Public Sector Reform and International Accounting Standards: the Case of Spain


  • Isabel Brusca Alijarde University of Zaragoza
  • Vicente Montesinos Julve University of Valencia



Public sector, transparency, international accounting standards, Spain, European Union


Nowadays it is clear that different stakeholders involved inand affected by public
administration require deep operation reforms in order to improvethe transparency andthegood
company management.Accounting information arises as a key tool of these reforms. It should follow
standards set for the international environmentin the interest of beingunderstandable, clear and
comparableaccording to theglobalization characterizingtheXXI century economies.One of the most
important challenges of national governments is to harmonize national standards with IASB and
IFAC pronouncements. It is an essential requirement for achieving the necessary transparency
and thus the market confidence.Therefore, Spain, within the European Union,adopted in 2010the
international standards withinits government accounting, by means of approving a new Public
Accounting General Plan,strengthening in this way citizens’ confidence in public administration
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How to Cite

Brusca Alijarde, I., & Montesinos Julve, V. (2013). Public Sector Reform and International Accounting Standards: the Case of Spain. Contaduría Universidad De Antioquia, (60), 179–207.


