Systematization of studies that evaluate the link between infections by parasites and cancer
parasites, cancer, carcinogenesis, biomarker, tumor, neoplasiaAbstract
IntroductIon: cancer is one of the main causes of death in the world. It is estimated that between 16 and 20% of cancer cases are produced by infectious agents. The aim of this review was to systematize studies that describe the relationship between para-sites and cancer.
Methods: a systematic review of original stud-ies was conducted by completing the identification, screening, eligibility and inclusion phases. The repro-ducibility of the study was guaranteed through the ap-plication of the research protocol by two researchers, independently.
Results: out of 233,613 publications identified in the electronic databases, a total of 229 articles were included in this study. A total of twenty-seven (27) parasites were found to be associated with thirty-nine (39) types of cancer. Helminths constituted the main group of parasites related to cancer, being Schistosoma haematobium the most commonly studied. The descrip-tive (n = 86) and experimental (n = 75) studies were the most frequent, while few cohort studies (n = 3) and cases and controls (n = 1) were reported. The mechanism of carcinogenesis was established for 9 parasite species, three (3) of which are classed by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as group 1 carcinogens (Clonorchis sinensis, Opisthorchis viverrini and Schistosoma haematobium), and one (1) as 2B subgroup (Schistosoma japonicum), which includes pos-sible carcinogens.
Conclusion: the studies showed thatparasites not included by the IARC in its classification are de-scribed as carcinogenic. The fact that their potential as carcinogens is still overlooked may represent an important cause of cancer.
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