Establishment of Sales Tax: Causes and Effects of the Different Classifications in Colombia


  • Jesús Guillermo Piedrahita Oviedo University of Medellin
  • Víctor Alfonso Salazar Martínez Universidad de Medellín



Value added tax (VAT), classifications, fiscal equilibrium


Taking as an object of study the different classifications of the sales tax (VAT) to determine the effect on national finances, and taking them as basis for optimization, imposition, and collection, involves multiple constitutional and economic and social policy concepts since it is an indirect levy of national order. Thus, this paper seeks to analyze the effect of the different categories of this imposition, trying to determine the contribution made by this regulation, analyzing the various interferences that have led to these divisions. This is done taking into account that what is preferable in tax matters is the pursuit of fiscal equilibrium between the taxpayer and the State because the latter needs to collect taxes for its operation and investment. Not forgetting the taxpayers, both producers and final consumers, who assume the tax burden, so this should not be excessive or disproportionate.

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How to Cite

Piedrahita Oviedo, J. G., & Salazar Martínez, V. A. (2013). Establishment of Sales Tax: Causes and Effects of the Different Classifications in Colombia. Contaduría Universidad De Antioquia, (62), 89–105.


