Carcass characteristics and meat quality of Holstein bulls according
to slaughter age and muscle type
Características de la canal y calidad de la carne de toros Holstein en función de la edad de sacrificio y
tipo de músculo
Características de carcaça e qualidade da carne de touros da raça Holandês em função da idade de abate
e tipo de músculo
Abdulkerim Diler1 ; Mete Yanar2 ; Recep Aydın2 ; Veysel Fatih Özdemir2 ; Şeyma Şişik Oğraş3 ;
Rıdvan Koçyiğit2* .
1Department of Plant and Animal Sciences, Vocational School of Technical Sciences, Ataturk University, Erzurum, Türkiye.
2Department of Animal Science, College of Agriculture, Ataturk University, Erzurum, Türkiye.
3Department of Food Engineering, College of Agriculture, Ataturk University, Erzurum, Türkiye.
To cite this article:
Diler A, Yanar M, Aydın R, Özdemir VF, Oğraş ŞŞ, Koçyiğit R. Carcass characteristics and meat quality of Holstein bulls
according to slaughter age and muscle type. Rev Colomb Cienc Pecu 2024; 37(1):3–13. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rccp.
Background: Among non-genetic factors, slaughter age is the most significant aspect influencing meat quality traits and
quantity of beef. Objective: To compare the effects of slaughter age and muscle type on carcass traits and meat quality of Holstein
bulls. Methods: A total of 30 Holstein Friesian bulls were slaughtered at different age, as follows: Young group (YG) at 18
months (n=14 animals); and Old group (OG) at 24 months of age (n=16 animals). Carcass and meat quality traits of longissimus
dorsi (LD) and gluteus medius (GM) muscles were evaluated. Results: Carcass traits were not significantly affected over time.
Although carcass fat measurements -such as marbling score, back fat thickness, European Beef Carcass Classification System
(SEUROP) fatness score- increased numerically with greater slaughter age, only the increase in percentage of kidney, pelvic,
and heart (KPH) fat contents were significant (p<0.05). Bulls slaughtered at 24 months had 13.4% greater (p<0.01) LD area
than those in the YG group. Bulls in the OG group had significantly (p<0.01) higher slaughter weight as well as hot and cold
carcass weights. However, percentages of hot and cold carcass dressing were not significantly affected by slaughter age. The L*
(lightness), a* (redness), b* (yellowness), chroma (color intensity), and hue values of meat in the OG group did not differ from
those in the YG group. However, L*, a* and chroma values of GM muscle were higher than those of LD muscle, while the pH24
value of GM muscle was significantly (p<0.01) higher than that of LD. Conclusion: It seems more advantageous to slaughter
bulls at 24 months of age to get heavier, more marbled, and muscled carcasses better suited to current consumer expectations.
Keywords: beef quality; carcass traits; cattle; color parameters; Holstein Friesian; non-casing components; slaughter
age; slaughter characteristics; types of muscle.
Received: February 15, 2023. Accepted: May 10, 2023
*Corresponding author. College of Agriculture, Ataturk University, 25240, Erzurum, Türkiye. Phone: +90 442 231 13 99;
Fax: +90 442 236 39 58. E-mail: rkocyigit@atauni.edu.tr
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted reuse,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
eISSN: 2256-2958 Rev Colomb Cienc Pecu 2024; 37(1, Jan-Mar):3–13
© 2024 Universidad de Antioquia. Publicado por Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia.

https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rccp.v37n1a1Rev Colomb Cienc Pecu 2024; 37(1, Jan-Mar):3–13Meat quality of Holstein bulls according to age
Antecedentes: Entre los factores no genéticos, la edad al sacrificio se destaca como el que más influye en la calidad de canal
y cantidad de carne. Objetivo: Comparar los efectos de la edad de sacrificio y los tipos de músculo sobre las características de
la canal y los atributos de calidad de la carne de toros Holstein. Métodos: Los toros fueron sacrificados a los 18 meses (grupo
joven=YG) y 24 meses (grupo viejo=OG) de edad. Al final del período de ceba, se sacrificaron los 30 toros (YG=14 animales;
OG=16 animales). Luego se evaluaron las características de la canal y calidad de la carne de los músculos Longissimus dorsi
(LD) y Gluteus medius (GM). Resultados: Se encontró que los toros se pueden sacrificar a una edad más avanzada porque
la edad al sacrificio no afectó significativamente las características de la canal. Aunque las mediciones de grasa de la canal
(tales como puntuación de marmoleo, grosor de la grasa dorsal y puntuación de grasa del Sistema Europeo de Clasificación
de Canales de Res -SEUROP) aumentaron numéricamente a mayor edad de sacrificio, solo el contenido graso en riñón, pelvis
y corazón (KPH) aumentó significativamente (p<0,05). Los toros sacrificados a los 24 meses de edad tuvieron un área LD de
13,4% mayor (p<0,01) que los del grupo YG. Los toros en el grupo OG tuvieron mayor (p<0,01) peso al sacrificio y en canal
caliente y fría. Sin embargo, los porcentajes de faenado caliente y frío de la canal no se vieron afectados significativamente
por la edad de sacrificio. Los valores de L* (luminosidad), a* (rojez), b* (amarillez), croma (intensidad de color) y tonalidad
de la carne de los toros en el grupo OG no difirieron significativamente de los del grupo YG. Sin embargo, los valores de L*,
a* y croma del músculo GM fueron más altos que los del músculo LD, mientras que el valor de pH24 del músculo GM fue
significativamente (p<0,01) más alto que el del músculo LD. Conclusión: Parece más ventajoso sacrificar toros a los 24 meses
de edad para obtener canales no solo más pesadas sino también con mayor puntuación de marmoleo y más musculosas y, por
lo tanto, más adecuadas a las expectativas actuales del consumidor.
Palabras clave: calidad de la carne; características de la canal; características del sacrificio; componentes que no son de
carcasa; edad de sacrificio; ganado; Holstein Friesian; parámetros de color; tipos de músculo.
Antecedentes: Entre os fatores não genéticos, a idade de abate é apontada como o fator mais significativo que influencia as
propriedades de qualidade da carne e a quantidade de carne bovina. Objetivo: Comparar os efeitos da idade de abate e tipos de
músculos nas características de carcaça e atributos de qualidade da carne de touros da raça Holstein Friesian. Métodos: Touros
foram abatidos com 18 meses (grupo jovem=YG) e 24 meses (grupo velho=GO) de idade. No final do período de engorda,
foram abatidos os 30 touros (YG=14 cabeças; OG=16 cabeças) que foram engordados numa quinta privada. Em seguida, foram
avaliadas as características de carcaça e qualidade da carne dos músculos Longissimus dorsi (LD) e Gluteus medius (GM).
Resultados: Foi determinado que os touros podem ser abatidos mais tarde porque suas características de carcaça não foram
significativamente afetadas ao longo do tempo. Embora as medidas de gordura da carcaça, como escore de marmoreio, espessura
de toucinho, o escore de gordura do European Beef Carcass Classification System (SEUROP) aumentou numericamente com o
avanço da idade de abate, apenas o aumento da porcentagem de rim, pelve e coração (KPH) o teor de gordura foi estatisticamente
significativo (p<0,05). Touros abatidos aos 24 meses de idade tiveram área LD 13,4% maior (p<0,01) do que os do grupo YG.
Os touros Holstein Friesian no grupo OG tiveram peso de abate significativamente (p<0,01) maior, bem como pesos de carcaça
quente e fria. No entanto, as porcentagens de rendimento de carcaça quente e fria não foram significativamente afetadas pela
idade de abate. Os valores de L* (luminosidade), a* (vermelhidão), b* (amarelamento), croma (intensidade da cor) e matiz da
carne de touros da raça Holstein Friesian no grupo OG não diferiram significativamente dos touros no YG grupo. No entanto, os
valores de L*, a* e croma do músculo GM foram maiores do que os do músculo LD, enquanto o valor de pH24 do músculo GM
foi significativamente (p<0,01) maior do que o do músculo LD. Conclusões: Parece mais vantajoso abater touros aos 24 meses
de idade para obter carcaças não apenas mais pesadas, mas também com maior pontuação de marmoreio e mais musculosas e,
portanto, mais adequadas às exigências atuais do consumidor.
Palavras-chave: características de abate; características de carcaça; componentes não invólucros; gado; Holstein
Friesian; idade de abate; parâmetros de cor; qualidade da carne bovina; tipos de músculo.

5Rev Colomb Cienc Pecu 2024; 37(1, Jan-Mar):3–13
https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rccp.v37n1a1Meat q uality of H olstein bulls according to age
The physiochemical traits of meat determine its
commercial value and acceptability by consumers
(Belhaj et al., 2021). Meat quality is usually
defined as a measurement of traits or features that
determine the consumer appreciation of texture,
flavor, food safety, and the suitability of meat to
be eaten fresh or stored for a reasonable period
without deterioration (Elmasry et al., 2012).
Variations in carcass and beef quality traits can be
attributed to intrinsic factors (e.g. breed, slaughter
age, slaughter weight, sex) and extrinsic factors
(diet, pre-slaughter handling practices, aging
duration, and slaughtering procedure) (Bureš and
Bartoň, 2012; Purwin et al., 2016, Nogalski et
al., 2018, Clinquart et al., 2022). In addition, the
histochemical properties of muscles affect meat
quality (Preziuso and Russo, 2004). Among the
intrinsic factors, age at slaughter greatly influences
carcass and beef quality (Guerrero et al., 2013).
Beef production in Europe depends heavily
on dairy cattle enterprises. Most beef in Europe
is produced as a by-product from dairy farms,
comprising two-thirds of European cattle
(Greenwood, 2021). Holstein bull calves provide
a significant part of the overall supply of beef
around the world, including many European
countries and the USA. Likewise, dairy cattle
breeds in eastern Turkey contribute considerably
to beef production in this region (Özdemir and
Yanar, 2021). Holstein Friesian cattle reared on the
elevated plains of eastern Turkey has a distinctive
morphological structure. They have comparatively
lower body weight and size than their counterparts
raised in the lowland countries of Europe (Bayram
et al., 2004). Although body size of Holsteins
reared in Turkey became relatively smaller, these
animals are quite well adapted to the difficult
environmental conditions of eastern Turkey due to
their ability to adapt to a wide range of climatic
conditions (Fanta, 2017).
There is scarce information about the effect of
slaughter age on carcass traits and meat quality
of Holstein cattle reared in the harsh climatic
conditions of Eastern Turkey. Therefore, this study
was undertaken to compare the effects of slaughter
age and muscle type on carcass characteristics and
meat quality of Holstein bulls.
Materials and Methods
Ethical considerations
Slaughtering and postslaughter procedures
in the abattoir were carried out in line with the
procedures for slaughtering and carcass preparation
of the Turkish Standards Institute (TSI, 1987).
In addition, the research project was approved
by the Ethics and Animal Welfare Committee of
the College of Agriculture at Atatürk University,
Experimental design
A total of 30 Holstein Friesian males were
fattened in a private farm located in the Erzurum
Province, Eastern Turkey. A total mixed ration was
offered ad libitum in group-feeding throughout the
fattening period (210 days) (Figure 1). The ration
consisted of 70% concentrate and 30% dry hay
(on a dry matter basis). The chemical composition
of the concentrate used was 88.0% dry matter,
16.1% crude protein, 8.5% crude ash, 2.3% ether
extract, 41.5% neutral detergent fiber, and 19.8%
acid detergent fiber. The hay contained 87.8%
dry matter, 8.1% crude protein, 8.8% crude ash,
2.8% ether extract, 41.1% acid detergent fiber, and
61.6% neutral detergent fiber.
Figure 1. Cattle fed total mixed ration in group-feeding.
Prior to slaughter, bulls were allocated into two
groups based on slaughter age. Then, the groups
were named young group (YG) (average 18.0±1.4

https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rccp.v37n1a1Rev Colomb Cienc Pecu 2024; 37(1, Jan-Mar):3–13Meat quality of Holstein bulls according to age
months old; n=14) and old group (OG) (24.0±1.2
months old; n=16).
Non-carcass components and carcass traits
Immediately after slaughter, hide, head, feet,
heart, liver, testis, tail, spleen, kidney, and lung
weights were determined. Percentage of non-
carcass components were calculated by dividing
the weight of hide, head, feet, heart, liver, testes,
tail, spleen, kidney, and lung by the hot carcass
weight, which was recorded about 1 h postmortem;
then, these values were multiplied by 100. Kidney,
pelvic, and heart (KPH) fat were determined
for each carcass, and percentage of KPH was
calculated by dividing KPH fat weight by the
hot carcass weight and then multiplied by 100.
Meanwhile, carcass measures, such as thoracic
depth, carcass length, length of the round, width
of the round from the medial side, and width of the
round were also recorded from the hot carcasses
(Özlütürk et al., 2008).
The SEUROP beef carcass grading system was
used to visually assess the fatness score (degree
of fat cover) and the conformation score of each
carcass by a trained meat grader. After visual
evaluation of the carcasses, the hot carcasses were
split along the spine into two halves and chilled
at 4 °C for 24 h in a commercial chiller. Then,
cold carcass weights of the two halves of a carcass
were determined. Losses in carcass weight were
also determined by subtracting cold carcass weight
from hot carcass weight. The weight difference
was then divided by the hot carcass weight, and
then multiplied by 100 to determine percentage
of chill loss. Dressing percentage of the hot and
cold carcasses were calculated as a ratio of hot or
cold carcass weight to live body weight obtained
at the slaughterhouse. After 24 h postmortem, the
carcasses were ribbed at the 12-13 rib interface.
Marbling score and fat depth at three equally spaced
points over Longissimus dorsi (LD) muscle and
area of LD muscle cross-section was determined
at the ribbing site. The scale used to determine
marbling score ranged from 1 to 6 (1: slight, 2:
small, 3: modest, 4: moderate, 5: slightly abundant,
6: abundant) and official USDA marbling photos
were used to evaluate color scores (Figure 2).
Meat color parameters and pH
Meat samples from the gluteus medius (GM) and
the LD muscles were excised from the carcasses to
determine objective meat color parameters. After
pH measurements were performed on freshly cut
surfaces of LD and GM muscles using a direct
probe of a SCHOTT model pH meter (Schott, Lab
Star pH, Mainz, Germany), meat color parameters
[lightness (L*), redness (a*), yellowness (b*)
values] in muscle samples of LD and GM were
objectively measured using the Minolta Chroma
meter CR-400 (Minolta, Osaka, Japan) after 30
min of exposure to the air (Figure 3). The hue
of the tissue and the chroma were calculated as
tan-1(b*/a*) and √(a*2+b*2) respectively. Finally,
hue was determined by multiplying tan-1(b*/a*) by
Statistical analysis
The Shapiro-Wilk normality test in SPSS
Statistics 20 (IBM, Chicago, IL, USA. 2011) was
used to analyze normality of the data. Since data
had normal distribution, the SPSS Independent
Samples T Test procedure was used for statistical
analysis of slaughter and carcass traits data. Data
from meat color parameters were statistically
compared using a mathematical model that
included slaughter age and muscle as main
effects. The interaction between slaughter age
(YG, OG) and muscle (LD, GM) was excluded
Figure 2. Official USDA marbling photos used to
determine marbling score.

7Rev Colomb Cienc Pecu 2024; 37(1, Jan-Mar):3–13
https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rccp.v37n1a1Meat quality of Holstein bulls according to age
Kg, respectively, values of the OG group were
323.09±26.57 and 318.20±25.95, respectively.
Percentage of hot and cold carcass dressing ranged
from 54.60±1.40 to 53.80±1.40 in the YG group
and from 54.90±1.60 to 54.10±1.50 in the OG
group, respectively. Slaughter age groups differed
significantly in slaughter weight, hot and cold
carcass weights (p<0.01) as well as percentage of
chilling loss (p<0.05) (Table 1). In contrast, hot
and cold carcass dressing percentages were not
significantly affected by slaughtering age.
The least squares means and standard errors
from carcass traits are given in Table 2. While
SEUROP fatness and SEUROP conformation
scores in the YG group were 3.82±1.97 and
11.01±2.09, respectively, for the OG they were
4.27±1.45 and 10.64±2.01, respectively. The
LD area of bulls in the YG and OG groups
were 73.55±5.76 and 83.42±5.54, respectively.
Marbling scores and back fat thickness of
carcasses increased from 1.64±0.51 to 1.91±0.44,
and from 4.04±1.72 to 4.79±1.47 with increasing
slaughter age, respectively. Percentage of kidney
fat and KPH were 0.09±0.03 and 0.74±0.25 in the
YG group and 0.11±0.02 and 0.97±0.20 in the OG
group, respectively. All carcass traits, except for
LD area and percentage of kidney fat, were not
significantly affected by slaughter age. Differences
in LD area (p<0.01), KPH (p<0.05) between
slaughter age groups were statistically significant.
Figure 3. Minolta Chroma meter CR-400 used in the
from the statistical model since it was found not
significant in the preliminary statistical analysis.
The Duncan Multiple Comparison Test was used
for subclass mean comparisons when the F test
for main effects were significant (Montgomery,
Least square means and standard errors for
slaughter traits are presented in Table 1. Slaughter
weight of bulls in the YG and OG groups were
500.90±48.00 and 587.70±36.50 Kg, respectively.
While hot and cold carcass weights of bulls in the
YG group were 273.64±31.02 and 269.62±30.88
Table 1. Traits of Holstein Friesian bulls slaughtered at two ages.
Slaughter trait Slaughter age Significance
Young group
Old group
Slaughter weight 500.90±48.00 587.70±36.50 **
Hot carcass weight 273.64±31.02 323.09±26.57 **
Cold carcass weight 269.62±30.88 318.20±25.95 **
Hot carcass dressing (%) 54.60±1.40 54.90±1.60 NS
Cold carcass dressing (%) 53.80±1.40 54.10±1.50 NS
Chilling loss (Kg) 4.02±0.93 4.89±1.02 *
Chilling loss (%) 1.46±0.33 1.52±0.25 NS
*: p<0.05; **: p<0.01; NS: Non-significant (p>0.05); X: Least square mean; SE: Standard error.

https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rccp.v37n1a1Rev Colomb Cienc Pecu 2024; 37(1, Jan-Mar):3–13Meat quality of Holstein bulls according to age
Table 3 presents the non-carcass components
data. Proportions of weights of hide, head, fore-
hind shanks, and liver to the hot carcass weight
of bulls in YG and OG groups were determined
as 7.95±0.36 and 7.45±0.34; 3.72±0.18 and
3.57±0.13; 2.01±0.18 and 1.99±0.14; 1.60±0.40
and 1.32±0.25, respectively. In addition,
percentages of testis, tail, lung, spleen, heart,
and kidney of bulls in the YG and OG groups
were 0.17±0.03 and 0.16±0.02; 0.24±0.03 and
0.23±0.02; 0.96±0.08 and 0.85±0.05; 0.18±0.02
and 0.17±0.01; 0.46±0.03 and 0.43±0.02,
0.89±0.09 and 0.84±0.03, respectively. While
age at slaughter had a significant impact on the
percentage of hide, heart (p<0.01), liver, and testis
(p<0.05), the rest of non-carcass components did
not differ by slaughter age.
Table 2. Carcass traits of Holstein bulls slaughtered at two ages.
Carcass trait Slaughter age Significance
Young group
Old group
SEUROP fatness score 3.82±1.97 4.27±1.45 NS
SEUROP conformation score 11.01±2.09 10.64±2.01 NS
LD area (cm2) 73.55±5.76 83.42±5.54 **
Marbling score 1.64±0.51 1.91±0.44 NS
Back fat thickness (mm) 4.04±1.72 4.79±1.47 NS
Fat thickness/LD area 4.80±2.48 6.51±1.75 NS
LD area/100 Kg carcass weight 26.06±2.35 27.43±1.94 NS
Kidney fat (%) 0.09±0.03 0.11±0.02 NS
KPH (%) 0.74±0.25 0.97±0.20 *
*: p<0.05; **: p<0.01; NS: Non-significant (p>0.05); X: Least square mean; SE: Standard error; SEUROP: European Beef Carcass
Classification System.
Table 3. Non-carcass components of Holstein bulls slaughtered at two ages.
Non-carcass components (%) Slaughter age Significance
Young group
Old group
Hide 7.95±0.36 7.45±0.34 **
Head 3.72±0.18 3.57±0.13 NS
Fore-hind shanks 2.01±0.18 1.99±0.14 NS
Liver 1.60±0.40 1.32±0.25 *
Testis 0.17±0.03 0.16±0.02 *
Tail 0.24±0.03 0.23±0.02 NS
Lung 0.96±0.08 0.85±0.05 NS
Spleen 0.18±0.02 0.17±0.01 NS
Heart 0.46±0.03 0.43±0.02 **
Kidney 0.89±0.09 0.84±0.03 NS
*: p<0.05; **: p<0.01; NS: Non-significant (p>0.05); X: Least square mean; SE: Standard error.

Table 4. Carcass measurements of Holstein bulls slaughtered at two ages.
Carcass measurements (cm) Slaughter age Significance
Young group
Old group
Thoracic depth 45.4±0.8 49.4±0.3 **
Carcass length 144.7±1.6 152.2±1.0 **
Length of the round 76.4±1.2 82.0±0.6 **
Width of the round from medial side 41.4±1.0 43.5±0.4 NS
Width of the round 21.9±0.4 22.7±0.5 NS
**: p<0.01; NS: Non-significant (p>0.05); X: Least square mean; SE: Standard error.
Least square means and standard errors
for carcass measurements are shown in Table
4. Thoracic carcass depth in the YG and OG
groups were 45.4±0.8 and 49.4±0.3 cm, while
carcass lengths were 144.7±1.6 and 152.2±1.0
cm, respectively. Length of the round of bulls
in the YG and OG groups were 76.4±1.2 and
82.0±0.6, respectively. Width of the round from
medial side and width of the round rose from
41.4±1.0 to 43.5±0.4 and from 21.9±0.4 to
22.7±0.5, respectively, with increasing slaughter
age. All carcass measurements that excluded
the width of the round from the medial side as
well as the width of the round were significantly
(p<0.01) affected by slaughter age.
In Table 5, least square means, and standard
errors of the color parameters and pH24 of GM
and LD muscles are presented. The pH values of
GM and LD muscles measured at 24 hpostmortem
was 5.48±0.01 and 5.66±0.0, respectively; and
5.60±0.03 and 5.54±0.02 for carcasses in the YG
and OG groups, respectively. None of the color
parameters (L*, a*, b*, chroma and hue) together
with pH24 value of meat were affected by slaughter
age. However, muscle type had a significant
(p<0.01) effect on L*, a*, b*, chroma and hue as well
as pH24 values. Meat color parameters, such as L*,
a*, b*, chroma, and hue values of GM muscle were
31.26±0.28, 15.03±0.24, 5.83±0.12, 16.13±0.33 and
21.18±0.32, respectively; while for the LD muscle
they were 29.39±0.28, 13.56±0.24, 5.47±0.12,
14.62±0.33 and 23.75±0.32, respectively.
Table 5. Color parameters and pH24 value of the gluteus medius (GM) and longissimus dorsi (LD) muscles of
Holstein bulls slaughtered at two ages.
Measurements Slaughter age Muscle Significance
Young group
Old group
Gluteus medius
Longissimus dorsi
Slaughter age Muscle type
pH24 5.60±0.03 5.54±0.02 5.48±0.01 5.66±0.01 NS **
Color parameters
L* 30.42±0.40 30.24±0.37 31.26±0.28 29.39±0.28 NS **
a* 13.89±0.39 14.7±0.32 15.03±0.24 13.56±0.24 NS **
b* 5.48±0.19 5.82±0.17 5.83±0.12 5.47±0.12 NS NS
Chroma 14.94±0.42 15.82±0.40 16.13±0.33 14.62±0.33 NS **
Hue 22.29±0.39 22.65±0.37 21.18±0.32 23.75±0.32 NS **
**: p<0.01; NS: Non-significant (p>0.05); X: Least square mean; SE: Standard error; L*: Lightness; scale 0 (black) to 100 (white);
a*: Redness; + a* (red) to – a* (green); b*: Yellowness; + b* (yellow) to – b* (blue).

https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rccp.v37n1a1Rev Colomb Cienc Pecu 2024; 37(1, Jan-Mar):3–13Meat quality of Holstein bulls according to age
Beef producers in Turkey are paid based on
carcass weight and dressing percentage of the
cattle. Therefore, cattle breeders want to know the
association between potential carcass weights and
dressing percentage of their animals slaughtered
at various ages to maximize profit. Additionally,
carcass dressing is the most important component
of carcass quality (Ulutaş et al., 2021). In the present
study, slaughter age was a significant (p<0.01)
source of variation for live weight at slaughter along
with hot and cold carcass weights of Holstein bulls.
Hot and cold carcass weight, as well as slaughter
weight of animals in the OG group, respectively,
were 15.9, 18.07 and 18.01% heavier than those of
the YG group (Table 1). Furthermore, the values
of the slaughter traits increased with greater age at
slaughter. Similar findings were reported by Mojto
et al. (2009), Bureš and Bartoň (2012), Marti et al.
(2013), and Aydin et al. (2013). Both hot and cold
dressing percentages improved with increasing
slaughter age; however, differences in carcass
dressing of bulls in the OG and YG groups were
not statistically significant.
The LD area was strongly associated with live
body weight, carcass weight as well as carcass
muscularity. Significant positive correlation
between meat yield and rib eye area were also
confirmed by Tait et al. (2005) and Musa et al.
(2021). Furthermore, the amount of intramuscular
fat in LD muscle is also an important factor to
determine carcass quality. In the present study, age
at slaughter had a significant (p<0.01) effect on the
cross-sectional area of LD muscle, and it increased
with slaughter age (Table 1). The LD area in the
OG group was 13.4% higher than that of animals in
the YG group, indicating a considerable increase in
muscularity in the OG group compared to younger
bulls. This finding agrees with studies conducted
by Aksoy et al. (2006) and Nogalski et al. (2018).
Carcass fat traits, such as marbling score, back
fat thickness, SEUROP fatness score, percentages
of kidney fat tended to increase with higher
slaughter age (Table 2). Although differences
in carcass fat parameters were not statistically
significant, older bulls produced fattier carcasses.
Consistent with the present results, Du Plessis
and Hoffman (2007), Warren et al. (2008), Marti
et al. (2013), Nogalski et al. (2014), and Momot
et al. (2020) observed that high slaughter age
is associated with higher carcass fat content.
Furthermore, in the present study older animals
had better conformation scores (p<0.05) than bulls
in the YG group (Table 2). This result could be
attributed to increased carcass fat parameters in
the OG group and it is consistent with findings
by Warren et al. (2008), Aydin et al. (2013), and
Momot et al. (2020).
Although all non-carcass components of the
OG group were lower than those of the YG group,
differences in the proportion of hide, liver, testis
(p<0.05) and heart (p<0.01) to slaughter weight
were statistically significant in favor of younger
bulls (Table 3). This finding agrees with the
result of Aksoy et al. (2006), who reported that
percentage of non-carcass components decreases
with advancing slaughter age.
The increase in slaughter age led to significant
increase in carcass measurements, such as thoracic
depth, carcass length, and length of the round (Table
4). In agreement with previous studies (Aksoy et
al., 2006; Du Plessis and Hoffman, 2007), carcass
measurements increased with advancing slaughter
Color affects meat visual evaluation and
consumer appreciation as well as preference.
Furthermore, meat discoloration is considered
as an indicator of freshness and wholesomeness;
therefore, any deviation from the bright cherry-
red color of beef negatively affects the purchase
decision of buyers. Age at slaughter is among the
main factors affecting meat color attributes (Canto
et al., 2016). In the present study, L* (lightness),
a* (redness), b* (yellowness), chroma (color
intensity), and hue values of meat in the OG group
did not differ significantly than those of YG group.
Meat pH24 values also ranged from 5.48 to 5.66,
confirming its high eating quality (Pogorzelska-
Przybyłek et al., 2018). Meat color parameters are
closely associated with meat pH. Factors leading to
pre-slaughter stress as well as excitation are mainly
responsible for increased pH and darker meat.

11Rev Colomb Cienc Pecu 2024; 37(1, Jan-Mar):3–13
https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rccp.v37n1a1Meat quality of Holstein bulls according to age
Therefore, transport and pre-slaughter have to be
carried out appropriately to prevent undesirable
discoloration of beef. In the present study, pH24
of OG and YG meat did not differ significantly
and were within desirable limits. This could be
attributed to adequate pre-slaughter conditions.
Therefore, the unimportant differences in meat
pH24 observed could result in trivial differences
between the OG and YG groups in terms of color
parameters. These findings are also supported by
results of Nogalski et al. (2018), and Pogorzelska-
Przybyłek et al. (2018). On the other hand, Marti
et al. (2013), and Kopuzlu et al. (2018) reported
increasing pH24 as slaughter age advances, and the
increasing pH24 values led to significant changes
in meat color.
In the present study, the significant (p<0.01)
differences in pH24 between LD and GM muscles
could be due to differences in fiber type of both
muscles as indicated by Mojto et al. (2009) and
Anderson et al. (2012). The L*, a* and chroma
values of GM were higher than those of LD muscle.
The differences in color could be attributed to the
lower pH24 of GM muscle. This effect of muscle
on color parameters is also in agreement with
findings by Preziuso and Russo (2004), and Bureš
and Bartoň (2012).
In conclusion, our results show that Holstein
Friesian bulls can be slaughtered at later age (24
months) since their carcass traits are not adversely
affected over time. Additionally, it seems more
advantageous to slaughter bulls at 24 months of
age to get carcasses not only heavier but also have
higher marbling score and more muscled and thus
better suited to current consumer expectations.
This study was not funded by any company or
Conflicts of interest
The authors declare that they have no conflicts
of interest regarding the work presented in this
Author contributions
AD, MY, RA, and RK designed and supervised
the study. AD, VFÖ, ŞŞO, and RK collected
the data. RA made the statistical analysis. The
manuscript was written by MY and VFÖ. All
authors contributed to the critical revision of the
manuscript. The final version of the manuscript
was approved by all authors.
Use of artificial intelligence (AI)
No AI or AI-assisted technologies were used
during the preparation of this work.
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