Quantification of anaerobic cellulolytic bacteria from the rumenof cattle: comparison of three techniques


  • Andres F. Londoño-Zapata University of Antioquia
  • Jaime A. Fernández-Correa University of Antioquia
  • Licet P. Molina-Guzman University of Antioquia
  • Diana Polanco-Echeverry University of Antioquia
  • Lina A. Gutiérrez-Builes University of Antioquia




anaerobic bacteria, cellulolytic activity, laboratory techniques and procedures, rumen, rumen microorganisms


Rumen microorganisms are responsible for digestion of plants material consumed by ruminants. Cellulolytic bacteria have the ability to degrade structural carbohydrates, so the abundance and enzymatic activity
of these is essential for developing strategies to manipulate the rumen fermentation.
Compare the methods for quantification of bacterial growth: most probable number, viable cell count and Roll-tube plate for enumeration of rumen bacteria.
Materials and methods
Comparative experimental study. We evaluated three methods for quantification of bacterial growth: most probable number, viable cell count and Roll-tube plate with respect to the density and diversity of ruminal
cellulolytic bacteria in rumen fluid samples collected from two cannulated Holstein females to rumen.
High and positive correlation was observed with statistical significance (0.826; p=0.000) between the quantification of viable cells by the Roll Tube method and the plaque viable cells quantification method.
Another correlation, this time negative, moderated and weak, was observed between the quantification
of viable cells obtained by the “most probable number” method with the Roll Tube method and the plaque method too. (-0.514; p=0.237;-0.374; p=0.147 respectively). The results from the determination coefficient corroborate this information. On the one hand, the “most probable number” method detected low diversity, on the other hand the other methods (Roll Tube and plaque), demonstrated consistency with regard to density and bacteria diversity.
The data suggest that the technique of counting viable cells in plaque may be most appropriate to quantify ruminal cellulolytic bacteria.
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Author Biographies

Andres F. Londoño-Zapata , University of Antioquia

Student of Industrial and Environmental Microbiology, Veterinary Microbiology Research Group, School of Microbiology, University of Antioquia. Medellín- Colombia. 

Jaime A. Fernández-Correa, University of Antioquia

Student of Industrial and Environmental Microbiology, Veterinary Microbiology Research Group, School of Microbiology, University of Antioquia. Medellín- Colombia.

Licet P. Molina-Guzman, University of Antioquia

Microbiologist and Bioanalyst, Master's Student in Microbiology and Bioanalysis, Veterinary Microbiology Research Group, School of Microbiology, University of Antioquia. Medellín-Colombia.

Diana Polanco-Echeverry, University of Antioquia

Bacteriologist and Clinical Laboratorian, Master in Biological Sciences, Veterinary Microbiology Research Group, School of Microbiology, University of Antioquia. Medellín-Colombia.

Lina A. Gutiérrez-Builes, University of Antioquia

Bacteriologist and Clinical Laboratorian, Doctor in Basic Biomedical Sciences with emphasis on Microbiology and Parasitology. Veterinary Microbiology Research Group, School of Microbiology, University of Antioquia,. Medellín-Colombia.


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How to Cite

Londoño-Zapata , A. F., Fernández-Correa, J. A., Molina-Guzman, L. P., Polanco-Echeverry, D., & Gutiérrez-Builes, L. A. (2012). Quantification of anaerobic cellulolytic bacteria from the rumenof cattle: comparison of three techniques. Hechos Microbiológicos, 2(1), 51–59. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.hm.10878



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