

  • Luisa Fernanda Alzáte D. University of San Buenaventura
  • Mayra Valencia Z. University of San Buenaventura
  • Raul Cuervo M. University of San Buenaventura




Aspergillus niger, Chitosan, Electrospinning


In this research was performed the extraction, characterization and shaping by electrospinning of chitosan from cell wall of the fungus Aspergillus niger. The fungus was grown and processed within the premises of the University of San Buenaventura, Cali, Colombia, Instituto Tecnologico de Merida, Merida, Mexico, and Scientific Research Center of Yucatan, Merida, Mexico. Methodology is based on a basic hydrolysis process using 40% NaOH at 95 ° C for 5 hours. Subsequent acid treatment was performed with 10% HCl and then precipitation of chitosan performed using 30% NaOH. Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and nuclear magnetic resonance was used. A solution of trifluoroacetic acid / Dichloromethane 70/30 respectively and chitosan to 7% w / v. was used in the electrospinning setup, generating films of continuous fibers (of lengths less
than one micron) forming a highly porous three-dimensional membrane. The films were characterized by SEM and SEM-EDX.
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Author Biographies

Luisa Fernanda Alzáte D., University of San Buenaventura

Materials Engineering student, University of San Buenaventura. Cali, Colombia.

Mayra Valencia Z., University of San Buenaventura

Professor, University of San Buenaventura. Cali, Colombia.

Raul Cuervo M., University of San Buenaventura

Professor, University of San Buenaventura. Cali, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Alzáte D., L. F., Valencia Z., M. ., & Cuervo M., R. (2014). Revista Colombiana De Materiales, (5), 42–47. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rcm.19418