“Playa Fitness”: A proposal for therapeutic tourism
physical activity, community sports, leisure, recreation, therapeutic tourismAbstract
The Universidad Surcolombiana (Surcolombiana University) and the Colombian Ministry of Sports signed an agreement to promote recreation, school and community sports and physical activity in several municipalities in the departments of Caquetá, Putumayo, Tolima and Huila through recreational, cultural, artistic, tourism and health workshops for children, adolescents, adults and seniors. For both institutions, which had a good team of leisure, recreation and physical activity leaders, this tourism and integration program is important because it strengthens the bonds of friendship, family unity and community work. The program concluded in the department of Huila with the "Playa Fitness" therapeutic tourism event, a motivational activity for more than 700 people from the affected departments, held in a water amusement park where physical activity, recreation and tourism were programmed. It is important to recognize the efforts of the instructors and monitors who led the groups in the various communities, and their work with the mayors' offices and transportation companies to raise funds and provide the activities and services enjoyed by the participants.
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