1Journal Vitae | https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/vitaeVolume 31 | Number 01 | Article 352254
Undervalued tuna meat (Thunus obesus and Katsuwonus pelamis lineaus) to develop sausages
School of Pharmaceutical and
Food Sciences
ISSN 0121-4004 | ISSNe 2145-2660
University of Antioquia
Medellin, Colombia
1 Corporación Superior S. A, Av. 113
Entrada Estadio Jocay, Manta,
130211, Ecuador
2 Facultad de Ciencias, Escuela Superior
Politécnica de Chimborazo
Riobamba, 060155, Ecuador
3 Unidad Educativa Atahualpa, Av. 22 de
Enero, Ambato, 180110, Ecuador
4 International School of Doctorate,
Sciences Doctorate, Universidad
Nacional de
Educación a Distancia (UNED), Madrid,
E-28040, Spain
5 G+ Biofood and Engineering Research
Group, Facultad de Ciencia
e Ingeniería en Alimentos,
Universidad Técnica de Ambato,
Av. Los Chasquis y Rio Payamino,
Ambato, 180206, Ecuador
Diego Salazar
Received: 22 December 2022
Accepted: 13 March 2024
Published: 8 April 2024
Undervalued tuna meat (Thunus obesus and
Katsuwonus pelamis lineaus) to develop
Carne infravalorada de atún (Thunnus obesus y Katsuwonus
pelamis linnaeus) para desarrollar salchichas
Daniel Salinas1 , Hugo Sánchez-Moreno 2 , Lilián Gallegos3 , Mishell Moreno2 ,
Lander Pérez4,5 , Diego Salazar5*
Background: The tuna industry is one of the most essential sectors in global food production.
Nevertheless, commercial meat known as “tuna loin” holds the utmost significance in producing
and marketing its various products. Regrettably, fractions like tail and head meat have been
overlooked and wasted due to their comparatively lower commercial value. Despite possessing
notable technological value, this meat is typically reutilized into animal feed through flour
production, missing the chance to create alternative high-value food products. Objective:
This study aimed to develop and evaluate the sausages produced with the underutilized cuts
of tuna (tail and head meat). Methods: The tuna utilized were Big-eye (Thunus obesus) and
Skip-jack (Katsuwonus pelamis lineaus). Three (3) different types of sausages were formulated
using 100% of Big-eye (BE), 100% of Skip-jack (SJ) tuna meat, and 100% of beef/pork meat
(Control). The sausage pH changes during storage at 4 ± 1o C were analyzed and compared
with the control. Proximal, microbiological, and sensory characteristics were evaluated.
Results: The pH of sausages showed that the values tended to decrease in control, while this
value increased in two types of tuna. The formulated tuna sausages yielded 72% moisture,
18% protein, 4.1% lipid, 0.4% ash, 0.4 % fiber, and 4.5% carbohydrates. Sensory attributes
showed excellent acceptance regarding color, smell, flavor, and texture. Overall acceptability
was qualified as “liked,” and the acceptability index ranged from 76% to 86%. During the
refrigeration storage, the microbiological analyses indicated that the total coliform count was
< 3 CFU/g. Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and mesophilic aerobic bacteria in tuna
sausage showed absence during 24 days of storage. Conclusion: Using tuna tail and head
meat enabled the development of gel-type emulsified products (sausages) that exhibited
good nutritional, sensory, and microbiological quality.
Keywords: Tuna Sausages; Proximate Composition; Microbiological Quality; Sensory
Published 8 April 2024
Doi: https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.vitae.v31n1a352254
2Journal Vitae | https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/vitae Volume 31 | Number 01 | Article 352254Daniel Salinas, Hugo Sánchez-Moreno, Lilián Gallegos, Mishell Moreno, Lander Pérez, Diego Salazar
Antecedentes: La industria atunera se erige como uno de los sectores más importantes en la producción mundial de alimentos.
Sin embargo, entre sus diversos productos, la carne comercial conocida como “lomo de atún” ostenta la mayor importancia tanto
en su producción como en su comercialización. Lamentablemente, fracciones de carne provenientes de la cola y la cabeza se han
desperdiciado debido a su reducido valor comercial. A pesar de poseer un notable valor tecnológico, esta carne normalmente
es utilizada en la alimentación animal mediante la producción de harina, perdiendo la oportunidad de desarrollar productos
alimenticios alternativos con alto valor nutricional. Objetivo: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo desarrollar y evaluar salchichas
producidas con carne subutilizada de atún (carne de cola y cabeza). Métodos: Las especies de atún utilizadas fueron Big-eye
(Thunus obesus) and Skip-jack (Katsuwonus pelamis lineaus). Se formularon tres (3) tipos diferentes de salchichas usando 100 %
de carne de atún Big-eye (BE), 100 % de Skip-jack (SJ) y 100 % de carne de res/cerdo (Control). Se analizaron los cambios de pH
en las salchichas durante el almacenamiento a 4 ± 1 o C y se compararon con el Control. También se evaluaron la composición
proximal, calidad microbiológica y atributos sensoriales. Resultados: El pH mostró que los valores tendieron a disminuir en
relación a la muestra Control, mientras que este valor aumentó en los dos tipos de salchicha con carne de atún. Las salchichas
con carne de atún mostraron un 72 % de humedad, 18 % de proteína, 4,1 % de lípidos, 0,4 % de ceniza, 0,4 % de fibra, 4,5 %
de carbohidratos. Los atributos sensoriales mostraron buena aceptabilidad de los parámetros de color, olor, sabor y textura.
La aceptabilidad general se calificó como “me gusta” y el índice de aceptabilidad osciló entre el 76 % y el 86 %. Durante el
periodo de almacenamiento en refrigeración, los análisis microbiológicos indicaron que el recuento de coliformes totales fue <
3 UFC/g. No se evidenció la presencia de Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus y bacterias aerobias mesófilas durante 24 días
de almacenamiento. Conclusión: El aprovechamiento de la carne de la cola y cabeza del atún permitió desarrollar productos
emulsionados tipo gel (embutidos) que exhibieron buena calidad nutricional, sensorial y microbiológica.
Palabras clave: Salchichas de atún; Composición Proximal; Calidad microbiológica; Características sensoriales.
Modern food production processes depend on a
wide range of preservation technologies responsible
for ensuring the quality and acceptability of food
from production to consumption (1, 2). Recent
consumer trends have focused on researching foods
with potential health benefits (3-5). Contemporary
society strives to decrease the consumption of
conventional foods that might increase cholesterol
levels, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and the
incidence of cardiovascular diseases, such as heart
disease (6, 7). The demand for foods with reduced
fat, sodium, beef, and pork has experienced
significant growth in consumer interest (8, 9).
Meat products such as bacon, ham, and sausages
have been consumed and appreciated worldwide
for their excellent flavor, texture, and characteristic
color (10-12). However, they have been classified as
unhealthy due to their high-fat content, preservatives,
and salt levels (13-15). One of the most common
meat products consumed worldwide is a different
type of sausage (5). This type of meat product
is restructured foods prepared with minced and
stuffed meat, generally in a balanced way (16-18).
Currently, sausage production has developed as
an industry in many countries as an alternative to
preserving fresh meat that cannot be consumed
immediately (9, 17, 19). Thus, sausage is one of
the products in which different meat and non-
meat products have been evaluated to increase
nutritional value and reduce fat and salt content
while ensuring and improving sensory attributes (20,
21). Examples include the development of different
sausages using non-conventional raw materials, such
as a sausage enriched with concentrated chickpea
protein (22). The evaluation of apple pulp fiber on
the characteristics of reduced-fat sausages (23). The
replacement of pork fat with makgeolli (Korean rice
wine) dietary fiber in producing frankfurter sausages
(24). In the meat industry, fish sausage production
from different species has been evaluated to improve
raw materials and the nutritional characteristics of
this meat product (25). A fish sausage manufactured
with sunflower oil and fish oil stabilized with fish roe
protein hydrolysates was characterized (26). Despite
the nutritional limitations associated with sausages,
the meat industry has been exploring new sources of
raw materials; hence, incorporating alternative meats
to produce sausages could improve their nutritional
profile and commercial value (3, 27).
The use of fish or parts of fish could be a healthy
option for food production and is an excellent
option to satisfy the nutritional requirements of the
population (17, 28, 29). Tuna is a fish species that
is highly accepted by the population. It has high
nutritional components such as proteins, vitamins
(A, D, and B3), and minerals (Potassium, Phosphorus,
Sodium, Iron, and Magnesium) (30, 31). It contains
low levels of saturated fat acids and a high content
of the unsaturated Omega 3 fatty acid. In this sense,
tuna could benefit health and replace other types
of meat (17, 32, 33).
Ecuador is one of the tuna-producing countries, and
the total production volume of fisheries is expected
3Journal Vitae | https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/vitaeVolume 31 | Number 01 | Article 352254
Undervalued tuna meat (Thunus obesus and Katsuwonus pelamis lineaus) to develop sausages
to reach 2.5 million tons in 2025, compared to
approximately 500,000 tons averaged between
2013 and 2015, according to the 2018 FAO report
(34). However, industrial production also generates
many discards, such as tails and head meat, which
are not used for industrial processes (35). Improper
management of these by-produc ts poses a
significant environmental contamination issue when
not adequately treated (36). In this sense, using
underrated meat from the fishing industry generates
an opportunity to develop fortified foods with
different nutritional values than their conventionally
produced counterparts (37-39). Limited research is
dedicated to assessing the quality and stability of
fish sausages, and the existing studies rarely utilize
discarded or underutilized parts within the tuna
industry. Despite the studies on fish sausages,
studies are still pending to evaluate the quality and
stability of sausages made with underrated tuna
meat. Therefore, the present study aimed to develop
and evaluate the physicochemical, microbial, and
sensory properties of sausages developed from the
meat of tails and heads of tuna (Thunus obesus and
Katsuwonus pelamis lineaus).
Raw meats and fats
Fresh beef, pork meat, and pork back-fat were
purchased from a local Manta City (Ecuador)
market. Tuna heads and tails were obtained from a
commercial tuna processing plant (Manta-Ecuador).
Tuna sausage preparations
Tuna and control sausages were produced according
to a standard procedure (Figure 1).
Reception of Beef, Pork, and Tuna Meat
and No meat products
Minced of meats and pork back-fat
Mixed, Homogenized, and emulsified
meat and no meat ingredients
Stuffed meat batter
Cooked in water at 80 - 85 °C for 20 min
Cooling at 7 °C and storage at 4 °C
Figure 1. Sausages procedure scheme
The basis of the formulations was similar to the
control and tuna formulations, except for meat for
the control compared with tuna sausages (Table 1).
Beef, pork, tuna, and pork back-fat were minced
separately through an 8 mm diameter disc using a meat
grinder (PM-12, Mainca-Spain), then refrigerated at 4
°C. The ground beef, pork, and tuna meat used in each
formulation was mixed, homogenized, and emulsified
using a meat mincer (Mainca CM-21, Spain). The batter
was chilled with ice (0) to maintain the temperature
of the batter (4 °C). Then, additives, spices, and non-
meat ingredients (Alitecno, Ecuador) were added
to the meat and mixed. Finally, pork back-fat was
added to the mixture, and the batter temperature
was maintained below 10. The emulsified mix was
stuffed into 12 mm diameter cellophane casing #
240, NIPPI Inc. (Tokyo, Japan), using a stuffer (FC-12,
Mainca-Spain). Cooking was done in a water bath at
80-85 °C for 20 min until an internal temperature of
80 °C. Finally, the samples were cooled at ~7 ºC and
stored at ~4 ºC until further analyses.
Table 1. Sausage formulations with different meat
Control (%) BET6 (%) SJT2 (%)
Beef 35 - -
Pork 35 - -
Big Eye-Tuna - 70 -
Skip Jack-Tuna - - 70
Pork back-fat 7 7 7
Frosty Ice 10 10 10
Cassava starch 3 3 3
Additives and spices 10 10 10
Control: sausage with beef, pork, and pork back-fat; BET6: sausage with Big Eye
tuna meat and pork back-fat; SJT2: sausage with Skip Jack and pork back-fat.
Cooking loss
The losses in processing were determined during
heat treatment. The sausages were cooked
(approximately 0.5 kg) and weighed before and
after cooking. Cooking loss was expressed as a
percentage of the initial weight before cooking
minus the final weight multiplied by one hundred
after cooking. The tests were carried out in triplicate
according to the methodology proposed by Salazar,
Arancibia (2).
4Journal Vitae | https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/vitae Volume 31 | Number 01 | Article 352254Daniel Salinas, Hugo Sánchez-Moreno, Lilián Gallegos, Mishell Moreno, Lander Pérez, Diego Salazar
Proximate composition and pH analysis
Proximate composition (moisture, crude protein,
crude fat, and crude ash) was performed according
to the Association of Official Analytical Chemists
(AOAC, 2005): Moisture was determined by drying
in an oven at 105 ºC ± 2 ºC until constant weight;
crude protein was evaluated by nitrogen content
using Kjeldahl method, and content estimated by
multiplying the nitrogen content by 6.25; crude fat
content was determined by the Soxhlet method
using petroleum ether; crude ash was determined by
incineration in a muffle at 550 °C; The determination
of fiber was carried out using the enzymatic-
gravimetric method (AOAC 985.29) (PRT-701.03-019,
2011) (AOAC, 2005). The sample size was reduced
to 0.5 g, and reagent volumes were reduced by
half. Incubation with heat-stable alfa-amylase in a
boiling water bath was extended to 30 min. The
pH of the cooled assay solution was adjusted to 7.5
with 0.5 M NaOH. The pH of the suspension after
protease incubation was adjusted to 4.5 with 0.5 M
HCl. The residue and Celite were removed from the
crucible, ground, and mixed well, and only portions
(25 mg) were used for micro-Kjeldahl Nitrogen
determination. Carbohydrates were estimated by
difference. All determinations were performed in
triplicate using three samples for each treatment.
The pH of the samples was measured in a solution
of sample and water using a digital potentiometer
(HANNA HI 9126, Rhode Island, USA). All tests were
carried out in triplicate.
Microbiological determinations
Samples of sausages were collected and weighed
aseptically, homogenized, and grown in a specific
medium. Mesophilic aerobic bac teria were
determined and evaluated according to the official
ISO 4833-1:2013 method. Escherichia coli by the ISO
7251:2005 method. Staphylococcus aureus is used
by the official ISO 6888-3:2003 method and total
coliforms by the official ISO 4832:2006.
Color determination
Color CIE Lab parameters, L* (lightness), a* (red/
green), b* (yellow/blue), of cross-sections of
sausages, were determined with a Hunter Lab
Colorimeter (mini Scan 4500L EZ, Hunter Associates
Laboratory INC, Reston, Virginia, USA) calibrated
with an illuminator D65 (natural light) and standard
observer D10. The results were expressed as Hue
and Chroma values. The chroma polar coordinate or
saturation C* was calculated from the expression C*
= √ (a* 2 + b* 2 ) and Hue (hº) = arc-tan (b*/a*) to a*
and b* positives. Furthermore, the whiteness index
was determined according to the equation W = 100-
[(100-L*)2 + (a* 2 + b* 2 )]1/2 . At least 15 measurements
were performed in different sample areas.
Sensory attributes
The sensory properties were performed in the
sensory laboratory equipped with individual cabins.
The sausages were previously grilled until the internal
temperature reached 90°C and kept at 70°C in an
electric oven. Three pieces of 2 cm along the length
of grilled samples without casing were provided with
water at room temperature and salted crackers for
palate cleansing. Sensory attributes such as smell,
color, flavor, texture, and overall acceptability were
evaluated by 20 semi-trained judges. They used a
5-point hedonic scale (5 – I liked very much; 4 - like
moderately; 3 - neither liked nor disliked; 2– disliked
moderately; 1 - I do not like it). Also, sausages were
evaluated in hard texture using a scale of 1 for “hard
and 5 for “very soft.” Attributes of smell, color, flavor,
texture, and overall acceptability were evaluated.
The acceptability index (AI) was calculated using
Equation 1, according to the method proposed by
Dutcosky (40).
AI= average mark obtained for the * 100 Eq.1
maximum product score achieved
Statistical analysis
Data were presented as means and standard
deviations (SD) and analyzed using the GraphPad
Prism 5.0 program (GraphPad Software, San Diego,
California, USA). One-way analysis of variance
(ANOVA) and Tukey test with a significance level
of P< 0.05 were done to determine the differences
between samples. Shapiro and Wilks’ test was
applied to the data for sensory analysis to establish
if the dates had a normal distribution, and the
Friedman test was used for statistical analysis.
Physicochemical properties
The pH of sausages shows a significant difference
in storage time (p<0.05) during the 24-day storage
period (Table 2). The pH showed different behavior
between control and tuna sausages; in control, the
values tended to decrease; in two types of tuna,
these values increased. Control sausage started with
a pH of 6.77, decreasing to 6.67 from 0 to 24 days.
5Journal Vitae | https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/vitaeVolume 31 | Number 01 | Article 352254
Undervalued tuna meat (Thunus obesus and Katsuwonus pelamis lineaus) to develop sausages
The decrease in pH values could be attributable to
the lower quality characteristics of meat, such as
water holding capacity, cooking loss, and emulsion
stability because of decreased ionic strength
between myofibrillar in meat protein (41-43). The pH
started at 6.00 (BET6) and 5.69 (SJT2) and increased
to 6.47 and 6.34 at the end of 24 days of storage.
The increased pH values in tuna sausages could
have occurred due to the growth and development
of other types of bacteria competing with lactic
acid bacteria, thus increasing the pH of sausages.
For fish meat to be fit for human consumption, the
pH must be below 6.8 (28). In concordance with
this analysis, the tuna sausages would be fit for
consumption for 24 days, which was the evaluation
period. The behavior of tuna sausages was similar
to those observed in sausages made with vongole
(Anomalocardia brasiliana), with increasing values
between 5.20 and 5.27 (44).
Table 2. pH values of sausages during storage time
Time (days) Control BET6 SJT2
0 6.77±0.01g 6.00±0.07a 5.69±0.01a
3 6.72±0.02f 6.09±0.02b 5.82±0.01b
6 6.72±0.02f 6.15±0.03b 5.95±0.01c
9 6.70±0.03ef 6.30±0.01c 6.15±0.01d
12 6.69±0.01de 6.25±0.01cd 6.19±0.01de
15 6.67±0.02cd 6.32±0.01cde 6.22±0.01e
18 6.65±0.01c 6.38±0.01de 6.31±0.01f
21 6.61±0.01b 6.41±0.01ef 6.32±0.01f
24 6.58±0.01a 6.47±0.01f 6.34±0.01f
Control: sausage with beef, pork, and pork back-fat; BET6: sausage with Big Eye
tuna meat and pork back-fat; SJT2: sausage with Skip Jack and pork back-fat. The
results are the mean ± standard deviation. One-way ANOVA: different letters (a.
b) in the same column indicate significant differences between samples (P < 0.05).
Cooking loss
The cooking loss was similar in tuna sausages
and different from the control (p<0.05), although
none differed more than 1% from the control, so
these differences can be considered despicable
(Table 3). The cooking loss obtained in this study
was relatively low (~5%) and could be attributable
to cassava starch content and a stable emulsion
of components. The high cooking yield (<10%
cooking loss) is indicative of the excellent quality of
meat products because of the high water-holding
capacity during cooking (45). A fish sausage from an
unwashed minced blend of low-cost marine fish has
a higher cooking loss (13.3%) (46). Likewise, when
the effects of replacing pork with tuna levels were
studied on the quality characteristics of Frankfurters,
the cooking losses ranged from 12.86 to 16.77%
(47). Other authors have observed different cooking
losses in fish sausages because, generally, the
cooking loss depends on the formulation, emulsion
stability, and water holding capacity (48).
Proximal analysis
The results of the proximate composition analysis
of the sausages are shown in Table 3. A significant
difference was observed between tuna sausages
and control in moisture content (P<0.05). Tuna
sausages showed higher moisture content (~72 %)
than the control (~ 59 %). The moisture content in
tuna sausages was similar to that of Frozen South
African hake (Merluccius capensis), which reported
72.9% (34). Tuna meat has high amounts of protein,
balanced essential amino acid compounds, and
good digestibility (49, 50). Thereby, meat products
elaborated with meat fish tend to have good quality
protein. In this sense, sausages prepared with the
meat of Big Eye and Skip Jack tuna presented, on
average, 18 % protein and were close to sausage
prepared from marine catfish (Sciades herzbergii)
stored under low temperatures (18.98%) (51), with
meat from Tetradon fahara (18.61%) and Clarias
lazera + Tetradon fahara (18.93%) (52), and fish
sausages produced from fillets of crimson snapper
(Lutjanus erythropterus) (19.7%) (53).
The variability of the composition of meat raw
materials, the formulations, and the addition of
fat could influence the amount of fat in the final
product. The tuna sausages contained an average
of 4.1% of fat. The higher fat content in the control
sample could be attributable to the composition
of pork meat that was not added to tuna sausages.
Also, the fat results in the present work were low in
contrast with sausages prepared with fresh bull’s
eye fish (Priacanthus hamrur) (5.62%) (54), sausages
produced with fillets of crimson snapper (Lutjanus
erythropterus) (12.2%) (53), and sausages with
Pangas fish (Pangasius Pangasius) (10.70%) (55). No
significant difference (P>0.05) was observed in ash,
fiber, and carbohydrates. The Ecuadorian legislation
(56) does not prescribe the ash concentration
for sausage, so there is no way to compare the
composition with any set limits.
Concerning the caloric content of sausages (Table 3),
there were significant differences between control
and tuna sausages (P<0.05). The samples BET6
and SJT2 had less caloric content than the control.
6Journal Vitae | https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/vitae Volume 31 | Number 01 | Article 352254Daniel Salinas, Hugo Sánchez-Moreno, Lilián Gallegos, Mishell Moreno, Lander Pérez, Diego Salazar
However, despite having the same proportion of
fat in all formulations, the pork meat included in
the control could have produced this difference.
The lower caloric content obtained in this study
is less than those reported in sausages with fat
replaced with olive oil, flax, or konjac gels (up to 165
kcal/100 g product) (57), or about 139.30 kcal/100
g product with makgeolli lees fiber (24). The World
Health Organization (WHO, 2003) recommends
that for a balanced diet, the energy content should
be composed of a variable contribution of 55-57%
carbohydrates, 15-30% fat, and 10-15% protein.
Although each product consumed can have a
dietary balance since a series of products are
consumed daily, there is no doubt that some
consumers consider meat products a vital source of
their diet. So, achieving figures that allow reducing
the energy content of fat (from 79.05% to 12.95% in
tuna sausages) represents an essential advance to
achieving foods whose caloric protein intake is more
important than the caloric intake of fat.
Table 3. Proximate composition and caloric content (Kcal/100
g) of sausages
Control BET6 SJT2
Cooking loss (%) 5.4±0.05a 5.03±0.03b 5.7±0.05b
Moisture (%) 59.8 ± 0.06 b 72.5 ± 0.25a 72.4 ± 0.23a
Protein (%) 10.2 ± 0.02 b 18.5 ± 0.20a 18.3 ± 0.17a
Fat (%) 24. 8± 0.08a 4.1 ± 0.09b 4.1 ± 0.21b
Ash (%) 0.5 ± 0.03a 0.4 ± 0.01b 0.3 ± 0.02c
Fiber (%) 0.3 ± 0.03a 0.3 ± 0.04a 0.3 ± 0.02a
Carbohydrates (%) 4.5 ± 0.15a 4.4 ± 0.24a 4.6 ± 0.26a
Calories (Kcal/100g) 282.6 ± 0.40a 128.67 ± 1.6b 129.1 ± 1.8b
Fat Calories (Kcal/100g) 223.4 ± 0.69a 36.6 ± 0.81b 36.6 ± 1.87b
CH &F Calories (Kcal/100g) 18.5 ± 0.56a 18.1 ± 1.04a 19.2 ± 1.06a
Protein Calories (Kcal/100g) 40.8 ± 0.06 b 74.0 ± 0.80a 73.3 ± 0.66a
Control: sausage with beef, pork, and pork back-fat; BET6: sausage with Big Eye
tuna meat and pork back-fat; SJT2: sausage with Skip Jack and pork back-fat. The
results were presented as mean ± standard deviation. One-way ANOVA: different
letters (a. b) in the same column indicate significant differences between samples
(P < 0.05). CH: carbohydrate, F: fiber, with the energetic contribution of each one.
Microbiological analysis and shelf life
Sausages showed a count of < 3 CFU/g during 17
days of evaluation for total coliforms. However,
from this point of the analysis, the presence of
this bacteria (9.2 CFU/g in BET6 and 6.4 CFU/g in
SJT2) was detected. On the control sample, there
was no coliform presence for 24 days. The results
established that although adequate hygienic
conditions were considered, sausages began to
develop more rapidly at the end of the storage,
inferring that this evaluation point defined the end
of the lag phase. On the other hand, E. coli counts
showed the absence of this microorganism during
24 days of chilling storage. The Ecuadorian Technical
Standard NTE 1338:2012 establishes that the count
of E. coli for cooked sausages shall be < 10 CFU/g.
Therefore, tuna sausages stored for 24 days in
refrigerated storage comply with the requirements.
The results of E. coli were similar to those reported
in sausages from Nile tilapia carcasses (Oreochromis
niloticus) (42). The absence of Staphylococcus aureus
during 24 days of tuna storage and control sausages
was observed when refrigerated. The Ecuadorian
Technical Standard NTE 1338:2012 allows up to
1,0x103 CFU/g of Staphylococcus aureus in cooked
sausages. The results show that the sausages comply
with hygienic procedures; the packaging and the
refrigeration storage temperatures conserved and
maintained the quality. The results of S. aureus were
similar to those reported in sausages made from
Nile tilapia carcasses (Oreochromis niloticus), which
do not evidence the presence of Staphylococcus
aureus (42). Also, in sausages produced with the
meat of Clarias lazera, the Staphylococcus aureus
counts during 30 days of storage at 5°C were
imperceptible (52). Mesophilic aerobic bacteria
count showed absence in tuna sausages, and in
the control sample, there were 5 CFU/g at 24 days
of storage. These results indicated the excellent
quality of the tuna meat. The Ecuadorian Technical
Standard, NTE 1338:2012 specifications for cooked
sausages, recommend that these bacteria in food
intended for human consumption do not exceed
5.0 *10 5 CFU/g. Studies of sausages produced with
Indian sardines (Sardinella longiceps) found similar
results for mesophilic aerobic bacteria (58). The
microbiological results showed that the control
of the tuna post-capture microbial load could be
minimal to generate products of high quality from
marine raw materials.
The results of the color parameters of sausages
are shown in Table 4. Lightness (L*) does not show
significant differences (P>0.05) between the two
types of tuna sausages, but they differed from the
control. Lightness in control declined, being slightly
darker and colorless. The redness (a*) was similar for
all samples during the evaluation, which could be
attributed to the red color added in all formulations.
7Journal Vitae | https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/vitaeVolume 31 | Number 01 | Article 352254
Undervalued tuna meat (Thunus obesus and Katsuwonus pelamis lineaus) to develop sausages
Regarding the yellowness (b*), there were no
differences. However, the control showed a slightly
higher value, while the BET6 and SJT2 exhibited
the lowest. The Chroma and Hue do not show
differences (P>0.05) between the treatments. The
scarce difference in coloration among the different
batches of sausages may be due to color differences
in the mass formed by the emulsified muscle protein
and the natural color added to the dough. The color
values of tuna sausages reported in this study were
similar to those reported in Frankfurter sausages
with different tuna levels (47). The values reported in
sausages with added surimi, fat, and water content
were not significantly different (P>0.05) regardless
of the addition of fish meat protein or fat.
Table 4. Color properties of sausages
Parameters Control BET6 SJT2
L 51.17±0.41b 53.33±0.52a 52.33±0.82a
a* 41.17±0.98a 41,50±0.55a 41.33±0.82a
b* 30.17±0.75a 29.67±1.03a 29.01±0.75a
C 51.04±0.78 a 51.02±0.75a 50.71±0.61a
H 0.63±0.02 a 0.62±0.02a 0.61±0.02a
IB 29.36±0.66b 30.86±0.79a 30.58±0.42a
Control (sausage with beef, pork, and pork back-fat), BET6 (sausage with Big Eye
tuna meat and pork back-fat), SJT2 (sausage with Skip Jack and pork back-fat). The
results are the mean ± standard deviation. One-way ANOVA: different letters (a.
b) in the same column indicate significant differences between samples (P < 0.05).
Sensory analysis
The sensory analysis results were performed to
establish the normality in dates, and the results
showed, as was expected, no normal distribution. In
this sense, dates were analyzed using the Friedman
test to establish differences. The sensory results
showed differences between tuna sausages and
the control sample. The sensory attributes and
acceptability results are shown in Figures 2A and 2B,
respectively. The color of the sausages prepared with
tuna meat was scored 4, “liked moderately”; also, the
control sample was scored similarly. The acceptability
index (AI) for the color parameter of the tuna sausages
was 80%. Values above 70% indicate that the judges
accept the product (40). The acceptability in the
color parameter of this type of product is interesting
because it is not a standard product in Ecuador.
The judges could not compare it with the color of
commercial fish sausage; they could only compare
it with the control sample. The color acceptability
of the sausages formulated in the present work was
similar to Frankfurters with combined pork meat and
yellowfin tuna (47) and sausages from marine catfish
(Sciades herzbergii) (51).
The smell of sausages received a rating equivalent
to “liked moderately.” This result could be caused
by the fact that spices were added to the dough
commonly used in the production of sausages
and contributed to developing a good smell in the
final product. The result of “liked moderately” on
the acceptability of the smell of the sausages was
surprising because the premise with new products,
especially with fish, is that consumers reject the
new product. The rejection by the consumer could
be expected because the smell of marine fish is
usually powerful; in these species, more nitrogen
components are not concentrated, which are low
molecular weight volatile compounds (44). The tuna
sausages smell was almost similarly appreciated to
sausages from bull eye fish (Priacanthus hamrur)
(38) and sausage from marine catfish (Sciades
herzbergii) (51). The texture of the tuna sausages
produced in the present work was scored as 4,” liked
moderately,” and categorized as “soft moderately.”
The result in the hardness of texture of the tuna
sausage was satisfactory because all procedures,
raw materials, and conditions were adequate
according to the standards for sensory evaluation.
Regarding flavor and overall acceptability, the SJT2
sample scored the highest compared to BET6 and
the control sample; the panelist qualification was
“liked very much.” This result is significant because
the tuna meat used to produce tuna sausages comes
from the head and tails of commercial tuna, which
habitually needs to be more utilized.
8Journal Vitae | https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/vitae Volume 31 | Number 01 | Article 352254Daniel Salinas, Hugo Sánchez-Moreno, Lilián Gallegos, Mishell Moreno, Lander Pérez, Diego Salazar
The production of sausages using underutilized
tuna meat (tail and head tuna meat) is an excellent
opportunity for the tuna industry. This new productive
alternative adds value to less commercially viable
meat, generating fresh and nutritious products
with good nutritional quality, sensory appeal, and
extended shelf life. The study results show that
the sausages produced with tuna cuts have good-
quality protein and less caloric content, principally
due to the lower fat content. As production
quality indicators, the pH and acidity show that
sausages would be fit for consumption for 24 days.
Regarding microbiological quality, sausages comply
with hygienic procedures; the packaging and the
refrigeration storage temperatures conserved and
maintained the quality. There were no negative
observations for taste or odor in the sensorial
parameters, while the acceptability was assessed
well. In conclusion, the results showed that tuna
sausages have 24 days of shelf life stored at 4 °C
without negatively affecting microbiological quality.
The authors are thankful to the Technical University
of Ambato for providing support and facilities to
carry out the experimental works of this research.
The authors do not have any conflict of interest with
any person or organization in publishing this article.
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