Unnamed bodies: Trans identities in the field of motor expressions
curriculum, diversity, motor expressions, gender identities, inclusion, transgenderAbstract
Encouraging reflection on the diversity of gender identities in the field of motor expression is an outstanding social debt. Recently, the urgency to address and discuss the gender perspective in universities and curricula has gained momentum due to social and cultural demands in the search for greater inclusion and respect for diversity. Insofar as the body is a register of the public, manifested in its aesthetics, mobility, agency, acceptance or rejection, particular difficulties have been identified for transgender bodies in terms of equal participation and access to opportunities. This research aims to recognize and make visible the unidentified bodies, the trans identities, in the field of motor expressions. A qualitative study has been designed within the framework of critical theory, and through a semi-structured interview I seek to recognize the voices of trans people in different sports expressions and other actors in the field, such as teachers, coaches and public administrators in Medellín. The findings show that pathologization and transmedicalization endanger the lives and mental health of trans people and continue to be used as a means of legitimizing trans identity in the field. Furthermore, given that transphobia manifests itself as active ignorance within the field, the lack of teacher training on gender issues and various racial biases make the participation of people with trans identities an axis of resistance and exclusion within sport. This research points to the need to reorient the curriculum to be inclusive, recognizing diversity and otherness as potentialities rather than barriers to access. It is also an invitation to transform practices and discourses, using a pedagogy that not only teaches movement, but also embraces the complexity of human sexuality as a golden thread woven into the tapestry of human flourishing.
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