Children, training, subjectivation and political socialization in Medellín in times of social insurgence


  • William Moreno Gómez Universidad de Antioquia
  • Estefanía Pérez Sánchez Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
  • Ronald Hoyos Goez Universidad de Antioquia
  • Juan Pablo González Cano Universidad de Antioquia


This work aimed to recognize the political arguments, practices and discourses used to justify or condemn the participation of children un the city’s politics. Both aesthetic prosaic dimensions of situated text were analyzed: photos, utterances, news excerpts, policies, manifestos, chronicles, and voices of actors involved in the educational processes of the political body of children in institutional and non-institutional, formal and non-formal settings. Findings can be used as a reference for the creation social, curricular, and educational public policies to redefine the life, manifestability, and political formation and habitation of children in the city.

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How to Cite

Moreno Gómez, W., Pérez Sánchez, E., Hoyos Goez, R., & González Cano, J. P. (2023). Children, training, subjectivation and political socialization in Medellín in times of social insurgence. Expomotricidad, 2021. Retrieved from



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