The Process of Documentary Assessment in Light of the Result of Current Archival Science Debates


  • Jorge del Castillo Guevara University of Havana
  • Grettel Ravelo Díaz University of Havana



Archival science, Custodial and Post-custodial approaches, documentary assessment


Currently, documentary assessment is one of the most controversial processes in archival science because of its implications from an informational, political and social point of view. Although the background of this process dates back to medieval times, it would be inaccurate to speak about some theoretical systematization before Americans Philip Brooks and Theodore Schellenberg's contributions in the 40s and 50s in the 20th century. In the light of the post custodial paradigm, the assessment of archival documents has been the object of increasing theoretical reflections, which has led to different positions. This article intends to perform an approach to archival document assessment based on custodial and post custodial paradigms. To that effect, it addresses some of the aspects which have been the subject of questioning in both cases. Afterwards, this article presents a macro assessment analysis and its fundamental characteristics. 

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Author Biographies

Jorge del Castillo Guevara , University of Havana

Degree in Information Sciences, University of Havana. Assistant Professor, Faculty of Communication, University of Havana - Cuba.

Grettel Ravelo Díaz, University of Havana

Degree in Information Sciences, University of Havana. Specialist in information analysis and processing, Empresa de Servicios de Información para el Transporte. Ministry of Transportation. Cuba


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How to Cite

del Castillo Guevara , J., & Ravelo Díaz, G. (2017). The Process of Documentary Assessment in Light of the Result of Current Archival Science Debates. Revista Interamericana De Bibliotecología, 40(3), 273–283.


