Search Results
Found 6 items.
Humanized care; the case of patients subjected to chemotherapy
|Abstract = 401 veces | PDF (ENGLISH) = 63 veces| | HTML (ENGLISH) = 47 veces| | HTML (ESPAÑOL) = 393 veces| -
The transition of palliative care from the hospital to the home: a narrative review of experiences of patients and family caretakers
|Abstract = 991 veces | PDF = 449 veces| | HTML RESUMEN = 5 veces| | HTML ENGLISH = 1 veces| | HTML ESPAÑOL = 2 veces| -
Improvement of self-care behaviors in patients with heart failure
|Abstract = 543 veces | PDF (ENGLISH) = 73 veces| | PDF (ESPAÑOL) = 30 veces| | HTML(ENGLISH) = 4 veces| -
Culture brokerage as a form of caring
|Abstract = 192 veces | PDF (ENGLISH) = 82 veces| | HTML (ENGLISH) = 5 veces| | HTML (ESPAÑOL) = 179 veces| -
Comparison of the effectiveness of home visits and telephone follow-up on the self-efficacy of patients having undergone coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) and the burden of their family caregivers: A randomized controlled trial
|Abstract = 1092 veces | PDF = 394 veces| | PMC = 0 veces| | HTML INGLES = 26 veces| | VIDEO = 0 veces| -
The effect of Teach-back method education on the control of asthma and family care pressure of patients in Iran
|Abstract = 1061 veces | PDF = 400 veces| | PMC = 0 veces| | HTML INGLES = 27 veces| | VIDEO = 0 veces|
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