Search Results
Found 14 items.
Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness among HIV-Positive People from Buenos Aires, Argentina
|Abstract = 724 veces | PDF = 282 veces| | HTML ESPAÑOL = 155 veces| | PMC = 0 veces| | HTML INGLES = 11 veces| | VIDEO = 0 veces| -
Social Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic. A Systematic Review
|Abstract = 3768 veces | PDF = 1314 veces| | PMC = 0 veces| | HTML INGLES = 63 veces| | VIDEO = 0 veces| -
Institutionalized elderly: vulnerabilities and strategies to cope with Covid-19 in Brazil
|Abstract = 1850 veces | PDF = 972 veces| | HTML INGLES = 59 veces| | HTML PORTUGUES = 548 veces| | VIDEO = 0 veces| | PMC = 0 veces| -
Hope and family resilience promotion. Appreciative prac-tices
|Abstract = 338 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL) = 68 veces| | HTML (ESPAÑOL) = 11 veces| -
A National Survey of the Prevalence of Chronic Pain in Nursing Students and the Associated Factors
|Abstract = 845 veces | PDF = 266 veces| | PMC = 0 veces| | HTML INGLES = 26 veces| | VIDEO = 0 veces| -
Creating spaces for care for nurses working in the pandemic in light of the nursing process
|Abstract = 1129 veces | PDF = 529 veces| | HTML PORTUGUES = 107 veces| | PMC = 0 veces| | HTML INGLES = 16 veces| | VIDEO = 0 veces| -
The voice of children who live with HIV on implications of the disease in their daily life
|Abstract = 420 veces | RESUMEN | RESUMO = 8 veces| | PDF(ENGLISH) = 78 veces| | HTML(ENGLISH) = 24 veces| | HTML(PORTUGUES) = 2 veces| -
Quality of life of women with pre-and post-operative breast cancer
|Abstract = 1139 veces | PDF = 543 veces| | HTML ENGLISH = 8 veces| | VÍDEO = 0 veces| | HTML PORTUGUÊS = 4 veces| -
Analysis of the concept of powerlessness in individuals with stroke
|Abstract = 2549 veces | PDF = 1138 veces| | ENGLISH = 168 veces| | PORTUGUESE = 68 veces| | VIDEO = 0 veces| -
Nursing Student Experiences of Caring for Burned Patient: From Fearfulness to Normalization
|Abstract = 1316 veces | PDF = 702 veces| | HTML INGLES = 22 veces| | VIDEO = 0 veces| | PMC = 0 veces| -
Gender differences in the perception of quality of life of patients with colorectal cancer
|Abstract = 797 veces | PDF = 408 veces| | ENGLISH = 39 veces| | PORTUGUESE = 38 veces| | VIDEO = 0 veces| -
Quality of Professional Life and Burnout of the Nursing Staff at an Intensive Care Unit in Venezuela
|Abstract = 1698 veces | PDF = 1195 veces| | HTML INGLES = 31 veces| | HTML ESPAÑOL = 469 veces| | VIDEO = 0 veces| | PMC = 0 veces| -
COVID-19 Pandemic: Experiences of People with Visual Impairment
|Abstract = 2182 veces | PDF = 763 veces| | HTML INGLES = 47 veces| | HTML ESPAÑOL = 1190 veces| | VIDEO = 0 veces| | PMC = 0 veces| -
Children’s health perception through creative drawing language
|Abstract = 286 veces | RESUMEN | RESUMO = 12 veces| | HTML (ENGLISH) = 8 veces| | PDF (ENGLISH) = 57 veces| | PDF (PORTUGUÊS) = 37 veces|
1 - 14 of 14 items