Evaluation of the potential of fruit peels in obtaining bioethanol


  • Lesly Tejeda B. University of Cartagena
  • Wilfredo Marimón University of Cartagena
  • Mauricio Medina University of Cartagena




bioethanol, fruit peel, lignocellulosic biomass, acid hydrolysis, orange, lemon, tangerine


Introduction: First generation biofuels have been controversial be-cause of  land use and cultivation of  products that en-danger food security. Fruit peels are a high production agro-industrial waste across the country, which consti-tutes an important source of  lignocellulosic biomass that can be used to obtain third-generation etanol.

Objective: In  the  present  study,  we  evaluated  the  potential  for  the production of  ethanol of  three citrus fruits from the Colombian Caribbean region: lemon (Citrus limonCPW  L.),  common  orange  (Citrus  sinensis) and  com-mon tangerine (Citrus nobilis).MaterIalsand MethodsAlcoholic fermentation of  sugar syrup, obtained from acid hydrolysis of peels, was carried out after size re-duction and lignin removal.

Results: Results  showed  that  the  optimal  fermentation  time  in all cases was 24 hours. Tangerine peels showed the best levels with 15.95 mg of  ethanol per gram, fol-lowed  by  orange  with  13.98  mg/g.  The  lemon  peel  showed the lowest levels with 9.32 mg/g.

Conclusions:  The efficiency of the laboratory-scale process was very low, yet capable of optimization at industrial level.

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Author Biographies

Lesly Tejeda B., University of Cartagena

IDAB Research Group, University of Cartagena. Colombia.

Wilfredo Marimón, University of Cartagena

IDAB Research Group, University of Cartagena, Colombia.

Mauricio Medina, University of Cartagena

IDAB Research Group, University of Cartagena, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Tejeda B., L. ., Marimón, W. ., & Medina, M. (2016). Evaluation of the potential of fruit peels in obtaining bioethanol. Hechos Microbiológicos, 5(1), 4–9. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.hm.323244



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