Hyperactivity: symptom or disorder of what or whose?


  • Gloria Patricia Peláez Jaramillo University of Antioquia


Hyperactivity, symptom, disorder, psychoanalytic clinic, medicalization


One  of  present  "the  symptomatic"  manifestations  with  more welcoming, use, abuse and sobrediagnosis are the Hiperactividad call or upheaval with attention deficit (TDAH). The investigation made in a school specialized in this upheaval shows clearly the little  effectiveness  of  the  farmacológico  and  comportamental treatment applied the children and "affected" young people by this diagnosis. The closed logic school-professionals and drug is a practice common in the present time that the interrogation by the sense excludes and meaning that this symptom represents for the subject in its relation the Other. For the Psychoanalysis this it is the axis of his  intervention, to interrogate that subject it is put into play in that symptom and that function has for him.

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Author Biography

Gloria Patricia Peláez Jaramillo, University of Antioquia

Psicóloga USB, Especialista en familia UPB, Magíster en Filosofía U de A, Profesora Departamento de Psicología U de A, Psicoanalista


Lacan, Jacques. Los cuatro principios fundamentales del psicoanálisis. Seminario XI. España: Barral Editores 1974.

DSM-IV-TR. Manual diagnóstico y estadístico de los trastornos mentales. Barcelona: Masson. 2002.

Macías Gil, Diana Isabel. Hiperactividad: ¿Síntoma o trastorno? Medellín: Trabajo de grado. 2003. Asesora teórica: Gloria Patricia Peláez J. Departamento de Psicología. U de A. Biblioteca Central.



How to Cite

Peláez Jaramillo, G. P. (2010). Hyperactivity: symptom or disorder of what or whose?. Revista Electrónica Psyconex, 1(1). Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/Psyconex/article/view/7581


