Leisure and tourism: Life enhancement


  • Lida Marcela Osorio Linares Universidad de Antioquia
  • Víctor Alonso Molina Bedoya Universidad de Antioquia


community development, social inclusion, leisure, peace, public policy, tourism


Tourism has the most to gain from a sustainable and lasting peace. Government initiatives in this area will lead to improvements for Colombian society as a whole and the preservation of social, cultural and natural assets. This paper aims to analyze the approaches to leisure and recreation in the narrative of the current Colombian government (2022-2026). To this end, a desk review was conducted using content analysis and systematic document review. The corpus is composed of sectoral public policy documents, such as the Colombian Constitution of 1991, the current Government Program, the National Development Plan 2022-2026, the National Tourism Strategy 2022-2026, and the State Peace Policy. The analysis highlights the importance of leisure and tourism for local economies, community development, and thus individual and collective empowerment. These are alternatives to the dominant economic model of extractivism, plunder and concentration of the benefits of these activities, in a country that is trying to overcome the inequality, exclusion and violence that have marked its history. The study thus showed that leisure and tourism are opportunities for communities to improve their living conditions within a framework of respect for their socio-cultural and environmental diversity.

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How to Cite

Osorio Linares, L. M., & Molina Bedoya, V. A. (2024). Leisure and tourism: Life enhancement. Expomotricidad, 2024. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358923



4º Congreso Internacional de Ocio y Recreación