Some considerations on the difficulties of child socialization


  • Luisa Fernanda Zapata Álvarez University of Antioquia


Socialization, Life cycle, Agents of socialization, Behavior


The socialization is approached as a dynamic process of the relation between the child and the world, where are involved elements like the life cycle development and some agents that mediate in the social development o f the child, such as family, school, the community in which the child is inserted , the mass media and the technology with which the child interacts everyday with. However, it is found that from these agents and the sociocultural context in which the child is situated there are different issues that make the socialization process more difficult and that is why there is a need to emphasize more on this topic and also in how the psychology and other disciplines can contribute from different points of view.
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Author Biography

Luisa Fernanda Zapata Álvarez, University of Antioquia

Psychology student


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How to Cite

Zapata Álvarez, L. F. (2013). Some considerations on the difficulties of child socialization. Revista Electrónica Psyconex, 4(6). Retrieved from


