A Covariance Structure Analysis of the Intrafamilial Effects of Well-Being: the Case of Antioquia (Colombia), 2003


  • Liliana María Gallego Duque Autonomous University of Barcelona




capability approach, children and young people, well being, Structural Equation Model (SEM)


This study suggests that children capabilities are influenced by family surroundings inducing household well-being in the functioning space of the household to influence health and education levels. The methodology applied in this study follows a Covariance Structure Model and analyzes the case of Antioquia (Colombia). The results suggest positive impacts of education and household well-being, affecting children’s education and health levels. This suggests that the State should encourage policies aimed at improving people’s well-being in order to increase freedom of opportunity.

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Author Biography

Liliana María Gallego Duque, Autonomous University of Barcelona

candidate for a PhD in Applied Economics, Autonomous University of Barcelona.


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How to Cite

Gallego Duque, L. M. (2010). A Covariance Structure Analysis of the Intrafamilial Effects of Well-Being: the Case of Antioquia (Colombia), 2003. Lecturas De Economia, 72(72), 77–102. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.le.n72a6500


