Philosophical anddemocratic education, accounting education, civilian accountant, university and social division of the workAbstract
The apathetic for the studying of the philosophy, the politics and the democracy in the university, and in the particular way in the accountancy has caused the tergiversation of the ideal of the education as axis of social cohesion, human development, culture, collective and individual identity, and of participation in the construction of a nation project, so that, it lets the student of the Public Accountancy resigns to the directions of the economical order and ignores his participation in the society as a civilian man, it is, as an autonomous, critical person and able to lead collective process that improve the opportunities of participation, inclusion and action of a community, letting improve the life conditions. From that, one set the necessity of the accountancy education that involves the philosophy and the democracy for the formation of a comprehensive citizen and changing actor of his history, both individually and socially.
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