Effects of fatigue on performance and technical-tactical decision-making in soccer


  • Guillermo Andrés Calle Jaramillo Universidad de Antioquia


fatigue, soccer, performance, central nervous system, execution time, decision making


Short-term high intensity-efforts in sports such as soccer or basketball could fatigue the central nervous system (CNS). To demonstrate this, Flicker Fusion Thresholds (UFF), a method used to measure CNS fatigue and cognitive function, were used after a Running Repeat Ability (RSA) test, and CNS fatigue was observed due to decreased UFF. Therefore, fatigue is not only due to muscular factors, but also to factors affecting the CNS. Several studies have demonstrated the effects of fatigue induced by combined cognitive and motor tasks (Repeated Interval Loughborough Soccer Passing Test, 90-minute training matches) and by isolated cognitive (Color Stroop task) or motor tasks (high-intensity physical load) on the technical-tactical performance of soccer players. The aim of this research is to study the effect of RAST-induced fatigue on performance in execution time (ET) and decision-making ability (DMA) in technical-tactical actions in soccer in laboratory situation. A quasi-experimental, longitudinal, pretest-posttest comparative study was designed. Two groups of soccer players (n=34), divided into a control group (n=18) and an experimental group (n=16), were evaluated twice at two different times. Taking into account the p-value, effect size and statistical power, there are differences before and after RAST in the variables total index (TI) and execution time (ET), but not in decision making (DMA). On the other hand, the control group remained stable at both time points. In conclusion, delaying the TD, even if the call is correct, is not sufficient in this sport under any circumstances or conditions.

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How to Cite

Calle Jaramillo, G. A. (2024). Effects of fatigue on performance and technical-tactical decision-making in soccer. Expomotricidad, 2024. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358726



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