Configuration and change in the identity and imaginaries of physical education students


  • Rodolfo Rozengardt Instituto Superior de Educación Física


teacher training, sports identity, students’ imaginaries, vocational orientation, sociology of experience, subjectivity in education


Teacher training requires a review of the subjective processes of the students, since training does not consist of a simple transfer of information, but depends on the connections, experiences and biographies that precede and accompany the passage through the institution. Therefore, it is necessary to describe the prevailing logics in the institutions that support the decisions of those who decide to enroll, to be able to observe the development of the subjectivity from which the students' ideas, imaginaries and values about the career and the profession are shaped, mainly during their school experience and in the context of sport internships. The purpose of this work was to distinguish the genetic processes of imaginaries about the career and profession of those who choose to enroll in physical education at the ‘Instituto Superior de Educación Física’ in La Pampa, Argentina. The study was a combination of quantitative and qualitative techniques, focusing on individuals, formative devices, and the production of data through the stories of first-year students. Surveys were analyzed and compared with individual interviews, focus groups, and texts written by students. The main dimensions of the research were reasons for career choice and expectations regarding education and career. In sports, students' imaginaries are defined as an important element in school, so educational institutions must take into account the subjectivity of the students they enroll in order to design devices that allow them to question their initial imaginaries.

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How to Cite

Rozengardt, R. (2024). Configuration and change in the identity and imaginaries of physical education students. Expomotricidad, 2024. Retrieved from



5ª Conferencia Internacional de Formación Universitaria de los Profesionales del Campo