often resist and seek other forms of social expression. The relationship between fans, cronyism and violence should be studied from the perspective of the fans themselves. On the other hand, although the Colombian state has also co-opted civil society initiatives related to sport to control and shape the population (Ruiz Patiño, 2010), some soccer fans have learned to organize themselves to promote an identity as social and political subjects. Accordingly, in the context of sport for peace, this research compares the relations between the State and civil society in Mexico and Colombia through soccer fans and analyzes how soccer fans and state actors in both countries relate to the production, control, sublimation, negotiation, and transformation of violence. We conducted in-depth interviews with soccer fan groups and scholars who have studied these groups, and analyzed historical processes related to the State, violence, civil society, and sport in Mexico and Colombia. Our study shows that the historical patron-client relationships in Mexico, understood as a total social fact, have led some groups of soccer fans to integrate into these relationships, while others of these groups have chosen to distance themselves and resist any process associated with the State. Some of the actions of this second group are considered violent and trigger sanctions from the authorities. On the other hand, Colombia's 1991 Political Constitution encouraged the decentralization of territorial entities and "participatory budgets," which led to negotiations between members of fan groups and political actors that resulted in agreements to reduce violence and a fan culture that operated with State resources. In conclusion, our research suggests data and reflections that shed light on the relationship between sport and peace to understand that the ways in which soccer fan groups and state actors have related to violence in Mexico and Colombia vary according to the historical, political and cultural particularities of each country, such as the internal armed conflict, peace discourses, the role of the state in the territories, forms of community organization, and cronyism.</p> <p>.</p> Ricardo Duarte Bajaña Kevin Daniel Rozo Copyright (c) 2024 Ricardo Duarte Bajaña, Kevin Daniel Rozo https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 2024 Corporate Social Responsibility Management in Colombian Sports Organizations https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358736 <p>Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is becoming increasingly important as it brings social, environmental and economic benefits to the community. In this sense, sports organizations are expected to fulfill their social role and contribute to Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). In addition, sports activities provide an opportunity to act responsibly in communities and to engage with stakeholders. The purpose of this research is to validate a scale to measure corporate social responsibility in sports organizations by creating a questionnaire that includes four dimensions (corporate governance, human talent, external stakeholders, and CSR impact) and 38 questions. A quantitative study was designed using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. The data collection instrument was the "Corporate Social Responsibility Questionnaire for Sports Organizations" developed by the authors. The study sample consisted of 140 commissioners of sports leagues in Bogota, Valle and Antioquia, Colombia. The results provide insight into sports organizations' commitment to sustainability and suggest long-term strategies to improve their reputation, relationships with coaches and athletes, and economic performance. It is also an innovative study that provides guidelines for sport managers to align their actions with the 2030 Agenda, the United Nations Global Compact, the OECD Guidelines and the European Union's Green Agenda.</p> Ingrid Fonseca Franco Jayson Andrey Bernate Carlos Jairo Cabanzo Mauro Freddy García Celis Copyright (c) 2024 Ingrid Fonseca Franco, Jayson Andrey Bernate, Carlos Jairo Cabanzo, Mauro Freddy García Celis https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 2024 Quality of service in sports events: the case of the Risaralda 2023 Games https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358734 <p>Sporting events are crucial for their role in social interaction, sports and economic development. By assessing the quality of these services, it is possible to compare them with the expectations of the users, thus determining their level of satisfaction. The aim of this research is to identify the quality of service of the Risaralda 2023 Sports Games. The study adopted a descriptive-interpretive approach based on a theoretical review of sporting events, service quality and user satisfaction measurement using EVENTQUAL, SERVQUAL, the Perceived Service Quality Model and CAPPEP. From these instruments, a 32-item Likert-type questionnaire was developed, which was validated by experts and showed adequate statistical properties. A total of 335 people participated in the study. Statistical package SPSS version 23 was used for data analysis.The 97% of the respondents considered the impact (opportunities for the region) of the service to be high, 97% considered the service to be pleasant (generation of positive emotions), 83% were satisfied with the informative and economic aspects, 75% considered the logistics and accessibility to be high, and finally 39% thought that the service did not harm the surroundings (environment). These results not only reveal a detailed perception of the quality of the service among participants, but also highlight the social and economic impact that these sporting events can have. This assessment is crucial for public enterprises seeking to improve the organization and management of future events, and represents a strategic opportunity to optimize the effectiveness of those already established. It also provides a solid basis for implementing new strategies that not only meet but exceed user expectations, thus reinforcing the vital role of sports events as drivers of local, regional, and national development.</p> Claudia Patricia Cardona-Triana Jhon Jairo Trejos Parra Ángela Jasmín Gómez Hincapié Copyright (c) 2024 Claudia Patricia Cardona-Triana, Jhon Jairo Trejos Parra, Ángela Jasmín Gómez Hincapié https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 2024 Development of a public policy in a Colombian city: a multidisciplinary approach https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358739 <p>The Public Policy (PP) of the City of Pereira 2024-2033 was prepared using the ZOPP methodology (Goal-Oriented Project Planning), with contributions from participatory planning. First, a diagnosis was made by sub-sector (sport, recreation, physical activity and education), taking into account intersectoral management and infrastructure conditions as cross-cutting elements. Secondary sources were used, stakeholder interviews were conducted, focus groups were set up, and working groups were organized with the communities. A total of 371 persons participated. Twenty-seven working groups were organized with the participation of 41 entities. Design and formulation began in October 2022. Once drafted, the document had to be approved by the city's Social Policy Commission, then by the Social Policy Council, and finally by the City Council, where it was discussed by the Public Policy Commission before going to the full body. In May 2024, the policy was approved by the Agreement 08 of 2024 and signed by the mayor of the city. The policy addresses three situations of public interest: (1) it strengthens the capacities of the organizations that make up the sector, (2) it implements an accessible and sustainable management model for sports and recreation infrastructure, and (3) it promotes physical activity among the population. This policy goes beyond the traditional approach that separates the activities of sport, recreation, physical activity and physical education and recognizes that they all overlap and intertwine in such a way that at times and in certain contexts they are expressed simultaneously in social and community life and, in particular, in school and leisure activities.</p> Danny Steven Rodríguez Maya Mauricio Hernández Londoño Copyright (c) 2024 Expomotricidad https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 2024 Sports administration in training programs in Colombia https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358664 <p>This paper analyzes the state of sports administration in training programs in the field of physical education in Colombia, from the perspective of teaching, research, university extension and human talent. A descriptive, non-experimental, cross-sectional study was designed to analyze higher education institutions with active programs in physical education in the country. After a desk review, few studies were found that analyzed the management component in training programs, in addition to the diversity of denominations, topics and credits. This study could be considered as a starting point to recognize the field of sports management in the country and to project, from a collaborative work, future actions, and projects. The units of analysis were program managers, teachers, and training plans. They were interviewed through a questionnaire and a documentary analysis form. The expected results include the identification of the curricular component of the field at the undergraduate and graduate levels, the description of groups, lines, research and extension topics, and the recognition of human resources and organizational capabilities. This work provides an initial theoretical perspective that serves as a basis for future plans and projects in higher education institutions with programs in the field of physical education.</p> Liliana María Cardona-Mejía Juan Carlos Padierna-Cardona Sorayda Martínez-Monroy Jhon Edisson Alvarado-Torres Claudia Patricia Cardona-Triana Yury Andrea Orjuela-Ramírez Susana Loaiza-Marín Copyright (c) 2024 Liliana María Cardona-Mejía, Juan Carlos Padierna-Cardona, Sorayda Martínez-Monroy, Jhon Edisson Alvarado-Torres, Claudia Patricia Cardona-Triana, Yury Andrea Orjuela-Ramírez, Susana Loaiza-Marín https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 2024