The Analysis of the Citation of Scientific Articles in Doctoral Theses in Pedagogical Sciences at the University of Matanzas


  • Walfredo González Hernández Universidad de Matanzas



citation, doctoral thesis, effective citation, references


The citation of articles in scientific production is an important indicator of quality, as demonstrated in the first moments of this document. This text defines effective citation as a way of assessing the topicality of the thesis on the basis of the references used. Subsequently, a study of the effective citation of scientific articles and the differences with the citation measures used so far in the doctoral theses of Pedagogical Sciences of the University of Matanzas, defended in the period 2017-2019, was carried out. In the study was used the documentary analysis method. The results obtained are organised in the form of tables and graphs that allow to illustrate the difficulties encountered in the theses. The main difficulty is the poor number of citations of scientific articles in the main databases of the world related to the subject of the thesis. Finally, the results obtained are contrasted with other researches and the little use of bibliography obtained from the main databases in the doctoral researches in Pedagogical Sciences of the University of Matanzas is evidenced.

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Author Biography

Walfredo González Hernández, Universidad de Matanzas

Doctor por la Universidad Pedagógica Enrique José Varona en Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba. Maestro en Didáctica de la Matemática y licenciado en Educación Especialidad Matemática Computación por el Instituto Superior Pedagógico Juan Marinello. Profesor titular de la carrera Ingeniería Informática en la Universidad de Matanzas, Cuba.



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How to Cite

González Hernández, W. (2023). The Analysis of the Citation of Scientific Articles in Doctoral Theses in Pedagogical Sciences at the University of Matanzas. Revista Interamericana De Bibliotecología, 46(2), 14.


