Revista Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Antioquia, No.111, pp. 48-54, Apr-Jun 2024
Reciclacentros: a sustainable municipal solid
waste management initiative in a Mexican city
Reciclacentros: iniciativa de gestión sostenible de los residuos sólidos urbanos en una
ciudad mexicana
Juana Alvarado-Ibarra1, Kelly Cassandra Ochoa-Cabrera2*, Heidy Burrola-Núñez3
1Departamento de Investigación en Polímeros y Materiales, Universidad de Sonora. Bulevar Luis Encinas y Rosales S/N,
Col. Centro, C.P. 83000. Hermosillo, México.
2Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial, Universidad de Sonora. Bulevar Luis Encinas y Rosales S/N, Col. Centro. C. P.
83000. Hermosillo, México.
3Programa de Ecología, Universidad Estatal de Sonora. Avenida Ley Federal del Trabajo S/N, colonia Apolo, C. P. 83100.
Hermosillo, México.
J. Alvarado-Ibarra, K. C.
Ochoa-Cabrera and H.
”Reciclacentros: a sustainable
municipal solid waste
management initiative in a
Mexican city”, Revista Facultad
de Ingeniería Universidad de
Antioquia, no. 111, pp. 48-54,
Apr-Jun, 2024. [Online].
Available: https:
Received: March 13, 2023
Accepted: November 01, 2023o
Available online: November
01, 2023
Characterization of municipal
solid waste; Municipal solid
waste management; Citizen
participation; Recovery of
municipal solid waste
Caracterización de residuos
sólidos urbanos; Gestión de
residuos sólidos urbanos;
Participación ciudadana;
Recuperación de residuos
sólidos urbanos
ABSTRACT: Due to the increase in the generation of municipal solid waste and its impact
on the environment and health, governments have been overburdened by its impact.
Therefore, they have developed initiatives for waste disposal options in which citizens
are involved. For that reason, this article aims to identify the population sector that
participates in the separation of municipal solid waste and goes to the collection centers,
as well as to characterize waste in three points known as Reciclacentros in the city of
Hermosillo, Sonora. For this purpose, surveys were applied, selecting the respondents
in a non-probabilistic way. In the characterization, the amount of waste received at
each point was weighed. The data obtained were analyzed through a non-parametric
Kruskal - Wallis test with 95% confidence (p<0.05). It was found that the people going to
the Reciclacentros have an average monthly income of more than 30 thousand Mexican
pesos, mostly young adult women between 25 and 44 years old, with the highest
participation. In addition, the collection center identified as R3 presented a significantly
higher difference in waste received with respect to the other collection centers in the
period evaluated (23 t). Cardboard and paper, plastic, and glass are the most recovered
waste in the city.
RESUMEN: Como consecuencia del aumento en la generación de residuos sólidos urbanos
y su impacto en el medio ambiente y la salud, los gobiernos se han visto rebasados
por sus impactos; por lo que han desarrollado iniciativas para el aprovechamiento de
residuos en la que se involucra a la ciudadanía. Por lo tanto, este trabajo de investigación
se plantea el identificar al sector poblacional que participa en la separación y entrega
de residuos sólidos urbanos; así como caracterizar éstos en tres puntos denominados
reciclacentros de la ciudad de Hermosillo, Sonora. Para ello, se aplicaron encuestas,
seleccionando de forma no probabilística a los encuestados. En la caracterización, se
pesó la cantidad de residuos recibidos en cada punto. Las cantidades obtenidas se
analizaron a través de la prueba no paramétrica Kruskal - Wallis con una confianza
del 95% (p<0.05). Se encontró que las personas que acuden a los reciclacentros tienen
un promedio de ingresos mensual superior a los 30 mil pesos mexicanos, siendo en
su mayoría mujeres adultas jóvenes de entre 25 a 44 años las de mayor participación.
Además, el reciclacentro identificado como R3 presentó una diferencia significativa
superior de residuos recibidos con respecto a los otros reciclacentros en el periodo
evaluado (23 t); el cartón y papel, plástico y vidrio son los residuos más recuperados
en la ciudad.
1. Introduction
In Mexico, the General Law for the Prevention and
Integral Management of Waste (LGPGIR by its acronym in
* Corresponding author: Kelly Cassandra Ochoa-Cabrera
ISSN 0120-6230
e-ISSN 2422-2844
DOI: 10.17533/udea.redin.20231131
J. Alvarado-Ibarra et al., Revista Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Antioquia, No. 111, pp. 48-54, 2024
Spanish) stipulates that it is the responsibility of municipal
governments to perform the functions of municipal solid
waste (MSW) management; however, as in many other
developing countries, municipal governments often find
difficulties to carry out the tasks of collection, transfer,
treatment and final disposal of these wastes [1, 2].
These difficulties have been potentiated as a result of
population expansion, and increasing urbanization and
industrialization, which have drastically increased the
amount of MSW generated, making them one of the
major environmental and health problems that cities and
governments have to face [3, 4].
According to estimations, Mexico generates 120,128 t
of MSW daily, from which 46% is organic waste, 32% is
waste that can be recycled, and the remaining 22% is
classified as other waste [5]. Specifically, in the city of
Hermosillo, located in the state of Sonora in Mexico, about
580 t of MSW/day are generated; their composition is
presented in Figure 1, with organic waste, followed by
paper and cardboard being the predominant ones [6].
Figure 1 Composition of MSW of Hermosillo, Sonora [6]
To collect MSW that can be recycled, there are
government-operated collection centers that receive
various recyclable materials; nevertheless, these are very
few and do not receive, on average, even the 1% of the
waste that can be recycled in Mexico. Also, it should be
noted that they do not include the collection of organic
waste [5, 7].
According to [7], as of 2017, the state of Sonora had
none of the 1,060 existing collection centers in the country.
In turn, recycling and composting indicators of the city
of Hermosillo indicate that 0% of waste is composted,
and only between 1% and 2% is recycled [8]. Therefore,
according to [9], MSW management in Hermosillo focuses
on the collection, not the treatment.
In this sense, there is a need to minimize the amount of
confined waste and take advantage of the MSW generated,
through sustainable management [10], in which priority is
given to health protection, environmental quality, and the
promotion of sustainable development [11–13]. Likewise,
it is essential to promote the separation of MSW from the
source of origin, since this makes it possible to increase
the quality and quantity of waste that can be recycled [14].
Therefore, several authors point out that MSW
management not only concerns governments, but involves
diverse actors, among which society, as a generator of
waste, plays a crucial role given that with its cooperation,
it is possible to improve MSW management [15–18]. In this
context, the General Direction of Municipal Public Services
(DGSPM), the agency responsible for MSW management
in the city of Hermosillo, Sonora, launched an initiative to
bring MSW management toward sustainability. In 2018,
the municipal government initiated the collection centers
to reduce the amount of waste that is taken to the landfill;
nowadays, these centers are still active and are part of
the program called Reciclacentros, which are collection
centers for recyclable waste managed by the municipality
of Hermosillo [19].
To contribute to the MSW management in Hermosillo,
Sonora, this research aims to identify the population
sector that participates in the separation and delivery
of MSW at the collection centers, in addition to showing
that the initiative Reciclacentros is an alternative for the
improvement of MSW management. The aforementioned,
through the characterization in type and quantity of the
MSW, recovered in the Reciclacentros.
2. Methodology
2.1 Place of study
The study was conducted in the city of Hermosillo, Sonora,
located in the northwestern part of Mexico (N 29° 6’9.36’’,
W 110° 58’38.55’’). The city is the state capital and has
a land area of 15,724.3 km2; it is the most populated
municipality in the state, with 936,263 inhabitants,
representing 31.8% of the state population. The climate in
the city is classified as semi-warm to dry, so temperatures
tend to be hot most of the year [20].
Specifically, this study was developed in the collection
centers of Hermosillo, Sonora, better known as
Reciclacentros. Those are located in different parts of
the city (see Figure 2) and were defined as Reciclacentro
Permanente (R1), Reciclacentro Pulso (R2), and
Reciclacentro Bachoco (R3). The study was conducted
from January to May 2022.
2.2 Population and sample
To define the socio-demographic characteristics of the
population involved in the separation and recovery of
J. Alvarado-Ibarra et al., Revista Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Antioquia, No. 111, pp. 48-54, 2024
Figure 2 Geographical location of the area of study
MSW in the collection centers, the survey “Study of
characterization of the municipal solid waste recovered
in the Reciclacentros of Hermosillo, Sonora”, was applied
from February to April 2022, and it was elaborated based
on the book Encuestas. Elementos para su diseño y
análisis [21].
The survey consisted of 16 questions and was applied
in a non-probabilistic way; it was determined by the
accessibility and availability of people participating in the
research [22], at the locations and times indicated in Table
1. Since the population attending the Reciclacentros was
unknown, a statistically representative sample of 100 units
was chosen [23].
2.3 Experimental design and statistical
analysis of Municipal Solid Waste
The experimental design is a completely randomized,
one-factorial design. The factor to be studied is the
location of the Reciclacentros. Therefore, weekly samples
were taken for 16 weeks between January and May 2022.
The data obtained were analyzed in the statistical package
IBM SPSS Statistics version 2.1, through a non-parametric
Kruskal – Wallis test with 95% confidence (p<0.05); and
the mean comparison test was performed by the Games –
Howell post-hoc test.
The response variables included the kilograms of
waste recovered: polyethylene terephthalate (PET), plastic
bags (polyethylene, PE), cardboard and paper (C & P),
polystyrene (PS), glass, Tetrapak, egg carton, and metal.
In addition, the number of vehicles observed at each
collection center during the sampling was considered.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1 Socio-demographic information
Table 2 shows the number of surveys conducted in each
Reciclacentro. It was found that the families that separate
their waste are made up of a range of 3 to 5 people, which
coincides with the average number of occupants per
household in the city [20]. In turn, the population involved
in waste separation is primally female, represented by
53.5%, while the male gender is represented by 46.5%.
This result agrees with a report by [24] in Spain, in which
women represent the demographic group with the greatest
concern for waste separation.
Regarding age, 41% of the participants are young adults
between ages 25 and 44, which, according to [20],
corresponds to the average age of the city’s inhabitants.
The low participation of the young population stands
out, as only 6% of the respondents are people under 24
years of age. The population that actively participates in
the Reciclacentros is characterized by having a monthly
income of more than 30 thousand Mexican pesos. It is
worth mentioning that in the R3 collection center, there
was no participant with an income of less than 9 thousand
Mexican pesos; on the contrary, 10% of those surveyed
at this collection center stated that they had an income
higher than 100 thousand Mexican pesos per month.
From the total number of people surveyed, 67% stated
that they separated their waste before the collection
center initiative began; the waste was delivered to the
collection truck, where it was either sent to the landfill for
confinement or taken by the cleanup system’s workers.
On the other hand, 33% of the respondents confirmed that
they did not separate their waste before the collection
centers. Furthermore, 28% of those surveyed said that in
their household, they generate some type of waste that
they would be willing to separate; that waste includes
vegetable oil, textiles (used clothes or fabrics), and
J. Alvarado-Ibarra et al., Revista Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Antioquia, No. 111, pp. 48-54, 2024
Table 1 Modality and operation hours of the Reciclacentros in the city of Hermosillo, Sonora
Reciclacentro Location Modality Operation Hours
R1 Periférico Norte s/n Colonia Zona, C.P 83, Permanent 8:00-15:00 hrs
Hermosillo Sonora. (Monday - Saturday)
R2 Blvd. Quiroga esquina con Blvd. Navarrete Colonia Semi Permanent 8:00-13:00 hrs
Real de Quiroga, C.P 83220, Hermosillo, Sonora. (Only Saturday)
R3 Blvd. Morelos casi esquina con Blvd. López Portillo Semi Permanent 8:00-13:00 hrs
Colonia Sacramento, C.P 83144, Hermosillo, Sonora (Only Saturday)
Table 2 Modality and operation hours of the Reciclacentros in
the city of Hermosillo, Sonora
Reciclacentro Number of surveys
R1 28
R2 53
R3 48
Total 129
metallic wrappers.
Regarding Reciclacentros, 50% of the participants
indicated that they would go to another collection center
if the municipality decided to end the initiative, 27% said
they would continue separating their waste without taking
it to another collection center, and the remaining 23%
said they would stop separating their waste. It is relevant
to mention that the respondents comment that if the
Reciclacentros close, they would pressure and demand the
municipal authorities to continue with the initiative. This
demand, according to [15, 16], shows that the population
accepts its responsibility in the generation of MSW and
presents a commitment to cooperate and participate in
improving MSW management.
Finally, according to the results, 24% of the respondents
consider that taking their waste to the collection centers
is the best way to reduce pollution in the city, while 19%
intend to take responsibility for the waste generated.
Other factors mentioned include educating children and
encouraging them to take care of the environment.
3.2 Municipal solid waste characterization
As shown in Figure 3, cardboard and paper (21%) are
the most separated MSW because, according to the
respondents, it is easy to identify and simple to separate.
To continue, MSW recovered at the Reciclacentros in
the city of Hermosillo consists of cardboard and paper,
PET, plastic bags, Tetrapak, egg cartons, metal, and
polystyrene. For its part, organic waste is also received
at R2 and R3; however, the quantity of organic waste
received at the collection centers varies from 100 g to 20
kg, contrary to what is stated in the literature [8]; organic
Figure 3 Types of MSW separated for recovery
waste is being composted in the city.
As a result of the quantification, 49,681.4 kg were
received at the Reciclacentros in the evaluation period;
it is estimated that this represents 0.08% of the total
MSW generated in the city of Hermosillo. Although this
is not a higher percentage than that reported in the city’s
recycling indicators (between 1% and 2%) [8], according to
Hermosillo authorities, more and more citizens are joining
the initiative, which has increased the amount of MSW
recovered in the city [25, 26].
Additionally, 4,762 vehicles were accounted for at the
three collection centers. In both cases, the volume of MSW
recovered, and the vehicles accounted for; R3 was the
collection center with the largest quantities (see Tables
3 and 4). It is attributed that the difference between the
collection centers is due to the location since R3 is located
in a residential area with high affluence; in this sense,
[27] demonstrates that a shorter distance between the
container or collection center increases the number of
citizens who recycle. To know the differences between
various groups of observed measures of a categorical
variable, the optimal test to utilize was a non-parametric
Table 4 shows the medians and ranges obtained for
each type of waste in the non-parametric Kruskal – Wallis
test, also known as the H test. It is equivalent to a one-way
ANOVA test. The significant differences between each
recycling center were found by the Games-Howell test.
J. Alvarado-Ibarra et al., Revista Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Antioquia, No. 111, pp. 48-54, 2024
Table 3 Total quantification of MSW recovered, and number of
vehicles accounted for by Reciclacentro
Reciclacentro Total ofMSW Number of
rocovered (kg) Vehicles
R1 8,721.2 321
R2 17,527.2 1773
R3 23,365 2,648
Total 49,681.4 4,762
Table 4 Comparison of the amount of waste collected in each
recycling center using the Kruskal Walis test (H test). Significant
differences among Reciclacentros, using the Games-Howell test
R1 R2 R3
H PMdn Mdn Mdn
(Rank) (Rank) (Rank)
PET 40 140 200 37.8 <.001
(60)a (80)b (240)c
C & P 120 300 360 33.0 <.001
(180)a (360)b (570)b
PE 25 50 50 25.5 <.001
(25)a (25)b (75)b
PS 15 20 28 13.6 <.001
(22)a (18)b (15)b
Glass 300 400 600 30.0 <.001
(270)a (500)b (900)c
Tetra pak 24 44 66 33.3 <.001
(24)a (48)b (60)c
As we can see, in most cases, there were significant
differences in the recycling of the three Reciclacentros
compared, R1 being the one that received less waste.
Likewise, significantly, R3 was the one that received the
greatest amount of material. This might be because
the location is a part of the city where people with a
higher income live and where the culture of caring for
the environment is more present. Besides, egg cartons,
cardboard and paper, and polystyrene, the amount
received by R2 and R3 was similar, with no significant
difference. This is likely, because the reciclacentro R2
is surrounded by many commercial food businesses.
Figure 4 shows that glass, cardboard, paper, and PET
reported the highest percentage in weight among the
waste recovered in the Reciclacentros; this is similar to the
composition of MSW received in the collection centers at
the national level [7]. For glass, the waste with the highest
volume in kilograms (21,840 kg) received, there was a
significant difference in the amount recovered at each
Reciclacentro; the largest volume, 10,020 kg, was received
at R3. Similarly, the volume of PET received showed a
difference between the collection centers, being again R3
the one that statistically received a significantly higher
volume (3,256 kg). In the case of cardboard and paper,
the comparison of means showed no significant difference
between R2 and R3, with 5,208 kg and 6,372 kg received,
respectively (see Figure 5).
Figure 4 Total percentages of MSW recovered in the
4. Conclusions
It is concluded that women are likely to be more involved in
MSW separation, aged 25 to 44 years old. It is emphasized
that the collection centers in the city of Hermosillo are
directed to a population with a monthly income of more
than 30 thousand Mexican pesos.
Cardboard and paper are the most separated waste
for recycling, since, according to the participants, they
are easy to identify and separate. Meanwhile, glass
constituted the highest percentage of the total waste
collected in the collection centers. It should be noted
that, although the percentage of organic waste received
at the Reciclacentros is not known, it is being considered
for recovery and is already being composted in the city of
On the other hand, 33% of the participants began to
separate their waste as a result of the Reciclacentros
initiative, which reflects the interest and commitment
of citizens to participate in initiatives that improve MSW
management. In addition, the amount of MSW received
at the collection centers shows statistically significant
differences, with R3 having 47% of the total MSW received,
being the most successful collection center. This success
is related to the location of the collection center and the
monthly income level of the population in that sector.
Finally, according to the respondents, the Reciclacentros
help reduce the contamination in the city; therefore,
it is demonstrated that the Reciclacentros are an
MSW management initiative that helps reduce the
environmental and health impacts associated with waste.
They also encourage the efficient use of resources and
promote the sustainable development of the city, in
addition to promoting environmental awareness among
citizens. In this sense, it is shown that the municipal
government of Hermosillo, Sonora no longer only
focuses its attention on the collection of MSW, but also
J. Alvarado-Ibarra et al., Revista Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Antioquia, No. 111, pp. 48-54, 2024
Figure 5 Comparison of the volume in kilograms of the most recovered MSW in the Reciclacentros
contemplates the recovery and treatment of MSW, through
initiatives that have an impact on MSW management.
5. Declaration of competing interest
We declare that we have no significant competing interests
including financial or non-financial, professional, or
personal interest, interfering with the full and objective
presentation of the work described in this manuscript.
6. Acknowledgements
We sincerely thank the Hermosillo city council, especially
the General Direction of Municipal Public Services, for
facilitating the development of this research in the
Reciclacentros. Thanks to Norberto Barraza for his advice
at the Reciclacentros and to Enrique Villacorta for the
support provided.
7. Funding Acknowledgments
The authors want to thank CONACYT for granting the
scholarship to the student Kelly Cassandra Ochoa
Cabrera, who has carried out the research financing her
postgraduate studies.
8. Author contributions
Alvarado-Ibarra, J. designed the study and collaborated
in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data.
Ochoa-Cabrera, K.C collected data and assisted in data
analysis and interpretation; she wrote a part of the
manuscript. Burrola-Nuñez, H. provided statistical data
analysis tools, supported the interpretation of results,
wrote a part of the manuscript.
9. Data Availability Statement
The data associated with this manuscript is available
and without access restrictions by request to the email or
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