Wage Adjustment Practices and the Link between Price and Wages: Survey Evidence from Colombian Firms


  • Ana Iregui Bank of the Republic
  • Ligia Melo Bank of the Republic
  • María Ramírez Bank of the Republic




wage increases, labor market, survey evidence, logit models, Colombia


This paper explores firms’ wage adjustment practices in the Colombian formal labor market; specifically, the timing and frequency of wage increases, as well as the link between wage and price changes. We use a survey of 1,305 firms belonging to all economic sectors. The results show that most firms adjust base wages annually, increases were concentrated around observed inflation and none of the firms cut wages. Moreover, factors associated with the performance of firms and workers alike are the main determinants of wage adjustments. The link between wages and price changes is stronger in sectors where labor costs represent a higher share of total costs and in firms operating in sectors with higher labor productivity.

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Author Biographies

Ana Iregui, Bank of the Republic

researcher at the Investigations Unit of the Technical Management of Banco de la República.

Ligia Melo, Bank of the Republic

Researcher at the Investigations Unit of the Technical Management of Banco de la República

María Ramírez, Bank of the Republic

Researcher at the Investigations Unit of the Technical Management of Banco de la República


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How to Cite

Iregui, . A., Melo, L., & Ramírez, M. (2012). Wage Adjustment Practices and the Link between Price and Wages: Survey Evidence from Colombian Firms. Lecturas De Economia, (76), 17–53. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.le.n76a12811


