Leisure and Health Activities During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among the Elder Population of the Let’s Walk Through Life Project
In pandemic times, the emotional integrity of the elders is affected by the context of vulnerability of their freedom and the social stigma in which they find themselves forhaving a high risk of illness and death due to COVID-19, which generates more restrictive isolations for their protection. The project Let’s Walk Through Life demonstrated the cognitive capacity and the social and familiar value of the elders through their participation in virtual activities centered around their quality of life that involve pedagogic strategies and assertive methodologies for leisure and health. The project made evident the always growing interest of the elders for improving their quality of life, their learning and unlearning capabilities on technologies and social networks matters, and their ability to virtually communicate as well. These activities allowed an effective accompaniment during the pandemic and minimized the physical, emotional and spiritual distancing for the elders.