Estimation of the carbon footprint of the Eiffel Tower
carbon footprint, greenhouse gas emissions, Eiffel TowerAbstract
Concern over the constant increase in greenhouse gas emissions is becoming more and more noticeable, in particular because of its close relationship with the increase in global temperature. Taking into account that the increase in global temperature has become outstanding since the beginning of historic records and is associated with different human activities, a series of questions emerge about the environmental impact associated with some historic structures, such as the Eiffel Tower. In this paper,we made an estimation of the carbon footprint of the Eiffel Tower, analyzing its life cycle with the UMBERTO NXT CO2 software, without considering deconstruction and recycling activities of the structure. We found that most of the emissions came from the extraction/manufacturing of materials and operation/maintenance stages, being the operation the one that contributes the most, given the large impact of tourism and commerce that will continue in the forthcoming years.
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