Projected and Projectable Writing on the Walls of Museums: A Proposed Analysis from Information Science
Writing, museums, writing surfaces, information scienceAbstract
The human being, from its primitive stage, is dedicated to finding ways of survival, but also to observation and contemplation. He created, and continues to do, images of their surroundings and their daily activities. In this research, we propose as objective to identify shapes and objects required for the presentation of writing on the walls of museums. To this end, it is presented a descriptive study of first approximation; the process was documentary research and field study in 193 museums or art galleries, distributed in Mexico (City of Mexico), Spain (Madrid, Bilbao, Zaragoza) and France (Paris) in the period: January 2011-June 2017. After 12 art pieces selected on proceeded to the analysis and the writing of the results and conclusions. One of the derivations for visits and inquiries in some museums is that certain tools for projecting pieces of art on the walls are used: surveillance cameras and projectors connected to computers, and slideshow projectors. Image processing or artistic artifacts for the gathering of humanity is not new, has a long history, they existed in the cave and they are showing in museums. Manufacturing parts for display and projection in museums contain scriptural samples, as well as images.
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