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Finance and Growth in Mexico: Who Contributes the Most: the Banks or the Stock Market?




financial structure, economic growth, banking sector, stock market


This paper studies the relationship between the financial structure and the economic growth of Mexico during 1980-2014. The literature identifies two types of financial structure: bank-based and stock-market-based. In the first, commercial banking positively impacts economic activity, while in the second, the stock market influences the performance of the economy. A third view considers that all financial activity (banks, stock market and other financial institutions) influences growth. These hypotheses are assessed by using a VEC model. The empirical findings suggest that, considering the liquidity of the financial system, stock market activity predominates throughout the study period; but when we take the size of the financial system, banking activity prevails. We also show that increasing financial system liquidity had a positive effect on economic growth, although increasing the size of the financial system decreased the GDP per capita over the period 1980-2014. Moreover, the short-term dynamic analysis reveals that if the financial structure became more marketed-oriented, the effect on economic growth would be positive. 

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How to Cite

Venegas-Martínez, F., Méndez-Heras, L. B., & Solis-Rosales, R. (2021). Finance and Growth in Mexico: Who Contributes the Most: the Banks or the Stock Market? . Lecturas De Economia, (96).


