Calcination of phosphoric rock by plasma torch, to obtain thermophosphates fertilizers


  • Nelson Mauricio Espinel Pérez Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia, National Learning Service
  • M. C. Pazos Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia
  • E. Parra National Learning Service
  • D. Martínez Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia



plasma torch reactor, apatites, fertilizers, thermophosphates


A plasma torch reactor was used to obtain thermo phosphate fertilizers by subjecting the phosphoric rock (PR) from the central eastern region of the Boyacá Department, Colombia, in the municipalities of Iza and Sogamoso. A plasma torch equipment Victor Cut Master A60TM, with 7.6 kW as nominal power, reaching temperatures of process higher than 10000 °C, was used. The particle size of mineral treated was 0.075 mm, which was calcined during 30 s and 40 s. The experimental results show a maximum concentrations of total phosphorus and assimilable phosphorus corresponding to 27.0 and 3.07 %  P2O5 respectively for Iza sample, while the results for the Sogamoso one were 33.12 and 4.83 % P2O5, respectively. The total phosphorus analyses were carried out by X ray fluorescence, while the assimilable phosphorus was determined from the extraction with neutral ammonium citrate solution and quantified by visible ultraviolet spectrophotometry. The main crystalline phase in each sample was determined by X ray diffraction. The results indicate that the samples are constituted mainly by fluorapatite carbonate, ranged between 53.0 and 87.0 wt.% for the Iza one and between 60.6 and 93.7 wt.% for that from Sogamoso. The energy consumption to obtain the thermophosphates was very low, ranged between 0.64 kW-h/Kg and 1.14 kW-h/Kg, for electrical current of 30 A and 45 A, respectively.

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Author Biographies

Nelson Mauricio Espinel Pérez, Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia, National Learning Service

MSc. in Chemistry, Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia, Tunja, Colombia. National Learning Service (Sena), Mining Center, Sogamoso, Colombia.

M. C. Pazos, Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia

PhD. in Chemical Sciences, Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia, Tunja, Colombia.

E. Parra, National Learning Service

Technologist in Chemistry, National Learning Service (Sena), Mining Center, Sogamoso, Colombia.

D. Martínez, Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia

PhD. in Sciences of Materials, Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia, Sogamoso, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Espinel Pérez, N. M., Pazos, M. C., Parra, E., & Martínez, D. (2022). Calcination of phosphoric rock by plasma torch, to obtain thermophosphates fertilizers. Revista Colombiana De Materiales, (18), 15.