Review of the Wiener’s Problemor of Ontological Status of Information


  • Ariel Antonio Morán Reyes Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México



Information theory, library science fundamentals, information philosophy


The construct called “information” is a powerful and privileged but elusive and blurry concept. Wiener’s problem tries to elucidate the fragmented nature of this concept, taking it apart from a merely physicalist point of view denying its hylemorphic condition. This paper examines surrounding and tangential issues regarding the ontological status of information and states a noetic notion on such concept, therefore serving as a basis for informational studies and science. The target is not only ending the discussion but stating a meticulous analysis, - from the information philosophy perspective- articulating some of the unfinished library science discussions.

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Author Biography

Ariel Antonio Morán Reyes, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Master's Degree in Library and Information Studies Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy(Universidad Nacional Autónomade México)


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How to Cite

Morán Reyes, A. A. . (2015). Review of the Wiener’s Problemor of Ontological Status of Information. Revista Interamericana De Bibliotecología, 38(1), 65–78.


