Bacteria identi!ed on the surface of Musca domestica and their potential pathogenicity for humans


  • Santiago Estrada Congregación Mariana Clinical Laboratory
  • María Teresa Ceballos Congregación Mariana Clinical Laboratory
  • Claudia Vanegas Congregación Mariana Clinical Laboratory
  • Sandra Yepes Congregación Mariana Clinical Laboratory
  • Manuel Santiago Estrada San Martín University Fundation
  • Gustavo Roncancio Cardiovascular Clinic



Musca domestica, fly, bacteria


To identify which bacteria colonize the surface of Musca domestica and their potential pathogenicity for humans.
Exploratory descriptive study. Study Material: Musca domestica. Flies were trapped in different places, these were procedure: initially introdijo the Fly in BHI broth as enrichment broth, and then was incubated was planted in different agars, where bacterial growth was obtained, which were identified following the  process you have in the clinical laboratory Marian Congregation.
We captured a total of 20 flies, which are able to document the growth of many bacteria, the most common: Bacillus spp (18,5%), followed by coagulase negative Staphylococcus (16.9%), Escherichia spp (11.8%),  Pseudomonas spp (11.8%), Klebsiella pneumoniae (8.4%), Corynebacterium spp (5.0%) and Providencia spp, Streptococcus spp, Enterobacter cloacae with (3.3%) isolates each, among others.
In this study it was possible to isolate and identify bacteria flora species such as Musca domestica on the surface and reviewed the role of these bacteria as causative agents of human disease.
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Author Biographies

Santiago Estrada, Congregación Mariana Clinical Laboratory

Congregación Mariana Clinical Laboratory, Medellin.

María Teresa Ceballos, Congregación Mariana Clinical Laboratory

Congregation Mariana Clinical Laboratory, Medellin.

Claudia Vanegas, Congregación Mariana Clinical Laboratory

Congregation Mariana Clinical Laboratory, Medellin.

Sandra Yepes, Congregación Mariana Clinical Laboratory

Congregación Mariana Clinical Laboratory, Medellín. 

Manuel Santiago Estrada, San Martín University Fundation

Medical student, San Martín University Foundation, Medellín.

Gustavo Roncancio, Cardiovascular Clinic

Medellín Cardiovascular Clinic.


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How to Cite

Estrada, S., Ceballos, M. T., Vanegas, C., Yepes, S., Estrada, M. S., & Roncancio, G. (2012). Bacteria identi!ed on the surface of Musca domestica and their potential pathogenicity for humans. Hechos Microbiológicos, 2(2), 55–62.



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