Servqual model application and quality engineering tools in planning to improve the Universidad de Antioquia Central Library services
service quality, quality function deployment, planning serviceAbstract
This article is the result of research conducted at the University of Antioquia Central Library in 2010. The formulated questions were: what are the fundamentals that affect the quality of service perceived by users of the Central Library of the University of Antioquia? How to establish adequate service standards to meet the requirements of users overcome the practice of only meeting the minimum quality requirements? The research design was descriptive type. The SERVQUAL model was applied with the combination of quality engineering techniques as the Quality Function Deployment matrix (QFD) and statistical techniques such as factor analysis. The result was a methodology that leads to identify critical service standards to meet the requirements of users, and also sets the foundation for the formulation of a value package that goes beyond the minimum quality requirements in the service of library.
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