Viref Revista de Educación Física
Instituto Universitario de Educación Física y Deporte
Examining the effect of mental toughness and
Osman Pepe, Mehmet Behzat Turan*, Kenan Koç, Barış Karaoğlu
*Corresponding author: Mehmet Behzat Turan, Erciyes University, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Kayseri/Turkey. Email:
Objective: the purpose of this study was to examine the effects of mental toughness and
Keywords: football, competition performance, competition analysis, applied training, mental toughness,
VIREF Revista de Educación Física • ISSN
As a sports branch, the significance of football is undisputable when compared to other sports branches. It is known that millions of people in the world participate in this sport either as players or spectators regardless of age, gender, language, religion or race. This study is of great importance as it significantly contributed to the psychological and sociological development of players receiving infrastructure training in professional teams in the field of football and to improve their physical and biological performances within competitions.
This study aimed to examine the effects of mental toughness and
Although people initially experience negative emotions when faced with negative situations, they can often adapt to stressful events and situations that can change their lives. The main factor in being able to adapt to such situations is the phenomenon of mental toughness, which is a continuous process and requires effort, time and individuals to take steps (Garmezy, 1991). Mental toughness, which is an issue that sports psychologists have been focusing on, has great significance for athletes and coaches, especially during competition periods (Crust,2004; Jones et al., 2007). Jones et al. (2007) defined mental toughness as “athletes coping with mental requirements better than their rivals during competitions, training, and in other certain conditions in general, and as a natural or developed psychological strength that ensures athletes are more
People who begin to perceive their environment, form their knowledge and opinions in accordance with their perceptions, shape their mental patterns to regulate their future behaviors and their knowledge according to the environmental changes and developments. Human beings are social entities that live within certain groups and since they are not entities that automatically adjust to their environment with instinctive reactions, they perform
In the most general sense,
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making style is the pattern of reaction that is learned and turned into a habit when an individual encounter a
This study is of great importance as it significantly contributed to the psychological and sociological development of players receiving infrastructure training in professional teams in the field of football and to improve their physical and biological performances within competitions. This study aimed to examine the effects of mental toughness and decision- making styles on the competition performances of footballer candidates who were receiving infrastructure training from professional football teams.
The main purpose of this study, which was proposed based on theoretical reasons, was to put forward a mental training and
Material and method
1. Forming voluntary groups
The population of the study consisted of a total of 48 footballer candidates playing in the U19 team of Kayseri Sports Club. The sample group consisted of 24 volunteers, who were selected from the study population using the simple random method (Çıngı, 1994). The reason for selecting Kayserispor was that the applicability levels of the training were high for the team, the footballers within the U19 stay in the kayserispor building and compete among the top league in Turkey's football league.
2. Inclusion criteria
Athletes who have been undertaking infrastructure football training healthily for at least three years without any discrimination based on religion, language and race.
3. Exclusion Criteria
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Athletes who have been undertaking training in Kayserispor for less than three years, newly dismissed or
4. Experimental Models
Studies with true experimental models have the highest scientific value. Common features of true experimental models are the use of multiple groups and the creation of groups by random method (sampling). Thus, at least one experimental and one control group is included in each study. These are considered to be “equalized” in terms of other control variables. There are a total of three true experimental models. These are as follows:”
The symbolic view of the model is as given below:
G1 |
R |
O1.1 |
X |
O1.2 |
G2 |
R |
O2.1 |
O2.2 |
The existence of
To compare the average increases the percentage increases in the
5. Research Method
As the first step of the study, the personal information form, mental toughness scale and
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of the athletes were recorded with a camera. At the end of the
6. Demographic information form
Table 1.
Variable |
N |
% |
Age |
18 |
24 |
100.0 |
5 |
20.8 |
Sports age |
5 |
20.8 |
14 |
58.3 |
Goalkeeper |
2 |
8.3 |
Defense |
8 |
33.3 |
Position |
Midfielder |
10 |
41.7 |
Striker |
4 |
16.7 |
Anatolian |
8 |
33.3 |
School studied at |
Vocational |
14 |
58.3 |
Private |
2 |
8.3 |
Primary School |
4 |
16.7 |
Mother’s educational status |
Middle School |
10 |
41.7 |
High School |
9 |
37.5 |
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Variable |
N |
% |
Associate Degree |
1 |
4.2 |
Primary School |
2 |
8.3 |
Middle School |
8 |
33.3 |
Father’s educational status |
High School |
11 |
45.8 |
Associate Degree |
3 |
12.5 |
Average |
13 |
54.2 |
Family income status |
High |
10 |
41.7 |
Very High |
1 |
4.2 |
County |
1 |
4.2 |
Type of area raised in |
Province |
7 |
29.2 |
Metropolis |
16 |
66.7 |
Note: N= number of participants, %= percentage.
The applied curriculum
Week |
Course |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Concept of |
Types of |
Use of mental |
Use of mental |
Use of mental |
toughness |
toughness |
toughness |
1 |
1 |
mental |
mental |
according to |
according to |
according to |
toughness |
toughness |
the position |
the position |
the position |
Concept of |
Common |
Models and |
Models and |
Concept of |
features of |
theories about |
theories about |
1 |
2 |
decision- |
decision |
decision- |
decision- |
decision- |
making |
making |
making |
making |
4c models of |
4c models of |
4c models of |
Mental |
Structure of |
2 |
3 |
mental |
mental |
mental |
toughness in |
mental |
toughness |
toughness |
toughness |
sports |
toughness |
Decision- |
Decision- |
Decision- |
Decision- |
Decision- |
2 |
4 |
making in |
making process |
making process |
making styles |
making styles |
sports |
Structure of |
Structure of |
Structure of |
Structure of |
Structure of |
3 |
5 |
mental |
mental |
mental |
mental |
mental |
toughness |
toughness |
toughness |
toughness |
toughness |
VIREF Revista de Educación Física • ISSN
Week |
Course |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Importance of |
3 |
6 |
Decision- |
Decision- |
Decision- |
Decision- |
decision- |
making styles |
making styles |
making styles |
making styles |
making in |
sports |
Structure of |
Structure of |
Structure of |
Structure of |
Studies on |
mental |
4 |
7 |
mental |
mental |
mental |
mental |
toughness |
toughness |
toughness |
toughness |
toughness |
Common |
Factors that |
Factors that |
features of |
Most efficient |
Importance of |
individuals |
get involved |
steps used in |
decision- |
4 |
8 |
affect decision- |
using decision- |
while decision- |
the decision- |
making styles |
making |
making styles |
making |
making process |
in sports |
7. Mental Toughness Scale
The Mental Toughness Scale was developed by Madrigal et al. (2013) and the the Turkish validity and reliability study was conducted to the scale by Erdoğan in (2016). The Mental Toughness Scale is a
8. Melbourne
In this study, the Melbourne
9. The procedure of the study
This study consisted of three stages. As the first stage of the study, the personal information form, mental toughness and
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Federation (TFF) were analyzed. As the second stage of the study, the athletes were given mental toughness and
As the third and final stage of the study, four more competitions, as two in internal and two in the external field, were analyzed after the
10. Analyses of the competitions
A computer with MacOS and 5K screen support and E Analysis Soccer Project football match analysis system were used for the instant analyses of the competitions (Espor, 2020).
11. Statistical evaluation
The obtained data were recorded with IBM SPSS 20 package program. Statisticians assisted in the statistical analysis of the obtained data. Independent Sample
13. Ethical aspects
Ethics committee approval of the study was obtained from Erciyes University Social and Humanities Ethics Committee numbered 027 and dated 16/05/2017. The study was conducted in accordance with the ethical standards of the American Psychological Association, and we received approval from a university institutional review board.
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Table 2.
Group |
N |
Mean±SD |
t |
p |
Mental Toughness |
Control |
24 |
46.88±5.61 |
.571 |
Experimental |
24 |
47.75 ±5.01 |
Control |
24 |
10.08±1.61 |
.504 |
Experimental |
24 |
10.38 ±1.38 |
Cautious |
Control |
24 |
9.88±1.90 |
.358 |
Experimental |
24 |
10.38 ±1.84 |
Avoidant |
Control |
24 |
3.00±2.02 |
.256 |
Experimental |
24 |
3.75 ±2.47 |
Dilatory |
Control |
24 |
3.21±1.93 |
.622 |
Experimental |
24 |
3.46 ±1.53 |
Panic |
Control |
24 |
3.00±1.84 |
.632 |
Experimental |
24 |
3.25 ±1.75 |
Note: N= number of participants; SD= standard deviation; t= independent sample test score; p= significance level.
When Table 2 is examined, it can be seen that there were no significant differences between the mental toughness,
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Table 3.
Group |
N |
Mean±SD |
t |
p |
Mental Toughness |
Control |
24 |
46.42±4.62 |
.049 |
Experimental |
24 |
50.13 ±7.80 |
Control |
24 |
9.92±2.69 |
.000 |
Experimental |
24 |
12.58 ±2.15 |
Cautious |
Control |
24 |
8.33±1.52 |
.000 |
Experimental |
24 |
14.71 ±2.68 |
Avoidant |
Control |
24 |
3.17±2.20 |
.957 |
.344 |
Experimental |
24 |
2.67 ±1.31 |
Dilatory |
Control |
24 |
3.79±1.79 |
2.424 |
.019 |
Experimental |
24 |
2.79 ±0.93 |
Panic |
Control |
24 |
2.92±1.69 |
.841 |
.405 |
Experimental |
24 |
2.54 ±1.38 |
Note: N= number of participants; SD= standard deviation; t= independent sample test score; p= significance level.
When Table 3 is examined, it can be observed that while there was a significant difference between the mental toughness,
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Table 4.
Group |
N |
Mean ± SD |
t |
p |
Control |
24 |
46.71±8.54 |
.000 |
Mental Toughness |
Experimental |
24 |
54.25 ±3.88 |
Control |
24 |
9.96±1.63 |
.000 |
Experimental |
24 |
12.79 ±1.25 |
Control |
24 |
9.88±1.92 |
.000 |
Cautious |
Experimental |
24 |
16.67 ±1.01 |
Control |
24 |
2.42±1.32 |
.938 |
.353 |
Avoidant |
Experimental |
24 |
2.08 ±1.14 |
Control |
24 |
3.33±2.35 |
2.389 |
.021 |
Dilatory |
Experimental |
24 |
2.08 ±1.02 |
Control |
24 |
3.58±2.55 |
2.855 |
.006 |
Panic |
Experimental |
24 |
2.00 ±0.93 |
Note: N= number of participants; SD= standard deviation; t= independent sample test score; p= significance level.
When Table 4 is examined, it can be seen that while there were significant differences between the mental toughness,
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Mental Toughness
55 |
54,25 |
50,13 |
50 |
47,75 |
Experimental |
45 |
46,88 |
Control |
46,42 |
46,71 |
40 |
Graph 1. Mental toughness scores of the control and experimental groups.
Table 5. Comparison of mental toughness
Skill |
Groups |
Repeated Measures |
Benferroni |
Control Group |
F ( 2,46) |
= .033, p= .968, np2= .001 |
- |
Mental Toughness |
Experimental Group |
F (2,46) |
= 8.206, p= .001, np2= .263 |
Note: F= variance; p= significance level; np2= eta squared; Bonferroni= significant difference between two measurements.
When the mental toughness
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Graph 2.
Table 6. Comparison of
Skill |
Groups |
Repeated Measures |
Benforroni |
Control Group |
F ( 2,46) = .039, p= .962, np2= .002 |
- |
Experimental Group |
F ( 2, 46) = 14.218, p= .000, np2= .382 |
Note: F= variance; p= significance level; np2= eta squared; Bonferroni= significant difference between two measurements.
When the
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Graph 3. Careful
Table 7. Comparison of the careful
Skill |
Groups |
Repeated Measures |
Benforroni |
Control Group |
F (2,46) = 7.171, p= .002, np2= .238 |
Experimental Group |
F ( 2, 46) = 52.238, p= .000, np2= .694 |
Note: F= variance; p= significance level; np2= eta squared; Bonferroni= significant difference between two measurements.
When the careful
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Graph 4. Avoidant
Table 8. Comparison of the avoidant
Skill |
Groups |
Repeated Measures |
Bonferroni |
Control Group |
F (2,46) = 1.024, p= .367, np2= .043 |
- |
Avoidant |
Experimental Group |
F ( 2, 46) = 5.073, p= .010, np2= .181 |
Note: F= variance; p= significance level; np2= eta squared; Bonferroni= significant difference between two measurements.
When the avoidant
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Graph 5. Dilatory
Table 9. Comparison of the dilatory
Skill |
Groups |
Repeated Measures |
Bonferroni |
Control Group |
F (2,46) = .582, p= .563, np2= .025 |
- |
Dilatory |
Experimental Group |
F ( 2, 46) = 8.245, p= .001, np2= .264 |
Note: F= variance; p= significance level; np2= eta squared; Bonferroni= significant difference between two measurements.
When the dilatory
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Pre Test |
Mid Test |
PostTest |
Graph 6. Panic
Note: Pre Test=previous test; Mid Test= middle test;
Table 10. Comparison of the panic
Skill |
Groups |
Repeated Measures |
Bonferroni |
Control Group |
F (2,46) = .808, p= .452, np2= .034 |
- |
Panic |
Experimental Group |
F ( 2, 46) = 5.346, p= .008, np2= .189 |
Note: F= variance; p= significance level; np2= eta squared; Bonferroni= significant difference between two measurements.
When the panic
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Table 11. Comparison of the competition analysis positive moves
Tests |
n |
Mean |
SD |
f |
p |
2 |
129.50 |
2.12 |
Short Pass |
4 |
134.75 |
4.27 |
33.258 |
.000 |
4 |
154.00 |
4.32 |
Total |
10 |
141.40 |
11.60 |
2 |
20.50 |
0.71 |
Long Pass |
4 |
22.25 |
2.87 |
10.299 |
.008 |
4 |
29.00 |
2.58 |
Total |
10 |
24.60 |
4.45 |
2 |
33.50 |
2.12 |
Retrieving the Ball |
4 |
36.25 |
5.97 |
.861 |
.463 |
- |
4 |
38.25 |
2.06 |
Total |
10 |
36.50 |
4.14 |
2 |
10.50 |
0.71 |
4 |
14.25 |
0.96 |
Dribbling |
50.762 |
.000 |
4 |
19.00 |
1.15 |
Total |
10 |
15.40 |
3.53 |
2 |
5.00 |
0.00 |
Shoot |
4 |
7.00 |
1.15 |
14.400 |
.003 |
4 |
11.00 |
1.83 |
Total |
10 |
8.20 |
2.82 |
2 |
5.00 |
0.00 |
4 |
6.50 |
0.58 |
Goal |
30.300 |
.000 |
4 |
8.25 |
0.50 |
Total |
10 |
6.90 |
1.37 |
When the competition analysis positive moves scores of the athletes were examined, it was determined that there was a statistically significant difference between the
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Table 12. Comparison of the competition analysis negative moves
Tests |
n |
Mean |
SS |
f |
p |
2 |
27.00 |
2.83 |
Short Pass |
4 |
21.75 |
4.03 |
6.829 |
.023 |
4 |
17.75 |
0.96 |
Total |
10 |
21.20 |
4.42 |
2 |
21.00 |
1.41 |
4 |
17.00 |
1.15 |
Long Pass |
38.460 |
.000 |
4 |
12.75 |
0.96 |
Total |
10 |
16.10 |
3.41 |
2 |
38.50 |
0.71 |
Losing the Ball |
4 |
32.50 |
2.08 |
14.484 |
.003 |
4 |
26.00 |
3.65 |
Total |
10 |
31.10 |
5.53 |
2 |
7.50 |
2.12 |
Dribbling |
4 |
5.75 |
0.96 |
9.906 |
.009 |
4 |
3.50 |
0.58 |
Total |
10 |
5.20 |
1.87 |
2 |
6.50 |
2.12 |
Shoot |
4 |
4.50 |
1.00 |
7.747 |
.017 |
4 |
3.00 |
0.00 |
Total |
10 |
4.30 |
1.64 |
2 |
3.50 |
0.71 |
Goal |
4 |
2.50 |
0.58 |
6.456 |
.026 |
4 |
1.75 |
0.50 |
Total |
10 |
2.40 |
0.84 |
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When the competition analysis negative moves scores of athletes were examined, it was determined that there were statistically significant differences between the
Discussion and conclusion
Football, referred to as the game of the age, is an interesting sports branch since it includes the unpredictable and exciting movements of players. It is not exactly known where and by whom it was first played, however today, it is played by both men and women in almost every country in the world.
The fact that football is not just a game but a profession and the results of football matches gain importance in terms of both finance and prestige has caused football matches to create a stress factor for a player. In addition, the characteristics of footballers or many other reasons caused by the management or coaches can affect the performance of the players (Başer, 1994). The concept of performance is defined as the highest level of success that a person can achieve in a sports branch (İnal, 1998). Indisputably, athletic success factors must involve the development of physical, mental and psychological performance.
The factors that contribute to this development are the quality of the game, training environment, mental, physical and technical capacity, which is directly proportional to the performance limits of the athletes. Physical training should include flexibility, correct warm- up and stretching, agility, aerobic and anaerobic endurance, strength, balance and stability. Mental training should include elements such as concentration, responsibility, discipline,
In light of this information obtained in the literature review, when the mental toughness and
It can be seen from Table 2 that there were no significant differences between the mental toughness,
It can be seen from Table 3 that while there were significant differences between the mental toughness,
It can be seen from Table 4 that while there were significant differences between the mental toughness,
VIREF Revista de Educación Física • ISSN
athletes in the control and experimental groups, there were no significant differences between the avoidant
When the mental toughness
When the
When the careful
When the avoidant
When the dilatory
When the panic
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When the competition analysis positive moves scores of the athletes were examined, it was determined that there was a statistically significant difference between the
When the competition analysis negative moves scores of athletes were examined, it was determined that there were statistically significant differences between the
In conclusion, it can be said that the aims of this study were reached, as the athletes participated in the training without missing any sessions and their mental toughness and
VIREF Revista de Educación Física • ISSN
A total of 43 children (25 males and 18 females) with an average age of 13.6 ± 2.4 years participated in a study conducted to examine the relationship between the match performance and mental toughness tennis players. A performance index was formed from the scores obtained during the tennis match for each player and its relationship with mental toughness was examined. The results of the study showed that mental toughness was associated with several performance indexes (Cowden, 2016).
On the other hand, Shanteau et al. (1991) prepared a program to improve the decision- making skills of students who were studying to become nurses. Within the scope of their study, a total of 115 3rd grade students of seven different nursing faculties participated in the
Taal and De Carvalho (1997) conducted a study in order to examine the relationship between adolescents'
Mann et al. (1989) conducted a study on the development and evaluation of the training programs they prepared in order to help people make conscious and effective decisions. A total of 76 individuals, 34 of which were male and 42 females, participated in the study. The ages of the participants varied between 19 and 65 and their occupations consisted of businessperson, skilled worker, office worker, housewife, unemployed and student. As a result, it was determined that the
VIREF Revista de Educación Física • ISSN
According to the study conducted by Afacan (2019), a
Fallby (2000) conducted a study with 121 Swedish Olympic athletes who participated in the 2000 Sydney Olympics and revealed that the performances of the athletes, who carried out systematic mental skills training, improved positively with these trainings. It was also determined that the systematic mental skills training positively affected the mood of the athletes and facilitated them to set effective goals.
In their study conducted on tennis, Kalkavan et al. (1988) observed that the athletes who did the practice and mental training work together were more successful in learning and using their sports skills compared to the athletes who did practice alone.
The studies in the literature support the present study. It was observed that the training programs applied to the athletes psychologically supported them, increased their motivation to exhibit their new skills and motorize these behaviors.
It was determined that the applied training programs filled in a great gap in this field, which is theoretically lacking in the literature, as much as they had an impact on the athletes
As a result, it was concluded that the
1.The duration of the training program applied to the candidate footballers who were receiving infrastructure training in professional football teams can be extended and the changes that may occur in the mental toughness and
2.This study can be conducted on groups with a larger number of footballers who are receive infrastructure training in professional football teams.
3.As this study was conducted on a specific age group, different results could be examined by applying the same training on different age groups.
4.(Within the framework of
5.As football is played by both men and women around the world, similar training can be applied to female footballer candidates receiving infrastructure training in Turkey and the changes that may occur as a result of this training can be examined.
6.The training can be applied to individual sports branches and can be compared with athletes in team sports.
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7.Similar training programs can be applied to team sports other than football and the changes that may occur as a result of the training can be examined.
Declaration of conflicting interests
The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
This manuscript is produced from
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Fallby, J. (2003). Social support and its influence on the Olympic experience İn Sydney 2000, XI European Congress of Sport Psychology, Copenhagen.
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