Evaluation of bioestimulation using a microbial consortium to PCB degradation in soil


  • Nancy johanna Pino R. University of Antioquia
  • Luisa Munera University of Antioquia
  • Gustavo Peñuela University of Antioquia




bioremediation, PCB, biostimulation, biodegradation


In  this  work  two  microorganisms  able  to  degrade  polychlorinated  biphenyl  (PCB)  were  isolated  from  contaminated soil. The isolated microorganisms were identified  as Pseudomonas  spp.  and  Stenotrophomonasspp.  In  order  to  evaluate  the  efficiency  of  a bioaugmentation  strategy  for  PCB  contamination,  PCB   degrading   microorganisms   were   inoculated   into  soil  microcosms.  PCB  congeners  44,  66,  118,  138,  153,  170  and  180  were  monitored  during  the  bioremediation  assay.  In  liquid  culture  using  PCB  as sole carbon source, removal percentages of  37%, 32,6%,  and  15%  were  obtained  for  PCB  44,  66  and  118 respectively. Bioaugmentation assays were carried out using sterilized and non-sterilized soil, the highest removal percentages for all congeners were observed in  sterilized  soil,  demonstrating  the  effect  of   native  microorganism on the added inoculum.

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Author Biographies

Nancy johanna Pino R., University of Antioquia

School of Microbiology, University of Antioquia. Diagnosis and Pollution Control Group, Faculty of Engineering, University Research Center, University of Antioquia.

Luisa Munera, University of Antioquia

School of Microbiology, University of Antioquia.

Gustavo Peñuela, University of Antioquia

Diagnosis and Pollution Control Group, Faculty of Engineering, University Research Center, University of Antioquia.


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How to Cite

Pino R., N. johanna ., Munera, L., & Peñuela, G. . (2016). Evaluation of bioestimulation using a microbial consortium to PCB degradation in soil. Hechos Microbiológicos, 5(1), 16–24. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.hm.323246



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