Microbial processes and human activities related to problems of unsustainability: a systematic review 2005-2012


  • Walter A. Salas Zapata University of Antioquia
  • Deisy J. Zuluaga González University of Antioquia
  • Edwin E. Alzate Caicedo University of Antioquia




microbiology, human activities, microbial processes, energy, agriculture, sustainable development


Introduction:  the  problems  of  unsustainability are social-ecological issues. The study of this kind of problems requires contributions from different disci-plines such as microbiology.

Methods: this systematic review of the literature was aimed at describing problems of unsustainability tackled by microbiology, as well as the microbial pro-cesses and human activities related to them.

Results: the results indicate that studies on micro-biology focus mainly on two problems, namely, far-mland degradation and depletion, and energy sources depletion. In this context, the microbial  processes that seem to be more important are nutrient recycling, and lipid and hydrogen production.

conclusion: the human activities explored to study these processes are crop management practices, bio-fertilizer use and production, and biofuel production.


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Author Biographies

Walter A. Salas Zapata, University of Antioquia

PhD in Sustainability, Health and Sustainability Research Group, School of Microbiology, University of Antioquia.

Deisy J. Zuluaga González, University of Antioquia

PhD in Sustainability, Health and Sustainability Research Group, School of Microbiology, University of Antioquia.

Edwin E. Alzate Caicedo, University of Antioquia

Industrial and Environmental Microbiologist, Health and Sustainability Research Group, School of Microbiology, University of Antioquia.


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How to Cite

Salas Zapata, W. A., Zuluaga González, D. J., & Alzate Caicedo, E. E. (2019). Microbial processes and human activities related to problems of unsustainability: a systematic review 2005-2012. Hechos Microbiológicos, 7(1-2), 48–60. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.hm.337547



Revisiones sistemáticas