To Build in the Suburbs: Conflicts between Workers and Public Municipal Power. Rio de Janeiro in the early 20th Century


  • Cristiane Regina Miyasaka State University of Campinas



Rio de Janeiro, suburban workers, strategies of negotiation, municipal government, social history.


Several inhabitants of the suburban area of Rio de Janeiro were fined due to infraction of construction in the begining of the 20th century. This paper aims to present the conflicts related to the law enforcement of construction, as well as the strategies of the suburban workers to face this situation. Based on the reading of appeals sent to the mayor contesting fines, it is possible to conclude that “offenders” believed that they were able to contest the authority of the city. In such dispute, they also intended to decide about the uses of the land in the suburban area.

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Author Biography

Cristiane Regina Miyasaka, State University of Campinas

Master in History from the State University of Campinas (Brazil) where she is currently pursuing her doctorate. She is the author of the book Viver nos subúrbios: a experiência dos trabalhadores de Inhaúma (Rio de Janeiro, 1890-1910). (Rio de Janeiro: Municipal Secretary of Culture / AGCRJ, 2011).



Arquivo Geral da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil (AGCRJ)

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How to Cite

Miyasaka, C. R. (2015). To Build in the Suburbs: Conflicts between Workers and Public Municipal Power. Rio de Janeiro in the early 20th Century. Trashumante. Revista Americana De Historia Social, (6), 58–80.


