Viref Revista de Educación Física
Instituto Universitario de Educación Física y Deporte
Effect of walking exercises on quality of life
Duygu Aksoy
Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University, School of Physical Education and Sports, Tekirdağ, Turkey.
Objective: to examine the effects of regular walking exercises on quality of life. Method: 168 people who did regular walking exercises and who had no health problems participated in the study. A questionnaire that was prepared to collect demographic data and the Quality of Life Questionnaire
Keywords: walking, exercise, quality of life, sport, health.
People who lived in ancient times did not have problems with their health or physical fitness. With the development of technology, it has become possible to see the positive and negative effects of industrialization on societies. People have become less mobile with the conveniences brought by civilization (Zorba et al., 2000). The sedentary lifestyle threatens the health of the society more and more with each passing day especially with the intense pace of life (Baltacı, 2002). Because of the fact that the sedentary lifestyle of the society has become a habit, the prevalence of many
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diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes is increasing with each passing day (Baltacı, 2002; Johnson & Ballin,1996; Nelson et al., 2007; Nystoriak & Bhatnagar, 2018).
People must be healthy for them to be successful in the struggle for life. Individuals who do exercise should include regular sports in their lives to gain physical mobility, gain a more aesthetic appearance of the body, and have a healthy body by increasing the quality of life. Regular exercise has an important place in maintaining health. Especially, it is already known that cardiovascular diseases have the highest rates among the causes of death. With regular exercise, the rate of having cardiovascular diseases decreases (Golbidi & Laher, 2012). Doing exercise allows individuals to work their muscles, joints, bones, and cardiovascular system healthily (Akgün, 1986). Regular exercise also has effects on psychological health and sleep patterns as well as reducing stress and anxiety, being peaceful, and making a significant contribution to the
These parameters are strengthened and a healthier life standard is achieved with walking exercise, it has become an important issue for individuals to live by increasing quality of life in our present day (Vural et al., 2010). Many study results show that exercise habits play important roles in maintaining general health (Karaca & Turnagöl, 2007). Also, it is considered that regular exercise affects our professional life positively and increases the quality of life (Korkmaz & Deniz, 2013).
The purpose of the present study was to examine the quality of life of individuals who do regular walking exercises.
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The study group
Individuals who do regular walking exercises at least 3 days a week and have no health problems participated in the present study. A total of 168 people, 94 men (34.5±3.2 years, 177.2±3cm, 83.4±2.3 kg.) and 74 women (30.6±4.1 years, 163.4±2cm, 62.1±4.2 kg.) participated voluntarily in the study. The informing document was given to the participants about the study and all participants signed informed written consent forms.
Data collection tools
The demographic characteristics of the participants were determined with the questionnaire method. The Quality of Life Scale
Personal information form
The personal information form that was prepared by the researcher was used for the demographic information of the participants. In this form, information such as gender, age, and regular walking exercise duration of the participants was collected.
Quality of Life Scale
In the study, the data on quality of life were obtained with the Quality of Life Scale
The adaptation of the scale into Turkish, and its validity and reliability studies were performed by Koçyiğit et al. (1999). The subscale scores ranged from 0 to 100, and a high score was determined as an indicator of good health (Khanna et al., 2010).
Analysis of the data
Results were given in mean ± standard deviation. Before deciding on the statistical analyzes to be conducted on the data that were collected from the participants, the data were tested for normality in which the skewness and kurtosis values of the data were examined. As a result of the statistical analyzes, it was found that the data were within the range of
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The findings of the statistical analyzes made in the scope of the study are in Tables 1, 2 and 3.
Table 1. The comparison of quality of life levels of individuals who do Walking Exercise according to gender.
Female |
Male |
t |
p |
Life |
(Mean±SD) |
(Mean±SD) |
Physical functioning |
91.3±14.1 |
92.2±14.8 |
.878 |
.304 |
Role limitation physical |
80.2±25.1 |
85.5±34.1 |
.935 |
.113 |
Pain |
78.4±12.6 |
79.2±15.3 |
.829 |
.385 |
General Health |
53.1±13.4 |
60.1±11.4 |
.651 |
.534 |
Energy/Vitality |
66.2±14.6 |
67.1±15.2 |
.426 |
.698 |
Social Functioning |
72.6±32.2 |
73.1±21.8 |
.583 |
.560 |
Role limitation emotional |
70.2±33.1 |
77.2±30.5 |
.982 |
.118 |
Mental health |
68.2±23.7 |
79.8±19.3 |
.857 |
.356 |
In Table 1, according to the
Table 2. Comparison of quality of life levels of individuals who do Walking Exercises according to age groups.
20 and under |
31- 40 |
41 and older |
F |
p |
Quality of Life |
(Mean±SD) |
(Mean±SD) |
(Mean±SD) |
(Mean±SD) |
Physical functioning |
84.2±17.1 |
90.4±11.3 |
92.3±10.6 |
90.6±15.1 |
.945 |
.205 |
Role limitation physical |
85.3±22.7 |
85.8±21.4 |
87.1±20.1 |
82.6±28.1 |
.358 |
.783 |
Pain |
81.9±14.1 |
79.7±13.1 |
80.4±13.1 |
80.9±13.6 |
.644 |
.605 |
General Health |
55.6±11.8 |
58.3±12.5 |
57.3±11.3 |
54.5±11.8 |
.893 |
.454 |
Energy/Vitality |
68.4±12.8 |
69.5±14.1 |
65.9±18.4 |
69.4±15.1 |
.544 |
.639 |
Social Functioning |
71.5±24.1 |
72.5±26.1 |
73.2±25.2 |
71.4±12.1 |
.225 |
.894 |
Role limitation |
78.1±45.1 |
77.6±32.6 |
87.2±27.1 |
83.2±16.1 |
.847 |
.392 |
Mental health |
67.1±18.1 |
70.9±13.2 |
67.12±15.1 |
77.4±18.4 |
.962 |
.323 |
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It is seen in Table 2 that no statistically significant differences were detected between age groups and quality of life
Table 3. The comparison of quality of life levels of individuals who do Walking Exercises according to exercise durations (months).
13 and more |
F |
p |
of Life |
(Mean±SD) |
(Mean±SD) |
(Mean±SD) |
Physical functioning |
91.6±18.1 |
95.3±11.4 |
95.8±23.2 |
.984 |
.294 |
Role limitation physical |
86.3±34.5 |
92.4±28.3 |
89.5±29.2 |
.929 |
.394 |
Pain |
79.4±12.3 |
77.2±13.1 |
81.2±15.1 |
.274 |
.778 |
General Health |
58.2±13.1 |
55.3±12.5 |
57.2±11.6 |
.549 |
.684 |
Energy/Vitality |
69.1±12.3 |
68.4±13.6 |
70.4±17.2 |
.934 |
.288 |
Social Functioning |
72.4±22.1 |
73.2±13.4 |
74.3±21.5 |
.487 |
.735 |
Role limitation emotional |
72.1±12.3 |
69.2±35.2 |
79.2±32.8 |
.936 |
.339 |
Mental health |
70.2±13.9 |
68.1±18.9 |
71.4±22.8 |
.915 |
.412 |
It is seen in Table 3 that no statistically significant differences were detected between exercise duration and quality of life
The relations between the quality of life
According to the literature data, there are no significant differences in the comparisons of the quality of life of individuals who do exercises in terms of gender, and there are other studies that show parallelism with our study results. In a previous study, when the
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36 Scale were examined, no significant differences were reported between men and women (Akbolat et al., 2015).
According to another study that was conducted previously, the
Unlike this, there are also studies showing that different results were detected between genders. In a study that examined individuals who did physical activity, it was reported that the role limitations because of physical functions and physical problems, which are the
It was reported in another study that men who did physical activity had higher
In a previous study, it was found that women had lower scores than men in all
It was reported in the study conducted by Vural (2010) that all quality of life scores of men were statistically higher than those of women, except for physical role and mental function scores.
In the present study, no statistically significant differences were detected between age groups and quality of life
According to a previous study reported in the literature, the quality of life values of academic and administrative staff working at universities were examined, and it was reported that the quality of life and the social and mental health scores of the participants were high in the 36 and over age group (Özüdoğru, 2013).
In a previous study, it was reported that no differences were detected between age groups in physical function, general health perception, vitality, and mental health
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When previous studies were reviewed, differences were found between the results. These differences are considered to be because of the differences in the groups that participated in these studies.
No statistically significant differences were detected between the duration of regular walking exercises and the quality of life
As a result, when the results of the studies reported in the literature and the results obtained in this study were evaluated, very different results were detected. The basis of this is considered to be the differences in the sampling groups of these studies and the different exercise backgrounds.
In conclusions,
Note: some references were translated from the Turkish language. To consult the original document, go to the URL or DOI.
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