

  • Carolina Montoya Mesa EAFIT University
  • Edgar Alexander Ossa Henao EAFIT University




Dentin, Microestructure, Hard tissues, Raman Spectroscopy


Dentin is a hard tissue that occupies the majority of the human tooth. Preliminary research conducted in the United States showed that the microstructure of human dentin from patients of Colombia is unique, since the lumens showed to be smaller and the tubule distribution was non-uniform. This quality is critically important to the mechanical properties of dentin. According to these results, as a first step to define the importance of ethnic background on the properties of dentin, in this study the microstructure and chemical composition of the dentin of a group of young Colombian patients was
studied using micros copic techniques and Raman Spectroscopy. It was found a decrease in tubules diameter anddensity as well asorganic matter content when approaching the Dental Enamel Junction (DEJ). The results obtained were similar to those found for US patients, showing that these properties are independent of ethnic background.
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Author Biographies

Carolina Montoya Mesa, EAFIT University

Production Engineering Department, Eafit University, Medellín, Colombia

Edgar Alexander Ossa Henao, EAFIT University

Production Engineering Department, Eafit University, Medellín, Colombia


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How to Cite

Montoya Mesa, C., & Ossa Henao, E. A. (2014). Revista Colombiana De Materiales, (5), 73–78. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rcm.19425