Clinical psychology today: Pluriverses


  • Gloria Patricia Peláez J University of Antioquia


Clinical psychology, pluridiversity of currents, field, epistemological problem


Clinical  psychology  is  not  one,  like  is  not  the  one  general Psychology that is  its source, this  does that the same  nature of clinical  psychology  is  based  on  a  pluridiversidad  of thought currents  that  are  the  referring  epistémico  of  all  clinical psychologist. In addition to being clinical psychology a diversity of theories, is one of the so many diverse fields that they conform Psychology in as much applied science. To be field, it is necessary to consider conditions that must be fulfilled such as: definition of the object, which  is  determined by the psychological current; a relation particular subject-object that guarantees a method taken by means of strategies, specific techniques and tools to it and the search  of  an  aim  of  the  action.  The  field  also  is  identified  by referring ones as they are: the definition and specific origin of the applied actions, and finally, a field is also defined to share with other  disciplines  its  action,  that  is  to  say,  to  maintain  relations interdisciplinary.

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Author Biography

Gloria Patricia Peláez J, University of Antioquia

Psicóloga USB, Especialista en familia UPB, Magíster en Filosofía U de A, Profesora Departamento de Psicología
U de A, Psicoanalista



How to Cite

Peláez J, G. P. (2010). Clinical psychology today: Pluriverses. Revista Electrónica Psyconex, 1(1). Retrieved from


