About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Trashumante. Revista Americana de Historia Social is a six-monthly scientific journal of the División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades of the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, UAM-Cuajimalpa, in México, and the Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas of the Universidad de Antioquia, based in Medellín, Colombia. The target of the journal is the national and international academic community interested in topics of social history. It has the object of increasing exchange, comparison and the construction of the historical knowledge in different countries and regions of the American continent.
Its origin is the social history, that is to say, a synthetic historiography which attends processes, actors, groups and social organizations and that is written in a close relationship with other social and human sciences, and therefore is open to the dialogue with the economic, political or cultural history.
The journal has two senior editors, a editorial board, and a scientific committee, all integrated in a plural way, and composed by external and internal people of the issuing universities. This editorial staff is in charge of developing the editorial standards and guarantees the quality of the contents through the examination by specialized juries.
Peer Review Process
Trashumante. Revista Americana de Historia Social receives unpublished research papers, as well as essays and book reviews. The Direction verifies that each received manuscript is appropriate for an academic journal of history and that suits with the minimal quality criteria, editorial and citation standards. (See Submission Guidelines).
Trashumante operates with a double-blind, external peer review policy for all received documents. Each manuscript is reviewed by two or more referees, chosen for their academic background, their PHD degree (or equivalent), and their knowledge on the specific topic of the article. Each article is sent to the reviewers without letting them know the identity of the author, to reduce bias. In case the referee accepts to review the manuscript, he or she has 30 days to do so. The manuscript may be accepted unconditionally, accepted in the event that its authors improve it in certain ways, or rejected.
The reviewers’ opinion and recommendations are sent to the author, (including any attached files) leaving out only the author’s name and any other data that would allow his or her identification. The author then has 15 days to submit a revised version of his or her manuscript.
The editors determine whether the author has fulfilled the requirements made by the reviewers and may decide not to publish the article if they are not properly abided.
During the process of evaluation and edition, the Direction can consult the authors any doubts about the paper in question. The journal is allowed to make any style corrections that would be pertinent to do.
Based upon this policies, the Editorial Board decides the publication of a manuscript. This decision is indisputable.
Publication Frequency
Trashumante. Revista Americana de Historia Social is a six-monthly (January-June and July-December) academic journal. Trashumante permanently receives unpublished research papers on historiography, theory and methodology of history. It also receives essays that encourage criticism of symbolic productions associated to the social construction of the historical knowledge and critical book reviews of recent historiographic production.
These documents are evaluated by the Editorial Board and outside evaluators (see: Review Process). After the evaluation, the publishing of the paper is scheduled by the Board, in consideration of the number of approved papers.
Open Access Policy
Trashumante. Revista Americana de Historia Social provides full text, unrestricted access to all its contents immediately upon publication.
- Red Internacional de Historia Social (RIHS)