Emotion as the indomitable and guiding agent of human beings. The presence of eros in the psyche
Emotion, soul, gods, instict, conscience, Pan, Eros, androgynous, myth, nature, psyche, dream, polytheism, unconscious, HermesAbstract
The claim by distorting human existence generated the evolution of a world worthy of pity shameful. This distortion is mainly due to ignorance of the emotions that invade the human being regardless of their conscience. Monotheism imposed by man upon the soul, becomes imminent transformation of the psyche through their return to Greece. This text is the first part of a thoughtful work on the mental life in manThe claim by distorting human existence generated the evolution of a world worthy of pity shameful. This distortion is mainly due to ignorance of the emotions that invade the human being regardless of their conscience.
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