Microbial processes and human activities related to problems of unsustainability: a systematic review 2005-2012
microbiology, human activities, microbial processes, energy, agriculture, sustainable developmentAbstract
Introduction: the problems of unsustainability are social-ecological issues. The study of this kind of problems requires contributions from different disci-plines such as microbiology.
Methods: this systematic review of the literature was aimed at describing problems of unsustainability tackled by microbiology, as well as the microbial pro-cesses and human activities related to them.
Results: the results indicate that studies on micro-biology focus mainly on two problems, namely, far-mland degradation and depletion, and energy sources depletion. In this context, the microbial processes that seem to be more important are nutrient recycling, and lipid and hydrogen production.
conclusion: the human activities explored to study these processes are crop management practices, bio-fertilizer use and production, and biofuel production.
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