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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • A contribuição é original e inédita, e não está sendo avaliada para publicação por outra revista; caso contrário, deve-se justificar em "Comentários ao editor".
  • O arquivo da submissão está em formato Microsoft Word, OpenOffice ou RTF.
  • URLs para as referências foram informadas quando possível.
  • O texto está em espaço simples; usa uma fonte de 12-pontos; emprega itálico em vez de sublinhado (exceto em endereços URL); as figuras e tabelas estão inseridas no texto, não no final do documento na forma de anexos.
  • O texto segue os padrões de estilo e requisitos bibliográficos descritos em Diretrizes para Autores, na página Sobre a Revista.

Author Guidelines

Texts must be submitted in a Microsoft Word format and sent as an e-mail attachment to: [,]. The main body of the text must be written in Times New Roman 12 point font and 10 for footnotes.

Articles must have between 8,000 and 10,000 words including bibliography, footnotes and appendices (illustrations, maps, charts, etc.).

Trashumante. Revista Americana de Historia Social only admits reviews of books that have been published, translated or re-edited in the last three years. Book reviews must not excede 1500 words.

Monographic research articles, historiographical essays, theoretical and methodological think pieces must have a title, an abstract of 100 words summarizing objectives, content and research results and a list of up to six keywords. The abstract and keywords must be in Spanish, Portuguese and English.

A separate document must include the author´s details: full name, address, phone number, email address, academic degrees, institutional affiliation, ongoing studies and recent publications. The document should indicate the source(s) of funding for the research discussed in the article.

Submitted texts cannot be under evaluation by another publication.

Style sheet

1. The subdivisions of the body of the text must be marked by Arabic numbers in bold. The introduction and conclusions should not be enumerated.

2. Expressions and terms from a language other than that of the text must be written in italics. Italics must also be used to indicate the titles of publications. Please refrain from using italics it in any other way.

3. The first time an abbreviation or acronym is used it must be in parentheses after the full name is clearly stated. For following occasions use only the abbreviation.

4. Quotation marks must be used to frame quotes. When the extent of textual fragment exceeds four lines, it must be separated from the text, written without quotation marks, single spaced, font size 11 with left and right indents of an inch.

5. Tables, graphs, maps, photographs and other illustrations must be referred to and explained in the text. They should also be titled, sequentially numbered and their source must be clearly indicated. All images, including graphs and tables, must appear immediately after the paragraph that makes reference to them. Images must be submitted in a high resolution jpg format. Each author is responsible for obtaining the rights to use all images submitted as part of the text.

6. The footnotes must be numbered in Arabic numerals.

7. At the end of the article please reference all sources, indicating whether these are written, printed, oral, audiovisual or electronic. Next, the bibliography must be in Times New Roman 11, single spaced with hanging indents.

References in footnotes and bibliography

Trashumante uses an adaptation of the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition, Humanities Style version. Footnote references must be presented as follows:


Single author

Name Surname(s), Full title (City: Editorial, year) page(s).

Marc Bloch, La Société féodale (Paris: Albin Michel, 1968) 16.

Two Authors

Name Surname(s) and Name Surname(s) Full title (City: Editorial, year) pages(s).

María Teresa Uribe de Hincapié y Liliana María López Lopera, Las palabras de la guerra: un estudio sobre las memorias de las guerras civiles en Colombia (Medellín: La Carreta Histórica / Instituto de Estudios Políticos Universidad de Antioquia / Corporación Región, 20(06) 142-149.

Three or more authors

Name Surname(s) et al Full title (City: Editorial, year) page(s).

Sergio Bagú y otros, De historia e historiadores: homenaje a José Luis Romero (México: Siglo XXI, 1982) 198-200.

Chapters in Books or Multivolume Works

Name Surname, “Chapter title”, Full title, volume, ed./comp./coord. Name Surname(s) (City: Editorial, year) page (s).

Sergio Miceli, “Vanguardias literarias y artísticas en el Brasil y en la Argentina: un ensayo comparativo”, Historia de los intelectuales en América Latina, T. 2, ed. Carlos Altamirano (Madrid y Buenos Aires: Katz, 2010) 492.

Articles in a scientific journal

Name Surname(s), “Article title” Full journal title, volume. number. (year): page(s).

Alan Knight, “Popular Culture and the Revolutionary State in México, 1910-1940”, The Hispanic American Historical Review 74.3 (1994): 397-398.

Articles in newspapers and magazines

Name Surname(s), “Article title”, newspaper, (City) day, month, year: page(s).

Ricardo Arenales, “Los fenómenos espíritas del Palacio de la Nunciatura”, El Demócrata (México) 7 de septiembre de 1920: 1 y 9.

Unpublished dissertations, papers and other unpublished documents

Name Surname(s) “document title” (type of document, University, year) page(s).

Gabriel J. Haslip, “Crime and the Administration of Justice in Colonial Mexico City, 1696-1810” (PhD diss., Columbia University, 1980) 189.

Archive Manuscripts

Author, “document title”, city, date. Archive initials, Archive location, Fund, Section, Series, Volume / file, page (s).

Investigaciones Políticas y Sociales, “Declaraciones de personas detenidas durante la intervención del Ejército en la colonia ‘Rubén Jaramillo’, en Temixco, Mor.”, México D. F., 29 de septiembre de 1973. Archivo General de la Nación, México, Gobernación, Investigaciones Políticas y Sociales, Caja 1490a, Legajo 6, ff. 8-9.

Note: when the manuscript has no author or title archive data will suffice.


Name Surname(s) of director, “Title of movie, documentary or television program”, place of production, date (duration). Name of film repository, city, reference number.

“Noticiero Teletigre”, Medellín, 28 de agosto de 1968 (Película: 16 mm.) Fundación Patrimonio Fílmico Colombiano, Bogotá, SA1-1I-D, Pietaje: 48-21.


Author, “Title of Work” (technique and material: H x W) location and date. Name of repository, city.

Edward Walhouse Mark, “Port of Santa Martha” (acuarela: 17,4 x 25, 4 cm) 1845. Museo Banco de la República, Bogotá.


Author, “Image title” (technique and material, H x W) location and date. Name of photography archive, image reference number.

Melitón Rodríguez Márquez, “Los zapateros” (Negativo en vidrio, placa seca de gelatina: 20 x 25 cm.) Medellín, 1895. Archivo Fotográfico Biblioteca Pública Piloto, Medellín, BPP-F-008-0935.


Author, “Map Name” (scale) date. Name of srchive, location, map reference.

“Trayecto del camino de Santafé a Honda, entre los pueblos de Bogotá y Serrezuela” 1777. Archivo General de la Nación, Bogotá, Sección Mapas y Planos, mapa 34-A.

Published sources

These are referenced according to the publication´s format (book, chapter, scientific journal, newspaper, magazine, internet, etc.)


Name and Surname(s) of interviewer, Name and Surname of Interviewes interviewed, place, date..

Mauricio Archila interviewing Luis Guillermo Vasco, Bogotá, 17 y 24 de junio de 2010.

Internet Publications

These are referenced according to the format of the original publication (book, chapter, scientific journal, newspaper or magazine, dissertation, manuscript etc). For blogs and web pages the reference must include author´s name, article title and date of online publication. The uniform resource location (URL) and the date of internet consultation (dd/mm/yy) must be clearly indicated.

Fiscalía Especial para Movimientos Sociales y Políticos del Pasado, Informe histórico a la sociedad mexicana (México: Procuraduría General de la República, 2006) 85-86. (08/02/2012)

Amy Goodman y Juan González, “‘Broken Laws, Broken Lives’: Medical Study Confirms Prisoners in US Custody Were Physically & Mentally Tortured”, 19 de junio de 2008. (08/02/2012)

Subsequent citations from the same work

1. Bloch 20.
2. Uribe de Hincapié 267-270.
3. If one author has more tan one work the title must appear in an abbreviated form. Bloch, La Société 400.
4. Haslip, “Crime…” 180-182.
This system does not use abbreviations such as Ibid., ibídem y op. cit.

Sources and bibliography

The order of presentation of sources and the literature is different from that of footnotes. These must appear with an inch hanging indent.



Archivo general de la Nación, México (AGNM)

Fondo Gobernación, Sección Investigación Políticas y Sociales

Newspapers and Magazines

El Demócrata (México) 1920-1921.


Luis Guillermo Vasco, entrevista realizada por Mauricio Archila. Bogotá, 17 y 24 de junio de 2010.


Archivo General de la Nación, Bogotá (AGNC).

   Sección Mapas y Planos

Biblioteca Pública Piloto, Medellín (AFBPP).

   Archivo Fotográfico

Fundación Patrimonio Fílmico Colombiano, Bogotá (FPFC).

Museo Banco de la República, Bogotá (MBRC).

Internet (2008)


Bloch, Marc. La Société féodale. Paris: Albin Michel, 1968.

Miceli, Sergio. “Vanguardias literarias y artísticas en el Brasil y en la Argentina: un ensayo comparativo”. Historia de los intelectuales en América Latina. Tomo 2. Ed. Carlos Altamirano. Madrid y Buenos Aires: Katz, 2010.

Haslip, Gabriel J. “Crime and the Administration of Justice in Colonial Mexico City, 1696-1810”. Tesis inédita de PhD en Historia, Columbia University, 1980.

Knight, Alan. “Popular Culture and the Revolutionary State in México, 1910-1940”. The Hispanic American Historical Review 74.3 (1994): 393-444.

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