Prediction and study of acid mine drainage on landfill mineral
pyrite, acid, pH, heavy metalsAbstract
Acid drainage is the result of the natural oxidation of sulphurminerals contained in rocks, one of them being pyrites,which havebeen exposed to moisture and oxidizing conditions, which generates a reduction in the pH of the infiltration water and leaching of metals. The objective of this work was to evaluate and predict the possible generation of acid mine drainage and determine the presence of metal leaching from three mineral samples identified as ME-1. ME-2 and ME-3 coming from a dumplocated on the geographical limit between Argentina and Chile, which occupies about 150 hectares which comes from an exploitation of copper. The tests were carried out in two stages, the first one consisted of predicting the possible formation of acid drainage of the samples under study based on static tests known as Acid-Base Balance, while in the second stage dynamic testswere applied by means of a wet cell test determining the water quality based on the mobility of metallic elements and the pH. It was determined that the samples ME-1 and ME-2 would be possible acid generators due tothe low neutralization power, while the results forME-3 indicated to be a sample with potential to generate acid uncertain. In the leachates of the samples no heavy metal content such as Cr Pb and Cd are reported. The As and Hg are found in ppb values and other heavy elements in the order of non-detectable.
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