Evaluation of the potential of fruit peels in obtaining bioethanol
bioethanol, fruit peel, lignocellulosic biomass, acid hydrolysis, orange, lemon, tangerineAbstract
Introduction: First generation biofuels have been controversial be-cause of land use and cultivation of products that en-danger food security. Fruit peels are a high production agro-industrial waste across the country, which consti-tutes an important source of lignocellulosic biomass that can be used to obtain third-generation etanol.
Objective: In the present study, we evaluated the potential for the production of ethanol of three citrus fruits from the Colombian Caribbean region: lemon (Citrus limonCPW L.), common orange (Citrus sinensis) and com-mon tangerine (Citrus nobilis).MaterIalsand MethodsAlcoholic fermentation of sugar syrup, obtained from acid hydrolysis of peels, was carried out after size re-duction and lignin removal.
Results: Results showed that the optimal fermentation time in all cases was 24 hours. Tangerine peels showed the best levels with 15.95 mg of ethanol per gram, fol-lowed by orange with 13.98 mg/g. The lemon peel showed the lowest levels with 9.32 mg/g.
Conclusions: The efficiency of the laboratory-scale process was very low, yet capable of optimization at industrial level.
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