Preliminary microbiological environmental assessment of the Coro public prison due to its adaptation as a city conservatory
environmental microbiology, surface microbiology, Staphylococcus intermedius, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomona putidaAbstract
Introduction: a microbiological evaluation was con-ducted in order to characterize and identify microor-ganisms present in the environment of which was formerly the Coro prison, in the state of Falcón in Ve-nezuela, as part of the preliminary studies of restora-tion and adaptation processes of the building as a city conservatory. The building is located within the area declared by the UNESCO as World Cultural Heritage of Humanity (N°658) due to its historical value (AHV).
Methods: Thirty-one (31) samples were collect-ed from seven environments on the surface of the building at points of interest, with the presence of stains, humidity, discoloration on the floor and walls to a maximum height of 1.5 m as criteria. Samples were collected according to the NCCLS M40 standard system, cultured and then characterized. The isolated strains were resuspended in solution using the McFar-land method and inoculated on cards for identifica-tion using the Vitek®-2 system.
Results: five microbial species - Staphylococcus intermedius (55 %); Rhizobium radiobacter (28 %); Aspergillus spp. (10 %); Staphylococcus aureus (3 %) and Pseudomona putida (3 %) - were isolated and identified. The latter two were evaluated for susceptibility test to antibiotics.
Conclusions: the use of disinfectants into the building before its adaptation as a conservatory is su-ggested, given the findings of this study related with the presence of resistant bacteria to antibiotics, pre-viously associated with human diseases.
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